
sabato 23 maggio 2020

# evol: apropos of a big mystery; Neanderthal may have been surrounded and terminated (killed) by Sapiens competition (and/or probably by Sapiens multitudes, their viruses, their chatter, ...)

<< Climate scientists from the IBS Center for Climate Physics discover that, contrary to previously held beliefs, Neanderthal extinction was neither caused by abrupt glacial climate shifts, nor by interbreeding with Homo sapiens. According to new supercomputer model simulations, only competition between Neanderthals and Homo sapiens can explain the rapid demise of Neanderthals around 43 to 38 thousand years ago. >>

Supercomputer model simulations reveal cause of Neanderthal extinction. Institute for Basic Science. May 20, 2020.

<< Anatomically Modern Humans are the sole survivor of a group of hominins that inhabited our planet during the last ice age and that included, among others, Homo neanderthalensis, Homo denisova, and Homo erectus. Whether previous hominin extinctions were triggered by external factors, such as abrupt climate change, volcanic eruptions or whether competition and interbreeding played major roles in their demise still remains unresolved. (..)  a realistic extinction of the Neanderthal population can only be simulated when Homo sapiens is chosen to be considerably more effective in exploiting scarce glacial food resources as compared to Neanderthals. >>

Axel Timmermann. Quantifying the potential causes of Neanderthal extinction: Abrupt climate change versus competition and interbreeding. Quaternary Science Reviews. 
Volume 238, 15 June 2020, 106331. May 15, 2020. 


keyword 'Neanderthal' in FonT

giovedì 21 maggio 2020

# pharma: drawing 'magic strings' for GPCRs

<< Psychedelics such as LSD and magic mushrooms have proven highly effective in treating depression and post-traumatic stress disorders, but medical use of these drugs is limited by the hallucinations they cause. >>

<< What if we could redesign drugs to keep their benefits while eliminating their unwanted side effects? >> Ron O.  Dror. 

<< Dror's team describes discoveries that could be used to minimize or eliminate side effects in a broad class of drugs that target G protein-coupled receptors, or GPCRs. GPCRs are proteins found in all human cells. LSD and other psychedelics are molecules that attach to GPCRs, as are about a third of all prescription drugs, including antihistamines, beta blockers and opioids. So important is this molecular mechanism that Stanford professor Brian Kobilka shared the 2012 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his role in discovering how GPCRs work. >>

Tom Abate. What if we could design powerful drugs without unwanted side effects? Stanford University.  May 19, 2020.

The << work could provide a framework for the rational design of drugs that are more effective and have fewer side effects. >>

Carl-Mikael Suomivuori, Naomi R. Latorraca, et al. Molecular mechanism of biased signaling in a prototypical G protein–coupled receptor. Science. 
Vol. 367, Issue 6480, pp. 881-887
doi: 10.1126/ science.aaz0326. Feb 21, 2020.


keyword 'magic' in FonT

keyword 'GPCR'  in Wikipedia

mercoledì 20 maggio 2020

# gst: as a Lorenz's butterfly, even small disturbances can trigger catastrophic storms

<< meteorologists still have questions about how hurricanes develop. Now, Florida State University researchers have found that even the smallest changes in atmospheric conditions could trigger a hurricane, >>

Researchers find even small disturbances can trigger catastrophic storms. Florida State University. May 13, 2020.

Jacob D. Carstens,  Allison A. Wing. Tropical Cyclogenesis From Self‐Aggregated Convection in Numerical Simulations of Rotating Radiative‐Convective Equilibrium. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems. Vol 12, Issue 5. doi: 10.1029/ 2019MS002020. Apr 24, 2020.


