
sabato 19 febbraio 2022

# gst: Parrondo paradox revisited, a chaotic switching approach

<< Parrondo's paradox is a phenomenon where the switching of two losing games results in a winning outcome. >>

<< Suppose I present to you the outcome of the quantum walker at the end of 100 coin tosses, knowing the initial position, can you tell me the sequence of tosses that lead to this final outcome?" (..) In the case of random switching, it is almost impossible to determine the sequence of tosses that lead to the end result. However, for periodic tossing, we could get the sequence of tosses rather easily, because a periodic sequence has structure and is deterministic. >> Joel Lai.

<< This led to the idea of incorporating chaotic sequences as a means to perform the switching. The authors discovered that using chaotic switching through a pre-generated chaotic sequence significantly enhances the work. For an observer who does not know parts of the information required to generate the chaotic sequence, deciphering the sequence of tosses is analogous to determining a random sequence. However, for an agent with information on how to generate the chaotic sequence, this is analogous to a periodic sequence. According to the authors, this information on generating the chaotic sequence is likened to the keys in encryption. >>

Using quantum Parrondo's random walks for encryption. Singapore University of Technology and Design. Oct15, 2021.

Joel Weijia Lai, Kang Hao Cheong. Chaotic switching for quantum coin Parrondo's games with application to encryption. Phys. Rev. Research 3, L022019. June 2, 2021. 


<< usando l'output di una logistica (per certi valori dei parms) un ipotetico Donald potrebbe avere il vezzo di ottenere stessi risultati con serialita' numerica generata meccanicamente anziche' in modalita' casuale; >>️

#POTUS race: Donald, what he can do (with less than four lines ...). FonT. May 23, 2016. 


keyword 'parrondo' in FonT

keyword 'parrondo' in Notes  (quasi-stochastic poetry)


keyword 'chaos' | 'chaotic' in Font

keyword 'caos' | 'caotico' in Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry)

keywords: gst, games, life, chaos, Parrondo, Parrondo chaotic switching approach

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