
Visualizzazione post con etichetta polymers. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta polymers. Mostra tutti i post

sabato 18 gennaio 2025

# gst: traveling strings of active dipolar colloids.

AA << study an intriguing new type of self-assembled active colloidal polymer system in 3D. It is obtained from a suspension of Janus particles in an electric field that induces parallel dipoles in the particles as well as self-propulsion in the plane perpendicular to the field. >>

<< At low volume fractions, in experiment, the particles self-assemble into 3D columns that are self-propelled in 2D. Explicit numerical simulations combining dipolar interactions and active self-propulsion find an activity dependent transition to a string phase by increasing dipole strength. >>

AA << classify the collective dynamics of strings as a function of rotational and translational diffusion. (..) (They) also discover long range correlations of the fluctuations along the string contour that grow with the active persistence time, a purely active effect that disappears in the thermal limit. >>

Xichen Chao, Katherine Skipper, et al. Traveling Strings of Active Dipolar Colloids. Phys. Rev. Lett. 134, 018302. Jan 6, 2025. 

Also: particle, colloids, self-assembly, transition, in 

Keywords: gst, particle, colloids, self-assembly, Janus, polymers, strings, transition

sabato 21 gennaio 2023

# chem: spontaneous reconfiguration of deformable nanoparticles (in response to environmental cues)

<< Deformable nanoparticles (NPs) offer unprecedented opportunities as dynamic building blocks that can spontaneously reconfigure during assembly in response to environmental cues. >>

<< deformable spherical NPs of radius 50 nm whose surface is tailored with octahedrally distributed charged patches and double-cap charged patches adapt their shape differently in response to changes in surface charge coverage and ionic strength. >>

AA << find shape transitions to rounded octahedra, faceted octahedra, faceted bowls, oblate spheroids, spherocylinders, dented beans, and dimpled rounded bowls. >>

AA << demonstrate that similar shape transitions can be achieved in deformable NPs of different sizes. >>️

Fanbo Sun, Nicholas E. Brunk, Vikram Jadhao. Shape control of deformable charge-patterned nanoparticles. Phys. Rev. E 107, 014502. Jan 10, 2023.


keyword 'self-assembly' in FonT

keyword 'nano' in FonT

keyword 'nano' in Notes 
(quasi-stochastic poetry)

Keywords: chem, nano, nanoparticles,  NPs, self-assembly, colloids, polymers, vesicle structures.