Edward Lorenz. Deterministic nonperiodic flow. Journal of Atmospheric Sciences. Vol.20 130—141. 1963. in:  Lynn M. Resler. Edward N Lorenz’s 1963 paper, “Deterministic nonperiodic flow”, in Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, Vol 20, pages 130–141: Its history and relevance to physical geography. Progress in Physical Geography: Earth and Environment. Vol 40 issue 1,  175-180. doi: 10.1177/ 0309133315623099. Jan 21, 2016. 

sabato 16 maggio 2020

# behav: nomadic impulse, they return to Death Valley

<< More than a century after railroads, ranchers and hunters vanquished their ancestors, pronghorn antelope are returning to this unforgiving expanse of desert along the California-Nevada border. >>

<< the American pronghorn, North America's land speed champion, may be extending its migratory range into the Mojave Desert once again from cooler seas of sage nearly 100 miles to the north and east. >>

Louis Sahagun. Desert mystery: Why have pronghorn antelope returned to Death Valley? May 13, 2020.

venerdì 15 maggio 2020

# behav: the smart sleep of flies (Drosophila melanogaster)

<< Flies that cannot take to the air respond by sleeping more as they learn to adapt to their flightlessness, (..) The findings, (..) suggest that sleep may be an evolutionary tool that helps animals adapt to challenging new situations. >>

<< Fruit flies' sleep looks a lot like people's. Baby flies need a lot of sleep, but as they get older, their need for sleep diminishes. Flies become more alert with caffeine and drowsier with antihistamines. And if you keep a fly awake one day, it will sleep more the next. >>

Flies sleep when need arises to adapt to new situations. Washington University School of Medicine. May 8, 2020.

K. Melnattur, B. Zhang, P. J. Shaw. Disrupting flight increases sleep and identifies a novel sleep-promoting pathway in Drosophila. Sci Adv 
Vol. 6, no. 19, eaaz2166. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aaz2166. May 8, 2020.


keyword 'Drosophila' in FonT

keyword 'mosca' in Notes (quasi- stochastic poetry)

giovedì 14 maggio 2020

# ecol: when a predator could help his prey to adapt to an uncertain future (among the fly Iteomyia salicisverruca) ...

<< The loss of biodiversity is rewiring the web of life; however, it is uncertain how this will affect the ability of remaining populations to evolve and adapt to future environments. >>

AA << conducted a field experiment that either maintained a natural community of predators or removed all but one of the predators that was able to impose selection on a common prey. (They) found that the loss of predators acted to constrain prey evolution toward a particular combination of traits. Moreover, (they) found that the loss of predators could make it more difficult for prey to adapt to uncertain future environments. Taken together, (these) results suggest that the simplification of the web of life may constrain the adaptive potential of remaining populations. >>

Matthew A. Barbour, Christopher J. Greyson‐Gaito, et al. Loss of consumers constrains phenotypic evolution in the resulting food web. Evolution Letters. doi: 10.1002/ evl3.170. Apr 20, 2020. 

<< Thinking about the big picture, our study hints at a potential insidious side effect of extinctions, (..) The extinction of natural enemies may compromise the ability of remaining species to adapt and persist in an uncertain and changing world. If this is true, this would put many ecosystems at even greater risk than we currently realize. >> Matthew A. Barbour.

Predators help prey adapt to an uncertain future. University of Zurich. 
 May 4, 2020

mercoledì 13 maggio 2020

# gst: the generation of solitary waves to move and direct a pulse-drive bot

<< The unique properties of nonlinear waves have been recently exploited to enable a wide range of applications, including impact mitigation, asymmetric transmission, switching, and focusing. (..) (AA) demonstrate that the propagation of nonlinear waves can be as well harnessed to make flexible structures crawl. By combining experimental and theoretical methods, (they) show that such pulse-driven locomotion reaches a maximum efficiency when the initiated pulses are solitons and that (their) simple machine can move on a wide range of surfaces and even steer. >>

<< nonlinear waves (..) demonstrates that they offer a new platform to make flexible machines to move. >>

Bolei Deng, Liyuan Chen, et al. Pulse-driven robot: Motion via solitary waves. Science Advances. Vol. 6, no. 18, eaaz1166. doi: 10.1126/ sciadv.aaz1166. May 1, 2020. 

Pulse-driven robot: Motion via solitary waves. Thamarasee Jeewandara. May 8, 2020.