
Visualizzazione dei post in ordine di data per la query oops. Ordina per pertinenza Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione dei post in ordine di data per la query oops. Ordina per pertinenza Mostra tutti i post

mercoledì 17 aprile 2024

# life: oops! AI - artificial intelligence - now beats humans at basic tasks.

<< Artificial intelligence (AI) systems, such as the chatbot ChatGPT, have become so advanced that they now very nearly match or exceed human performance in tasks including reading comprehension, image classification and competition-level mathematics, according to a new report. >>️

Nicola Jones. AI now beats humans at basic tasks — new benchmarks are needed, says major report. Stanford University’s 2024 AI Index charts the meteoric rise of artificial-intelligence tools. Nature. doi: 10.1038/ d41586-024-01087-4. Apr 15, 2024. 

<< Welcome to the seventh edition of the AI Index report. The 2024 Index is our most comprehensive to date and arrives at an important moment when AI’s influence on society has never been more pronounced. >>
THE AI INDEX REPORT. Measuring trends in AI. 

Also:  "qui non e' impossibile immaginare ..." (here it is not impossible to imagine ... ). In: FonT. Dec 31, 2015. 

Alsoartificial intell, analogy, nfulawoops, in 

Keywords: life, ai, artificial intelligence, analogy, nfulaw

martedì 10 gennaio 2023

# brain: how the brain says 'Oops!'

AA << have uncovered how signals from a group of neurons in the brain's frontal lobe simultaneously give humans the flexibility to learn new tasks—and the focus to develop highly specific skills. >>

<< The study's key finding is that the brain uses the same group of neurons for performance feedback in many different situations—whether a person is attempting a new task for the first time or working to perfect a specific skill. >>

<< Part of the magic of the human brain is that it is so flexible, (..) We designed our study to decipher how the brain can generalize and specialize at the same time, both of which are critical for helping us pursue a goal. >> Ueli Rutishauser. ️

New Study Reveals How the Brain Says 'Oops!'. Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. May 5, 2022. 

AA << recorded the activity of more than 1000 neurons in the medial frontal cortex of human epilepsy patients while they performed complex cognitive tasks. They found that domain-general and domain-specific performance monitoring neurons were intermixed within this brain region. The population activity gave rise to a geometry that allowed domain-general signals to be read out with more than 90% accuracy on single trials while at the same time retaining the ability to separate different conflict conditions. These results show how the human medial frontal cortex resolves the fundamental trade-off between task generalization and specialization, which is critical for cognitive flexibility. >>
Zhongzheng Fu, Danielle Beam, et al. The geometry of domain-general performance monitoring in the human medial frontal cortex. Science. Vol 376, Issue 6593. doi: 10.1126/ science.abm9922. May 6, 2022.


keyword 'cervello' | 'brain' in Notes
(quasi-stochastic poetry)

keyword 'brain' in FonT

keyword 'organoids' in FonT

PS: An image of "oops", not completely spanned in the air, could be this:

Keywords: brain, mind, cervello, mente, oops

lunedì 7 febbraio 2022

# life; Hollywood (movies) revisited, you must be aware of the fact that Alien Entities will share our planet with us and, marginally, ...

Hollywood (movies) revisited, you must be aware of the fact that Alien Entities will share our planet with us and, marginally, will modify our neurobiology with physiological 'magic strings' virus-injected (*) to 'gently' subdue us.  Are you ready for all this, anzicheforse?

(*) virus-injected approach, motivated by the fact that Terrestrials use NOT to attack retroviruses with 'pastroky' vaccines ...


<< David (Leonard David) said that extraterrestrials, however, could be aware of us and be deliberately ignoring our planet, which would represent an equally devastating blow to the human sense of self-importance. >>
<< We could be the dolts of the universe. >> Leonard David. 
 UFOs ‘Something’s coming’: is America finally ready to take UFOs seriously? Adam Gabbatt in New York
@adamgabbatt Sat 5 Feb 2022 08.00 GMT 


keyword 'oops' in FonT

keyword 'magic string' in FonT


Dr. J. Allen Hynek (Astronomer, the scientific consultant of the U.S. Air Force Project Sign (1948), Project Grudge (1949), Blue Book (1952–1969).

