
venerdì 20 settembre 2024

# gst: a body of revolution with a cat’s toy mechanism.

AA << introduce a class of examples which provide an affine generalization of the nonholonomic problem of a convex body rolling without slipping on the plane. >>
They << prove that (this system can be) integrable if the generalized momentum M is vertical (i.e. parallel to γ) and exhibit numerical evidence that it is chaotic otherwise. >>️

M. Costa Villegas, L.C. García-Naranjo. Affine generalizations of the nonholonomic problem of a convex body rolling without slipping on the plane. arXiv: 2409.08072v1 [math-ph]. Sep 12, 2024. 

Also: transition, chaos, in 

Keywords: gst, transition, chaos

giovedì 19 settembre 2024

# gst: vortex structures under dimples and scars in turbulent free-surface flows

<< Turbulence beneath a free surface leaves characteristic long-lived signatures on the surface, such as upwelling 'boils', near-circular 'dimples' and elongated 'scars', easily identifiable by eye, e.g., in riverine flows. >>️

AA << explore the connection between these surface signatures and the underlying vortical structures. We investigate dimples, known to be imprints of surface-attached vortices, and scars, which have yet to be extensively studied, by analysing the conditional probabilities that a point beneath a signature is within a vortex core as well as the inclination angles of sub-signature vorticity. >>️

<< The analysis shows that the likelihood of vortex presence beneath a dimple decreases from the surface down through the viscous and blockage layers in a near-Gaussian manner, influenced by the dimple's size and the bulk turbulence. When expressed as a function of depth over the Taylor microscale λT, this probability is independent of Reynolds and Weber number. >>️

<< Conversely, the probability of finding a vortex beneath a scar increases sharply from the surface to a peak at the edge of the viscous layer, at a depth of approximately λT/4. Distributions of vortical orientation also show a clear pattern: a strong preference for vertical alignment below dimples and an equally strong preference for horizontal alignment below scars. >>️

AA << findings suggest that scars can be defined as imprints of horizontal vortices approximately a quarter of the Taylor microscale beneath the surface, analogous to how dimples can be defined as imprints of surface-attached vertical vortex tubes. >>

Jørgen R. Aarnes, Omer Babiker, et al. Vortex structures under dimples and scars in turbulent free-surface flows. arXiv: 2409.05409v1 [physics.flu-dyn]. 
9 Sep 2024.

Also: vortex, turbulence, waves, bubble, drop, transition, in 

Keywords: gst, vortex, turbulence, waves, bubble, drop, transition

venerdì 13 settembre 2024

# gst: overlapping substitutions and tilings.

AA << generalize the notion of (geometric) substitution rule to obtain overlapping substitutions. For such a substitution, the substitution matrix may have non-integer entries. (They) also show that the expansion constant is an algebraic integer under mild conditions. In general, overlapping substitutions may yield a patch with contradictory overlaps of tiles, even if it is locally consistent. >>

AA << give a sufficient condition for an overlapping substitution to be consistent, that is, no such contradiction will emerge. (They) also give many one-dimensional examples of overlapping substitution. (AA) finish by mentioning a construction of overlapping substitutions from Delone multi-sets with inflation symmetry. >>️

Shigeki Akiyama, Yasushi Nagai, Shu-Qin Zhang. Overlapping substitutions and tilings. arXiv: 2407.18666v2 [math.CO]. Aug 30, 2024. 


keyword 'tile', in FonT

keyword 'overlap', 'overlapping', in FonT

Keywords: gst, tiles, overlap, overlapping

lunedì 9 settembre 2024

# gst: critical crack length during fracture.

AA << established an inverse correlation between the strength of the material and the cracks which grow inside it—both the maximum crack and the one that sets in instability within the system, defined to be the critical crack. >>

AA << found that the maximum and the critical crack often differ from each other unless the disorder strength is extremely low. A phase diagram on the plane of disorder vs system size demarcates between the regions where the largest crack is the most vulnerable one and where they differ from each other but still show moderate correlation. >>️

Viswakannan R.K., Subhadeep Roy. Critical crack length during fracture. Phys. Rev. E 110, 024134. Aug 26, 2024.

