
mercoledì 6 settembre 2023

# gst: chimera resonance, in analogy with the effects of stochastic and coherence resonance

AA << explore numerically the impact of additive Gaussian noise on the spatio-temporal dynamics of ring networks of nonlocally coupled chaotic maps. >>
<<  It is shown that the coupling strength range can be the widest at a certain optimum noise level at which chimera states are observed with a high probability for a large number of different realizations of randomly distributed initial conditions and noise sources. >>

<< This phenomenon demonstrates a constructive role of noise in analogy with the effects of stochastic and coherence resonance and may be referred to as chimera resonance. >>️

Elena Rybalova, Vasilii Nechaev, Eckehard Schöll, Galina Strelkova. Chimera resonance in networks of chaotic maps. arXiv:2307.00006v2 [cond-mat.dis-nn]. Jul 5, 2023.

Also: chimera, noise, chaos, network,  in:

Keywords: gst, chimera, noise, chaos, network, chimera resonance

lunedì 4 settembre 2023

# gst: sudden phase transitions among nonconservative system with nonreciprocal interactions

<< A nonconservative system with nonreciprocal interaction has been found to reveal exotic features where sudden phase transitions can occur. >>️

Here AA reported << the emanation of a chimera in a network of Stuart-Landau oscillators. >>

<< The findings could have pragmatic implications in the areas of active matter, networks, and photonics. >>
M. Paul Asir. Emergence of chimeras: An impetus by exceptional points. Phys. Rev. E 108, 024220. Aug 22, 2023. 

Also: Stuart–Landau equation. 

Also: network, transition, chimera, chaos, in:

Keywords: network, transition, chimera, chaos, pattern formation

lunedì 21 agosto 2023

# gst: neural networks know their knots.

<< The use of neural networks in physics is booming. Recently, the tool has helped researchers uncover everything from new magnetic materials (..) to ways to reduce noise in electron beams produced at synchrotrons (..) Seeking their own neural network success, (AA) wondered if the tool could classify knots, a computationally challenging problem. >>

They << applied two different neural networks to the problem—a recurrent neural network (RNN) and a feed-forward neural network (FFNN). >>

<< The RNN achieved 99% accuracy >>
Katherine Wright. Neural Networks Know Their Knots. Physics 13, s19. Feb 11, 2020.

Olafs Vandans, Kaiyuan Yang, et al. Identifying knot types of polymer conformations by machine learning. Phys. Rev. E 101, 022502. Feb 11, 2020.

Also: network, neuro, in:

Keywords: gst, network, neural network, knots

venerdì 18 agosto 2023

# gst: emergence of self-organizing zigzag patterns among (magnetic) particles suspended in a liquid

<< When molecules or bacteria organize into a long-range pattern, researchers want to understand how the microscopic interactions lead to the macroscopic order. (AA) observed such self-organization in magnetic particles suspended in a liquid and subjected to an oscillating magnetic field. Through experiments and simulations, the team showed that the resulting zigzag pattern is explained by the fluid flow generated around the oscillating particles, not by any details of the particles or the applied field. Similar zigzag patterns have also been seen in charged colloids subjected to oscillating electric fields, so the explanation may cover a range of particle systems. The researchers also believe that understanding and controlling the effect could lead to useful applications in microfluidics devices. >>️

David Ehrenstein. Self-Organized Zigzags from Fluid Flow. Physics 16, 138. Aug 11, 2023.

Gaspard Junot, Marco De Corato, Pietro Tierno. Large Scale Zigzag Pattern Emerging from Circulating Active Shakers. Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 068301. Aug 11, 2023. 

Also: particle, self-assembly, chiral, behav, in:  

Keywords: gst, behavior, particle, self-assembly, self-organization, chiral, active shakers, squirmers, alternating chirality

lunedì 14 agosto 2023

# gst: rich behaviors from stochastic walking with variable long jumps.

AA << propose a generalized model where the random walker takes stochastic jumps of lengths proportional to its present position with certain probability, otherwise it makes forward and backward jumps of fixed (unit) length with given rates. The model exhibits a rich stochastic dynamic behavior.  (AA) obtain exact analytic results for the first two moments of the walker's displacement and show that a phase transition from a diffusive to superdiffusive regime occurs if the stochastic jumps of lengths that are twice (or more) of its present positions are allowed. This phase transition is accompanied by a reentrant diffusive behavior. >> 

Upendra Harbola. Stochastic walker with variable long jumps. Phys. Rev. E 108, 014135. July 28, 2023. 

Also: walk, noise, fluctuations, dance,  in:

Keywords: gst, walks, random walks, noise, fluctuations

venerdì 11 agosto 2023

# gst: stochastic resonance mediated by optimal noise level values; transport of colloidal particles induced by substrate concentration oscillations.

AA << show the existence of a  stochastic resonant regime in the transport of active colloidal particles under confinement. The periodic addition of substrate to the system causes the spectral amplification to exhibit a maximum for an optimal noise level value. The consequence of this is that particles can travel longer distances with lower fuel consumption. The stochastic resonance phenomenon found allows the identification of optimal scenarios for the transport of active particles, enabling them to reach regions that are otherwise difficult to access, and may therefore find applications in transport. >>️

J. D. Torrenegra-Rico, A. Arango-Restrepo, J. M. Rubi. Optimal transport of active particles induced by substrate concentration oscillations. Phys. Rev. E 108, 014134. July 28, 2023.

Also: particle, colloids, noise, in:

Keywords: gst, particle, colloids, noise, stochastic resonance, substrate oscillation

martedì 8 agosto 2023

# gst: substrate friction and geometric confinement could act as transitional control parms (in active nematics).

<< Using a minimal continuum model, (AA) investigate the interplay between circular confinement and substrate friction in active nematics. Upon increasing the friction from low to high, (They) observe a dynamical phase transition from a circulating flow phase to an anisotropic flow phase in which the flow tends to align perpendicular to the nematic director at the boundary. (AA) demonstrate that both the flow structure and dynamic correlations in the latter phase differ from those of an unconfined, active turbulent system and may be controlled by the prescribed nematic boundary conditions. (AA) results show that substrate friction and geometric confinement act as valuable control parameters in active nematics. >> 

Cody D. Schimming, C. J. O. Reichhardt, C. Reichhardt. Friction-mediated phase transition in confined active nematics. Phys. Rev. E 108, L012602. Jul 27, 2023. 

Keywords: gst, transition, friction, friction-mediated phase transition, confinement, nematics