the last interview to Dr Albert Bourla (Pfizer) about the annual (or maybe semi-annual (?)) shot reiteration of the vaccine against #sars-cov-2 remember to me the 'homoclinic dynamics' that I cited at the 13th Meeting of the Internat Epidemiol Associat - IEA (Sydney, 1993) ... after a large trajectories started at zero point (i.e. the fixed point), the final point of the dynamic returns at the same zero point ...
<< People will be likely to need to have annual Covid vaccinations for many years to come, the head of Pfizer [Dr Albert Bourla ] has told the BBC >>️
Fergus Walsh. Pfizer boss: Annual Covid jabs for years to come. Dec 2, 2021.
Who knows if there is a convincing reason that explains why to treat a virus with a high frequency of mutations one should prefer a vaccine approach instead of an antiviral drug ...
to find: 'antiviral drugs covid-19'
Apropos of 'homoclinic orbits' ...
<< the reinjection of the departing trajectories in the vicinity of an unstable fixed point of the saddle-focus type [..] is frequently associated with the emergence of orbits of a rather exceptional type known as 'homoclinic orbits'. These are trajectories that leave the fixed point but come back to it; in other words, they tend to the same limit when time t goes to +∞ as well as to -∞ . [..]. Homoclinic orbits are very sensitive to variation of parameter [parms] values and are generally destroyed if the [parms] do not satisfy a strict equality (in the terminology of [..] they are structurally unstable). However, for nearby values of the [parms] their disappearance leaves a very rich structure of orbit in phase space, some of which behave chaotically. >>️
Nicolis G., Prigogine I. Exploring complexity. Freeman, NY (1989): 130-131.
Apropos of: [+∞ , -∞] plus infinity, minus infinity;
<< In modern mysticism, the infinity symbol has become identified with a variation of the ouroboros, an ancient image of a snake eating its own tail that has also come to symbolize the infinite, [..] >>
Onda omoclina. Notes. Tuesday, Jan 11, 2005 (quasi-stochastic poetry)
<< ed assistere al mutar dell' onda omoclina / (..) >>
Inchingolo GM. Cultural transitions and epidemiology. Proceedings of the 13th Scientific Meeting of the International Epidemiological Association - IEA, Sydney, Australia, Sept 26-29, 1993: 129. Med Hypotheses 1994; 43(4): 201-206.
Onda di carambola. Notes. Nov 29, 2004. (quasi-stochastic poetry)
keywords: life, dance, fixed point, homoclinic orbits, instability, chaos, virus, coronavirus, sars-cov-2, covid19, 2019ncov, drugs, antiviral drug, vaccine, jabs, Covid jabs.