PS:  io non sono mai stato testimone di alieni o di manifestazioni di entità aliene. Tuttavia, forse (qui sottolineo forse), potrei averne frequentata una per decenni. Mia madre era per me una incognita; beveva l'essenziale, non fumava, non dormiva, mangiava poco, non si ammalava, era sempre in energico movimento. Passati i novanta anni di età - grondante di sudore, dopo avere trascorso, giusto per passare il tempo, un paio di ore a stirare nel mezzogiorno della calura agostana riminese - qualche volta l'ho sentita pronunciare la frase: "andrò a coricarmi perchè mi sento un po' stanca". Quando lei entrava in una stanza io immaginavo che virus e batteri sarebbero fuggiti terrorizzati per cercare di evitare quello che di lì a poco sarebbe potuto succedere. Lei era impermeabile a qualsivoglia ideologia o argomentazione che non si traducesse in immediata modalità operativa. Quale (apparente) paradosso, per lei era anche normale individuare e ribaltare immediatamente i punti chiave in merito a qualsiasi argomento. Anche se non lo dava a vedere, era una persona sostanzialmente avversa a qualsivoglia autorità imposta. Ricordo bene che le uniche tesi che non aggrediva erano quelle che trattavano la musica blues, il jazz, il rock - forse perchè intuiva che tali approcci fossero per sè stessi fondamentalmente auto-ribaltanti - e la chimica che, anche quando poteva contenere aspetti meramente speculativi, fantasmatici, lei avrebbe potuto comunque scorgere qualche indispensabile componente operativa osservazionale- sperimentale. 

Per questa sua unicità, dall'età di dieci anni fino ai quindici, ho avuto il sospetto che lei potesse essere il prodotto di qualche ignoto esperimento alieno. 

A distanza di decenni penso che mia madre, sebbene da bambina le avessero imposto di conseguire la sola istruzione elementare - come peraltro molte della sua generazione, sarebbe stata (terrestre o aliena) un valido 'naturale' co-addestratore nel team di una scuola Shaolin.

keywords: UFO, UFOs, UAP, EBE ,
AATIP, UAPTF ,OVNI , virus,  magic string, aliens, esobio, exobiology

lunedì 24 maggio 2021

# acad: oops! published papers in top psychology, economics, and science journals that fail to replicate are cited more than those that replicate.

<< Papers in leading psychology, economic and science journals that fail to replicate and therefore are less likely to be true are often the most cited papers in academic research, >>

The study << explores the ongoing "replication crisis" in which researchers have discovered that many findings in the fields of social sciences and medicine don't hold up when other researchers try to repeat the experiments. The paper reveals that findings from studies that cannot be verified when the experiments are repeated have a bigger influence over time. The unreliable research tends to be cited as if the results were true long after the publication failed to replicate. >>

<< We also know that experts can predict well which papers will be replicated, (..) Given this prediction, we ask 'why are non-replicable papers accepted for publication in the first place?' >> Marta Serra-Garcia.

<< Their possible answer is that review teams of academic journals face a trade-off. When the results are more "interesting," they apply lower standards regarding their reproducibility. >>

<< Interesting or appealing findings are also covered more by media or shared on platforms like Twitter, generating a lot of attention, but that does not make them true, >> Uri Gneezy.️

A new replication crisis: Research that is less likely to be true is cited more. 
University of California - San Diego. May 21, 2021. 

<< Only 12% of postreplication citations of nonreplicable findings acknowledge the replication failure. >>
Marta Serra-Garcia, Uri Gneezy. Nonreplicable publications are cited more than replicable ones. Science Advances. Vol. 7, no. 21, eabd1705
doi: 10.1126/ sciadv.abd1705. May 21,  2021.


keyword 'oops' in FonT

lunedì 28 settembre 2020

# life: oops! aprops of tsunami wave hazards, exposure to other 'Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant' accidents appear to exist ...

