
mercoledì 19 febbraio 2025

# gst: alignment-induced self-organization of autonomously steering microswimmers: turbulence, clusters, vortices, and jets.

<< Microorganisms can sense their environment and adapt their movement accordingly, which gives rise to a multitude of collective phenomena, including active turbulence and bioconvection. In fluid environments, collective self-organization is governed by hydrodynamic interactions. >>

<< By large-scale mesoscale hydrodynamics simulations, (AA) study the collective motion of polar microswimmers, which align their propulsion direction by hydrodynamic steering with that of their neighbors. The simulations of the employed squirmer model reveal a distinct dependence on the type of microswimmer—puller or pusher—flow field. No global polar alignment emerges in both cases. Instead, the collective motion of pushers is characterized by active turbulence, with nearly homogeneous density and a Gaussian velocity distribution; strong self-steering enhances the local coherent movement of microswimmers and leads to local fluid-flow speeds much larger than the individual swim speed. >>

<< Pullers exhibit a strong tendency for clustering and display velocity and vorticity distributions with fat exponential tails; their dynamics is chaotic, with a temporal appearance of vortex rings and fluid jets. >>

AA << results show that the collective behavior of autonomously steering microswimmers displays a rich variety of dynamic self-organized structures. >>

Segun Goh, Elmar Westphal, et al. Alignment-induced self-organization of autonomously steering microswimmers: Turbulence, clusters, vortices, and jets. Phys. Rev. Research 7, 013142. Feb 7, 2025. 

Also: swim, microswimmer, particle, turbulencechaos, noise, in 

Keywords: gst, swim, swimmer, microswimmers, particle, turbulence, chaos, noise

martedì 18 febbraio 2025

# gst: route from avalanches with random fields to stochastic branching events

<< Many complex systems with discrete symmetry breaking exhibit avalanche dynamics. Under quasistatically slow external driving, the temporal evolution v(t) of physical observables appears to be split between long periods of quiescence and well-delimited fast transformation events, the so-called avalanches. >>

<< Due to their fast nature, such avalanches can be regarded as instantaneous and labeled as point events k in time with a branching parameter. (..) Many physical systems exhibit criticality in the form of scale-free avalanches rendering power-law distributions of sizes and durations. >>️

<< Avalanches in mean-field models can be mapped to memoryless branching processes defining a universality class. (AA) present a reduced expression mapping a broad family of critical and subcriticial avalanches in mean-field models at the thermodynamic limit to rooted trees in a memoryless Poisson branching processes with random occurrence times. (They) derive the exact mapping for the athermal random field Ising model and the democratic fiber bundle model, where avalanche statistics progress towards criticality, and as an approximation for the self-organized criticality in slip mean-field theory. Avalanche dynamics and statistics in the three models differ only on the evolution of the field density, interaction strength, and the product of both terms determining the branching number. >>
Jordi Baró, Álvaro Corral. A universal route from avalanches in mean-field models with random fields to stochastic Poisson branching events. arXiv: 2502.08526v3 [cond-mat.dis-nn]. Feb 15, 2025. 

Also: waves, instability, transition, in 

Keywords: gst, waves, instability, transition

lunedì 17 febbraio 2025

# gst: intrinsic disorder bars intruders (from biomolecular condensates)

<< It was recently discovered that eukaryotic cells are host to a multiplicity of biomolecular condensates. These condensates typically contain protein and/or RNA components with intrinsically disordered regions (IDRs). While IDRs have been proposed and demonstrated to play many roles in condensate biology, (AA) suggest here an additional crucial role of IDRs, which is to exclude unwanted “intruders” from condensates. This exclusion effect arises from the large conformational entropy of IDRs; i.e., there is a high free-energy cost to occupying space that would otherwise be available to the IDRs. By combining polymer theory with sticker-spacer simulations, (They) show that the relevant insertion free energy increases with the concentration of IDRs in the condensate as well as with intruder size, attaining a linear scaling with surface area for large intruders. >>

AA << find that at realistic IDR concentrations, particles as small as the size of an average protein (4 nm in diameter) can be 97% excluded from condensates. To overcome this entropic barrier, molecules must interact favorably with condensate components to be recruited as clients. Application of the developed size-exclusion theory to biological condensates suggests that condensate IDRs may play a generic exclusionary role across organisms and types of condensates. >>️

Vladimir Grigorev, Ned S. Wingreen, Yaojun Zhang. Conformational Entropy of Intrinsically Disordered Proteins Bars Intruders from Biomolecular Condensates. PRX Life 3, 013011. Feb 14, 2025.

Also: order, disorder, disorder & fluctuations, transition, in 

Keywords: gst, order, disorder, disorder & fluctuations, transitions

sabato 15 febbraio 2025

# life: oops! It would appear that Mr. Donald intends to open hunt for Academics as well ... maybe these people are penniless immigrants too?