Also: crack, instability, fluctuations, noise, in 

Keywords: gst, crack, instability, fluctuations, noise, criticality

sabato 7 settembre 2024

# gst: phase transition of inertial self-propelled agents, a ‘inverse modeling’ approach.

AA << formulate and analyze a kinetic MFG (Mean-field Game) model for an interacting system of non-cooperative motile agents with inertial dynamics and finite-range interactions, where each agent is minimizing a biologically inspired cost function. >>️️

The << ‘inverse modelling’ approach is to stipulate that the collective behavior of a population of decision-making agents is a solution to a collective optimization or optimal control problem. (..) In a MFG system, the collective behavior is the result of each agent solving an optimal control problem that depends on its own state and control as well as the collective state. MFGs formulated in continuous state space and time are described by coupled set of forward-backward in time nonlinear partial differential equations (PDEs). >>

<< While standard kinetic or hydrodynamic equations used for modelling collective behavior are initial value problems (IVP or evolution PDEs), the MFG systems have a forward-backward in time structure, and hence consist of boundary value problem (BVP in time PDEs). >>

<< By analyzing the associated coupled forward-backward in time system of nonlinear Fokker-Planck and Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations, (AA) obtain conditions for closed-loop linear stability of the spatially homogeneous MFG equilibrium that corresponds to an ordered state with non-zero mean speed. Using a combination of analysis and numerical simulations, (AA) show that when energetic cost of control is reduced below a critical value, this equilibrium loses stability, and the system transitions to a traveling wave solution. >>️
Piyush Grover, Mandy Huo. Phase transition in a kinetic mean-field game model of inertial self-propelled agents. arXiv: 2407.18400v1 [math.OC]. Jul 25, 2024. 

Also: transition, wave, game, in 

Keywords: gst, transition, criticality, bifurcations, wave, games

mercoledì 4 settembre 2024

# gst: attractive-repulsive interaction in coupled qu-oscillators, when a symmetry-breaking state could be a prominent state.

AA << have explored the role of attractive repulsive coupling in shaping the collective behavior of coupled oscillators in the quantum domain. >>

<< A direct simulation (..) showed a symmetry breaking transition from quantum limit cycle to quantum oscillation death state with increasing coupling strength. >>️

<< This is in contrast to the quantum symmetry-breaking transitions reported earlier where inhomogeneity emerges from the homogeneous steady state. >>️

<< The phenomenon is general as it occurs at both weak and deep quantum regime. Specially, in the deep quantum regime where quantum noise is strong, yet it can not wash out the inhomogeneous state indicating that the symmetry-breaking state is indeed a prominent state. >>️️

Bulti Paul, Biswabibek Bandyopadhyay, Tanmoy Banerjee. Attractive-repulsive interaction in coupled quantum oscillators. arXiv: 2408.12972v1 [quant-ph]. Aug 23, 2024.

Also: transition, noise, in 

Keywords: gst, transition, symmetry-breaking transition, noise, attractive-repulsive interaction, coupled qu-oscillator

lunedì 2 settembre 2024

# gst: symmetry breaking and️ ️hyperuniformity in low-dimensional systems caused by inhomogeneous oscillatory driving forces.

<< The driving forces of chiral active particles and deformations of cells are often modeled by spatially inhomogeneous but temporally periodic driving forces. Such inhomogeneous oscillatory driving forces have only recently been proposed in the context of active matter, and their effects on the systems are not yet fully understood. >>️

AA << theoretically study the impact of spatially inhomogeneous oscillatory driving forces on continuous symmetry breaking. (They) first analyze the linear model for the soft modes in the ordered phase to derive the lower critical dimension of the model, and then analyze the spherical model to investigate more detailed phase behaviors.  >>

<< Interestingly, (their) analysis reveals that symmetry breaking occurs even in one and two dimensions, where the Hohenberg-Mermin-Wagner theorem prohibits continuous symmetry breaking in equilibrium. Furthermore, fluctuations of conserved quantities, such as density, are anomalously suppressed in the long-wavelength, i.e., show hyperuniformity. >>️️

Harukuni Ikeda, Yuta Kuroda. Continuous symmetry breaking of low-dimensional systems driven by inhomogeneous oscillatory driving forces. Phys. Rev. E 110, 024140. Aug 29, 2024.

Also: transition, in 

Keywords: gst, transition