<< A major tsunami in the northern Arabian Sea could severely impact the coastlines of India and Pakistan, which are studded with sensitive installations including several nuclear plants, >>

<< Atomic power stations functioning along the Arabian Sea include Tarapur (1,400 megawatts) in India's Maharashtra state, Kaiga (being expanded to 2,200 megawatts) in Karnataka state and Karachi in Pakistan (also being expanded to 2,200 megawatts). A mega nuclear power plant coming up at Jaitapur, Maharashtra will generate 9,900 megawatts, while another project at Mithi Virdi in Gujarat may be shelved because of public opposition. >>

<< Nuclear power plants are located along coasts because their enormous cooling needs can be taken care of easily and cheaply by making using abundant seawater. >>

Nuclear plants in Arabian Sea face tsunami risk. SciDev.Net. Sep 21, 2020.

Rajendran, C.P., Heidarzadeh, et al. The Orphan Tsunami of 1524 on the Konkan Coast, Western India, and Its Implications. Pure Appl. Geophys. doi: 10.1007/ s00024-020-02575-0. Sep 7, 2020. 

<< The earthquake had also generated a 14 m high tsunami that arrived shortly afterwards and swept over the plant's seawall and then flooded the lower parts of reactors 1–4. This caused the failure of the emergency generators and loss of power to the circulating pumps.(..) The resultant loss of reactor core cooling led to three nuclear meltdowns, three hydrogen explosions, and the release of radioactive contamination in Units 1, 2 and 3 between 12 and 15 March. >>

Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster.  Last edited Sep 25, 2020 by Dougsim.


2157 - il pino di takata matsubara. Notes. Apr 01, 2011. (quasi-stochastic poetry)


keyword 'onda' in Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry)


keyword 'wave' in Font

sabato 22 agosto 2020

# life: oops! IT entity (i.e. 1or2 'achoo!' from Wuhan) seems to be alive ... here a review of candidate drugs against SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19.

<< Outbreak and pandemic of coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 in 2019/2020 will challenge global health for the future. Because a vaccine against the virus will not be available in the near future, we herein try to offer a pharmacological strategy to combat the virus. There exists a number of candidate drugs that may inhibit infection with and replication of SARS-CoV-2. >>

McKee DL, Sternberg A, et al. Candidate drugs against SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19. Pharmacol Res. 2020;157:104859. doi: 10.1016/ j.phrs.2020.104859


(this is a keyword list, copy & paste in Search Pubmed)

("antiviral drugs"[all] AND "SARS-CoV-2"  AND  "last 1 years"[PDat])


keyword 'virus' in FonT

keyword 'virus' in Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry):

venerdì 12 giugno 2020

# astro: oops? apropos of rapid expansion of trajectories, the nomadic escape propensity of Titan.

As a vision of a fuzzy snooker, << decades of measurements and calculations have revealed that Titan's orbit around Saturn is expanding- meaning, the moon is getting farther and farther away from the planet- at a rate about 100 times faster than expected. The research suggests that Titan was born much closer to Saturn and migrated out to its current distance of 1.2 million kilometers (about 746,000 miles) over 4.5 billion years. >>

<< Titan is expected to gravitationally squeeze Saturn with a particular frequency that makes the planet oscillate strongly, similarly to how swinging your legs on a swing with the right timing can drive you higher and higher. This process of tidal forcing is called resonance locking. Fuller (Jim Fuller) proposed that the high amplitude of Saturn's oscillation would dissipate a lot of energy, which in turn would cause Titan to migrate outward away from the planet at a faster rate than previously thought. >>

<< The resonance locking theory can apply to many astrophysical systems. I'm now doing some theoretical work to see if the same physics can happen in binary star systems, or exoplanet systems, >> Jim Fuller.

Lori Dajose. Titan is migrating away from Saturn 100 times faster than previously predicted. Jun 8, 2020.

Valery Lainey, Luis Gomez Casajus, et al. Resonance locking in giant planets indicated by the rapid orbital expansion of Titan. Nat Astron. doi: 10.1038/ s41550-020-1120-5. Jun 8, 2020.

