
giovedì 3 ottobre 2024

# gst: extreme events in two-coupled chaotic oscillators.

This AA study << focuses on the emergence of extreme events in a system of diffusively and bidirectionally two coupled Rössler oscillators and unraveling the mechanism behind the genesis of extreme events. (AA) find the appearance of extreme events in three different observables: average velocity, synchronization error, and one transverse directional variable to the synchronization manifold. >>

<< The emergence of extreme events in average velocity variables happens due to the occasional in-phase synchronization. The on-off intermittency plays for the crucial role in the genesis of extreme events in the synchronization error dynamics and in the transverse directional variable to the synchronization manifold. The bubble transition of the chaotic attractor due to the on-off intermittency is illustrated for the transverse directional variable. >>

S. Sudharsan, Tapas Kumar Pal, et al. Extreme events in two-coupled chaotic oscillators. arXiv: 2409.15855v1 [nlin.CD]. Sep 24, 2024. 

Also: transition, bubble, in 

Keywords: gst, transition, bubble transition, extreme events

martedì 1 ottobre 2024

# gst: dynamics of pulsating spheres orbiting black holes.

AA << study the chaotic dynamics of spinless extended bodies in a wide class of spherically symmetric spacetimes, which encompasses black-hole scenarios in many modified theories of gravity. (They) show that a spherically symmetric pulsating ball may have chaotic motion in this class of spacetimes. >>

AA << use Melnikov's method to show the presence of homoclinic intersections, which imply chaotic behavior, as a consequence of (their)  assumption that the test body has an oscillating radius. >>

Fernanda de F. Rodrigues, Ricardo A. Mosna, Ronaldo S. S. Vieira. Chaotic dynamics of pulsating spheres orbiting black holes. arXiv: 2409.14667v1 [gr-qc]. Sep 23, 2024.

Also: black hole, in 

Keywords: gst, black hole, homoclinic orbit, chaos, transition

lunedì 30 settembre 2024

# gst: complexity of a flat-foldings random origami

AA << give the result of approximate enumeration of the total number of flat-foldings of single-vertex origami diagram with random width of angles gathering around the central vertex, and obtain its size dependence for an asymptotic prediction towards the limit of infinite size. >>️

<< In addition, an outlook with respect to the chained determination of local stacking orders of facets caused by the constraint that prohibits the penetration of them is also provided from the viewpoint of organizing the terms included in the physical model. A method to efficiently solve the problem of the determination or enumeration of flat-foldings is discussed based on the above perspectives. >>️

Chihiro Nakajima. An Efficient Enumeration of Flat-Foldings : Study on Random Single Vertex Origami. arXiv: 2409.03240v1 [cond-mat.stat-mech]. Sep 5, 2024.

Also: origami, kirigami, in 

Keywords: gst, origami, kirigami 

venerdì 27 settembre 2024

# life: anyone could now run small AIs privately on their laptops

<< Artificial-intelligence models are typically used online, but a host of openly available tools is changing that. Here’s how to get started with local AIs. >>️

Matthew Hutson. Forget ChatGPT: why researchers now run small AIs on their laptops. Nature 633, 728-729 (2024). Sep 16, 2024. Correction: Sep 24,  2024. 

Also: ai (artificial intell), Donald, in 

Keywords: gst, ai, artificial intelligence, life, Donald

FonT: In a completely bizarre hypothesis, with the right personal AI consultant, even a medieval history professor could be absolutely operational in other fields, for example in the agri-food sector (here we underline: absolutely).
In case of serious mistakes, the AI ​​entity can be held entirely responsible, or it can be blamed on an unfortunate malfunction due to hacking, anzicheforse. 

Also: << Asked if Strohschneider (Peter Strohschneider) wrote the report himself, the spokesperson said he “was able to propose language” for it and that a “limited number of staff” helped Strohschneider write it. >> Balazs Ujvari. 

Eddy Wax. Von der Leyen budgeted €149K to pay medieval history professor for farming report. Sep 26, 2024 4:20 am CET. 

mercoledì 25 settembre 2024

# gst: apropos of intermittent switchings, presence of chaotic saddles in fluid turbulence.

<< Intermittent switchings between weakly chaotic (laminar) and strongly chaotic (bursty) states are often observed in systems with high-dimensional chaotic attractors, such as fluid turbulence. They differ from the intermittency of a low-dimensional system accompanied by the stability change of a fixed point or a periodic orbit in that the intermittency of a high-dimensional system tends to appear in a wide range of parameters. >>️

Here AA << demonstrate the presence of chaotic saddles underlying intermittency in fluid turbulence and phase synchronization. Furthermore, (they) confirm that chaotic saddles persist for a wide range of parameters. Also, a kind of phase synchronization turns out to occur in the turbulent model. >>️

Hibiki Kato, Miki U Kobayashi, et al. A laminar chaotic saddle within a turbulent attractor. arXiv: 2409.08870v1 [nlin.CD]. Sep 13, 2024. 

Also: transition, turbulence, intermittency, chaos, in 

Keywords: gst, transition, turbulence, intermittency, chaos

lunedì 23 settembre 2024

# gst: simultaneous presence of attraction and repulsion in quantum self-sustained oscillators

AA << study the emergent dynamics of quantum self-sustained oscillators induced by the simultaneous presence of attraction and repulsion in the coupling path. >>

They << discover an interesting symmetry-breaking transition from quantum limit cycle oscillation to a quantum inhomogeneous steady state. This transition is contrary to the previously known symmetry-breaking transition from a quantum homogeneous state to an inhomogeneous steady state. >>

<< Remarkably, (they) find the generation of entanglement associated with the symmetry-breaking transition that has no analog in the classical domain. >>

Bulti Paul, Biswabibek Bandyopadhyay, Tanmoy Banerjee. Attractive-repulsive interaction in coupled quantum oscillators. Phys. Rev. E 110, 034210. Sept 19, 2024. 

Also: transition, noise, in 

Keywords: gst, transition, symmetry-breaking transition, noise, attractive-repulsive interaction, coupled qu-oscillator

venerdì 20 settembre 2024

# gst: a body of revolution with a cat’s toy mechanism.

AA << introduce a class of examples which provide an affine generalization of the nonholonomic problem of a convex body rolling without slipping on the plane. >>
They << prove that (this system can be) integrable if the generalized momentum M is vertical (i.e. parallel to γ) and exhibit numerical evidence that it is chaotic otherwise. >>️

M. Costa Villegas, L.C. García-Naranjo. Affine generalizations of the nonholonomic problem of a convex body rolling without slipping on the plane. arXiv: 2409.08072v1 [math-ph]. Sep 12, 2024. 

Also: transition, chaos, in 

Keywords: gst, transition, chaos