<< A prominent US scientific society altered its website to remove references to diversity and equity ― terms targeted by the administration of US President Donald Trump. Articles about scientists who are members of under-represented groups also temporarily vanished from the site, although they have since reappeared. >>

<< In an e-mail, ASM (Am Soc for Microbiol) president Theresa Koehler told Nature that the organization had followed legal advice to review all of its webpages, in the hope of protecting its federally funded programmes. >>️

Humberto Basilio. ‘We are a target’: scientific society under pressure after Trump DEI crackdown. Nature. doi: 10.1038/ d41586-025-00372-0. Feb 7, 2025. 

Also: A new exception within the FDA Cures Act Informed Consent, the intriguing concept of 'Minimal Risk Clinical Investigations'. FonT. Feb 1, 2024. 

Also: ️<< You should never be comfortable, man. Being comfortable fouled up a lot of musicians. >> Miles Davis. 

Also: oops, Mr. Donald, forms of power, virus, sars* covid* (aka 1or2achoos), dance, are you ready for all this, in 

Keywords: life, oops, Mr. Donald, forms of power, acad, virus, sars, covid, 1or2achoos, dance, are you ready for all this

venerdì 14 febbraio 2025

# gst: rise and fall of a multicomponent droplet in a surrounding fluid along a bumpy path.

<< The coupling between mass transfer and hydrodynamic phenomena in two-phase flow is not straightforward due to the different effects that can be encountered. >>

Here, AA << consider the case of a two-component droplet (one miscible and one immiscible in water) released in a 2D rectangular domain filled with water. Mass transfer occurs between the miscible element and the surrounding water, which leads to a density inversion that directly affects the droplet trajectory through buoyancy. >>

Mirantsoa Aime Rasolofomanana, Romain Le Tellier, Herve Henry. Rise and fall of a multicomponent droplet in a surrounding fluid: Simulation study of a bumpy path. Phys. Rev. Fluids 10, 023601. Feb 5, 2025. 

<< the coupling between the flow and the diffusion leads to a significant increase in the magnitude of the upward motion of the droplet before it starts to fall. >>️

arXiv: 2403.20040v2 [physics.flu-dyn]. Dec 18, 2024. 

Also: drop, droplet, droploid, in 

Keywords: gst, drop, droplet, droploid 

giovedì 13 febbraio 2025

# gst: necklacelike pattern of vortex bound states

<< A vortex is a topological defect in the superconducting condensate when a magnetic field is applied to a type-II superconductor, (..). Because of the confinement of the quasiparticles by a vortex, it exhibits a circular-shaped pattern of bound states with discrete energy levels, (..) >>

 Here, AA << report a completely new type of vortex pattern which is necklacelike in an iron-based superconductor (..). (AA) theoretical analysis shows that this necklacelike vortex pattern arises primarily from selective off-shell interference between vortex bound states of opposite angular momenta in the presence of rotational symmetry breaking due to disorders. >>

<< This fascinating effect can be observed in a system with a small Fermi energy and wave vector, conditions fortuitously met in (Their) samples. (AA) results not only disclose a novel vortex structure, but also unravel a completely new quantum phenomenon in the superconducting condensate. >>️

Zhiyong Hou, Kailun Chen, et al. Necklacelike Pattern of Vortex Bound States. Phys. Rev. X 15, 011027. Feb 7, 2025.   arXiv: 2407.08547v1 [cond-mat.supr-con]. Jul 11, 2024.

Also: vortex, disorder, disorder & fluctuations, in 

Keywords: gst, vortex, vortex bound states, symmetry breaking, disorder, disorder & fluctuations, necklacelike patterns

mercoledì 12 febbraio 2025

# gst: chaotic billiards inside mixed curvatures

<< The boundary of a billiard system dictates its dynamics, which can be integrable, mixed, or fully chaotic. >>️

This AA study << introduces two such billiards: a bean-shaped billiard and a peanut-shaped billiard, the latter being a variant of Cassini ovals. Unlike traditional chaotic billiards, these systems incorporate both focusing and defocusing regions along their boundaries, with no neutral segments. >>

AA << examine both classical and quantum dynamics of these billiards and observe a strong alignment between the two perspectives. For classical analysis, the billiard flow diagram and billiard map reveal sensitivity to initial conditions, a hallmark of classical chaos. In the quantum domain, (AA) use nearest-neighbour spacing distribution and spectral complexity as statistical measures to characterise chaotic behaviour. >>

<< Both classical and quantum mechanical analysis are in firm agreement with each other. One of the most striking quantum phenomena (They) observe is the eigenfunction scarring (both scars and super-scars). Scarring phenomena serve as a rich visual manifestation of quantum and classical correspondence, and highlight quantum suppression chaos at a local level. >>

Pranaya Pratik Das, Tanmayee Patra, Biplab Ganguli. Manifestations of chaos in billiards: the role of mixed curvature. arXiv: 2501.08839v1 [nlin.CD]. Jan 15, 2025.

Also: billiard, chaos, in 

Keywords: gst, billiard, chaos