Also (quasi-stochastic poetry)

1648b - tenuta di rigo della sonda. Notes. Jan 15, 2005.

sabato 14 dicembre 2019

# life: oops! trust in (British) politics

<< In previous British elections, to say that trust was the main issue would have meant simply that trust is the trump card – whichever leader or party could secure most trust would win. Now, the emerging question about trust is whether it even matters anymore. >>

<< Even many Labour voters don’t rate their leader as trustworthy. Neil Hall/EPA >>

<< These are moral judgements of the utmost significance. So it suggests that British democracy is in some moral jeopardy, when the leaders of the two major parties, the only likely candidates for the premiership, were rated so low on trustworthiness by the public, including supporters of their own party. For example, according to one YouGov poll, 53% of respondents thought Johnson untrustworthy, while for Corbyn the figure was 57%. (..) These figures suggest not only seriously depleted trust but also a substantial readiness amongst voters to separate trustworthiness from electability.  (..) A lack of trustable people creates insecurity, and in this anxious environment some people will want to convince themselves, whatever the evidence, that they have found a trustworthy leader.  (..) On that front, the most significant outcome may not be the seats won by the competing parties, but the national profile as expressed in the popular vote, and what it tells us about whether trust matters. >>

Barry Richards. We should look closely at Britain’s decision to elect a man so renowned for his untrustworthiness. 
Bournemouth University. Dec 13, 2019.

<< Johnson is regularly accused of hiding who he really is, but maybe that’s not actually the case at all. He has left enough clues along the way for us to build a picture of the man he is – and the British public has decided they are fine with it. >>

Laura Hood. Boris Johnson’s big election victory: academics on what it means for the UK and Brexit. Dec13, 2019.

martedì 15 ottobre 2019

# ai: the future where machines will test hypotheses on their own

<< Brian Nord imagines a future where machines test hypotheses on their own  (..) Nord has begun applying AI to problems in astronomy, such as identifying unusual astronomical objects known as gravitational lenses. (..)  He spoke to Physics about his recent projects and how he thinks AI, also known as machine learning, will change the way researchers do science. >>

Sophia Chen. Paving A Path for AI in Physics Research.  Physics 12, 108. Oct 3, 2019.  


oops! artificial intelligence will kill self-employment. Oct 4, 2019.

keyword "ai" in FonT:

venerdì 4 ottobre 2019

# ai life: oops! artificial intelligence will kill self-employment

<< People who are self-employed in some of the lowest paid and most popular jobs are at the greatest risk of being displaced by artificial intelligence (AI), according to new research from the School of Management. Recently published by the Center for Research on Self-Employment, the study found that with both self-employment and AI investment on the rise, independent sales people, drivers, and agriculture and construction workers are in the greatest danger of having their jobs computerized because the work is routine and low in technical expertise. >>

Kevin Manne. How artificial intelligence will impact self-employment. University at Buffalo.  Oct 1, 2019.    


tutto cio' in prima approx; in seconda e terza approx anche tutte le altre professioni saranno 'coperte' da intelligenza artificiale, anche quelle ad elevata professionalita', e' solo questione di tempo. Paradossalmente non poche professioni che necessitano  elevato livello cognitivo (e accademico) potrebbero essere 'duplicate' da autonome AI anche prima di altre considerate di livello inferiore ...

lunedì 10 giugno 2019

# hack: oops! breaking the 2048-bit RSA encryption in 8h (back to the "Pizzinu" docs?)

<< A new study shows that quantum technology will catch up with today’s encryption standards much sooner than expected. That should worry anybody who needs to store data securely for 25 years or so. >>

How a quantum computer could break 2048-bit RSA encryption in 8 hours. Emerging Technology from the arXiv May 30, 2019.

<< When factoring 2048 bit RSA integers, our construction's spacetime volume is a hundredfold less than comparable estimates from earlier works. >>

Craig Gidney, Martin Ekera. How to factor 2048 bit RSA integers in 8 hours using 20 million noisy qubits.  arXiv:1905.09749v1 [quant-ph]



Crackin' as a snap. FonT. Dec 6, 2015

venerdì 5 aprile 2019

# acad: oops! the scientific world is abuzz ... scientists first and foremost should "embrace uncertainty" and "be thoughtful, open and modest." ...

<< The scientific world is abuzz following recommendations by two of the most prestigious scholarly journals – The American Statistician and Nature – that the term "statistical significance" be retired. In their introduction to the special issue of The American Statistician on the topic, the journal’s editors urge "moving to a world beyond 'p<0.05,'" the famous 5 percent threshold for determining whether a study’s result is statistically significant.  (..) scientists first and foremost should "embrace uncertainty" and "be thoughtful, open and modest." >>

Valen E. Johnson.  Is it the end of 'statistical significance'? The battle to make science more uncertain. Texas A&M University. April 1, 2019.  

Ronald L. Wasserstein, Allen L. Schirm,   Nicole A. Lazar. Moving to a World Beyond "p < 0.05". Am Statistician. Pages 1-19  Mar 20,  2019. doi: 10.1080/ 00031305.2019.1583913

Scientists rise up against statistical significance. Valentin Amrhein, Sander Greenland, Blake McShane and more than 800 signatories call for an end to hyped claims and the dismissal of possibly crucial effects. Nature. COMMENT. Mar 20, 2019.  

martedì 5 febbraio 2019

# sec: oops! 5G, a European dilemma (the 1st one of a series): the quiet spread of Huawei

<< China's Huawei has quietly become a leading supplier of the backbone equipment for mobile networks, particularly in developing markets thanks to cheaper prices. >>

<< Each year it invests between 10 and 15 percent of its sales revenue on research and development. It spent $13.8 billion on R&D  (Research and development) in 2017 and $15 billion last year. >>

<< It's a dilemma for European telecoms firms: Should they steal a march on competitors and rapidly roll out next-generation 5G mobile networks using equipment from top supplier Huawei? Or should they heed US-led warnings of security threats and sit tight, and possibly fall behind? >>

<< Huawei strenuously denies its equipment could be used for espionage. >>

<< Deutsche Telekom, in an internal document obtained by Bloomberg, warned that Europe could fall behind China and the United States by as much as two years if it forgoes using Huawei's 5G equipment. >>

Erwan Lucas. European telecoms' dilemma: Huawei or the highway? Feb 3, 2019.  


lunedì 28 gennaio 2019

# acad: oops! 78.1% of biomed. sci. studies use only parametric tests ...

<< Transparent reporting is essential for the critical evaluation of studies. However, the reporting of statistical methods for studies in the biomedical sciences is often limited. >>

<< Nonparametric tests, such as the Mann-Whitney U test, Wilcoxon sign rank test and Kruskal Wallis test, may sometimes be preferable as sample sizes in basic biomedical science research are often too small to determine the data distribution. However, these tests are not commonly used. A systematic review of physiology studies showed that 3.8% used only non-parametric tests to compare continuous data, 13.6% used a combination of parametric and non-parametric tests, and 78.1% of studies used only parametric tests >>

Tracey L. Weissgerber, Oscar Garcia-Valencia, et al. Meta-Research: Why we need to report more than 'Data were Analyzed by t-tests or ANOVA'. eLife 2018; 7:e36163. Dec 21, 2018 doi: 10.7554/eLife.36163   

martedì 8 gennaio 2019

# acad: oops! Hindu tales break into a scientific Congress

<< G. Nageswara Rao, a vice-chancellor at Andhra University in southern India, used stories from Indian epics Ramayana and Mahabharata as proof the people of ancient India had aircraft, test-tube babies and that stem-cell research "was done in this country thousands of years ago". >>

<< The annual Indian Science Congress, which this year ran over five days at a university in northern Punjab state, ended on Monday. >>

Indian scientists protest congress speakers discrediting works of Newton, Einstein. Mumbai (Reuters). Reporting by Sankalp Phartiyal; Editing by Alison Williams.  Jan 7, 2019.

<< "Hindu Lord Vishnu used guided missiles known as 'Vishnu Chakra' and chased moving targets," added the professor of inorganic chemistry. >>

Indian scientists slam ancient Hindu 'stem cell' claim. Jan 6, 2019.


gli argomenti del prof di chimica inorganica mi hanno fatto venire in mente certe teorie circa gli "Antichi Astronauti"

mercoledì 28 novembre 2018

# acad: oops! a database of more than 18,000 retracted scientific papers and conference abstracts has been released

<< Nearly a decade ago, headlines highlighted a disturbing trend in science: The number of articles retracted by journals had increased 10-fold during the previous 10 years. >>

<<  It is not a perfect window into the world of retractions. Not all publishers, for instance, publicize or clearly label papers they have retracted, or explain why they did so. And determining which author is responsible for a paper's fatal flaws can be difficult. >>

Jeffrey Brainard, Jia You. What a massive database of retracted papers reveals about science publishing's 'death penalty'. Science. Oct. 25, 2018

Searchable database of more than 18,000 retracted papers and conference abstracts dating back to the 1970s

the blog Retraction Watch, by Ivan Oransky and Adam Marcus.

sabato 27 ottobre 2018

# acad: oops! No PhD will be necessary to build artificial intelligence algorithms

<< OVER THE past five years researchers in artificial intelligence have become the rock stars of the technology world (..) The top names can earn over $1m a year. (..) The standard route into these jobs has been a PhD in computer science from one of America’s elite universities. (..) That is changing. This month, an education non-profit based in San Francisco, kicked off the third year of its course in deep learning. (..) The course and others like it come with a simple proposition: there is no need to spend years obtaining a PhD in order to practise deep learning. (..)’s course can be completed in just seven weeks. >>

No PhD, no problem. New schemes teach the masses to build AI. Oct 25,  2018.


martedì 18 settembre 2018

# acad: oops! half of all EU trials are non-compliant

<< Of 7274 trials where results were due, 49.5% (95% confidence interval 48.4% to 50.7%) reported results. >>

<< Compliance with the European Commission requirement for all trials to post results on to the EUCTR [EU Clinical Trials Register] within 12 months of completion has been poor, with half of all trials non-compliant. >>

Ben Goldacre, Nicholas J DeVito, et al. Compliance with requirement to report results on the EU Clinical Trials Register: cohort study and web resource. BMJ 2018;362:k3218. Sep 12, 2018.

<< "chaos, rather than malice" is behind academics’ poor reporting of trial results. >> Ben Goldacre

Inga Vesper. Europe’s academics fail to report results for 90% of clinical trials. But nearly 70% of industry-sponsored trials report their results within a year of ending. Nature doi: 10.1038/d41586-018-06676-8 Sep 13, 2018.

mercoledì 18 luglio 2018

# acad: oops! when a big research (MACH15 clinical study, funded by several million dollars) can go wrong

<< The National Institutes of Health plans to end funding to the Moderate Alcohol and Cardiovascular Health (MACH) trial. The decision is based on concerns about the study design that cast doubt on its ultimate credibility.  >>

NIH to end funding for Moderate Alcohol and Cardiovascular Health trial. Jun 15, 2018.   

<< last month, the National Institutes of Health took the unusual step of shutting down one of its own clinical trials - a $100 million dollar experiment gone wrong. The announcement followed an internal investigation, prompted by a dogged New York Times report, that uncovered inappropriate interactions between the alcohol industry (Anheuser-Busch InBev, Heineken, and others) and the NIAAA in the execution of MACH15. >>

Jeremy Samuel Faust. A Major Industry-Funded Alcohol Study Was Compromised. How Many Others Are Out There?  The most salient takeaway from the collapse of the MACH15 trial is that the conflicts of interest at its core are probably not as rare as we think. Jul 13, 2018

giovedì 8 marzo 2018

# sec: oops! also blockchain system seems to show some security vulnerabilities

<< Smart contracts - stateful executable objects hosted on blockchains like Ethereum - carry billions of dollars worth of coins and cannot be updated once deployed >>

AA << present a new systematic characterization of a class of trace vulnerabilities, which result from analyzing multiple invocations of a contract over its lifetime >>

Ivica Nikolic, Aashish Kolluri, et al. Finding The Greedy, Prodigal, and Suicidal Contracts at Scale. arXiv: 1802.06038 [cs.CR]. Feb 16, 2018.

Kristin Houser. Uh Oh: Blockchain May Not Be as Secure as We Thought. Mar 2, 2018. 

Mike Orcutt. Ethereum's smart contracts are full of holes. MIT Tech Rev. Mar 1, 2018.


# e-ai: an intriguing hypothesis: cheating that system will become near impossible. Jun 18, 2017