
venerdì 5 giugno 2020

# GST: the behavior of motile active self-propelling matter

<< From starling aberrations to self-turbulent fluids, 'active systems' encompass a wide family of phenomena in which individual objects propel themselves forward, allowing them to display intriguing collective behaviors. (..) these objects collectively spend most of their time in one of two states, between which some intriguing behaviors can emerge. (..) these collective behaviors are determined by the ability of the self-propelling objects to swim upwards against the gravitational force, and their degrees of bottom-heaviness. For lower values of these quantities, groups of swimmers will sink to the bottom of their container just like inactive dust grains; but higher values will instead collect at the top. In between these states, smaller clusters of swimmers group at the bottom, which are fed by plumes of sinking particles. Also, porous clusters of swimmers can form, which allow individual particles to escape. >>

'Bottom-heavy squirmers' adopt characteristic group behaviours. Springer. May 28, 2020.

Ruhle F., Stark H. Emergent collective dynamics of bottom-heavy squirmers under gravity. Eur. Phys. J. E 43, 26 (2020). doi: 10.1140/epje/ i2020-11949-8. May 25, 2020.

giovedì 4 giugno 2020

# life: the landscape of a 'patchwork' pandemic (caused by 1or2 'achoo' from Wuhan)

<< There was supposed to be a peak. But the stark turning point, when the number of daily COVID-19 cases in the U.S. finally crested and began descending sharply, never happened. Instead, America spent much of April on a disquieting plateau, with every day bringing about 30,000 new cases and about 2,000 new deaths. The graphs were more mesa than Matterhorn—flat-topped, not sharp-peaked. >>

<< What’s happening is not one crisis, but many interconnected ones. As we shall see, it will be harder to come to terms with such a crisis. It will be harder to bring it to heel. And it will be harder to grapple with the historical legacies that have shaped today’s patchwork. >>

Ed Yong. America’s Patchwork Pandemic Is Fraying Even Further. The coronavirus is coursing through different parts of the U.S. in different ways, making the crisis harder to predict, control, or understand. May 20, 2020. 

mercoledì 3 giugno 2020

# behav: persistent neuronal firing during flight in flies, like a pulsating gambler who has to decide quickly

<< A general principle of sensory systems is that they adapt to prolonged stimulation by reducing their response over time. >>

<< as opposed to most sensory and visual neurons, and in particular to the motion vision sensitive neurons in the brains of both flies and mammals, the descending neurons show little adaption during stimulus motion. (..) the optic-flow-sensitive descending neurons display persistent firing, or an after-effect, following the cessation of visual stimulation, consistent with the lingering calcium signal hypothesis. >>

AA results << show a combination of adaptation and persistent firing in the neurons that project to the thoracic ganglia and thereby control behavioral output. >>

Sarah Nicholas, Karin Nordstrom. Persistent Firing and Adaptation in Optic-Flow-Sensitive Descending Neurons. Curr Biol. doi: 10.1016/ j.cub.2020.05.019. May 28, 2020.

Revealing how flies make decisions on the fly to survive. Flinders University. May 28, 2020


the flexible mental maps of flies. FonT. Nov 21, 2019. 

<< Considerando invece l' immagine classica della "mosca nella bottiglia", >>  in: 2066 - voli a casaccio. Notes. (quasi-stochastic poetry). Oct 01, 2006.

lunedì 1 giugno 2020

# life; aprops of 'extreme swing' (4) ... IT exists, IT doesn't; IT will return, IT will not;

<< "i tamponi eseguiti negli ultimi dieci giorni hanno una carica virale infinitesimale rispetto a quelli eseguiti su pazienti di un mese, due mesi fa". Il presidente del Consiglio Superiore di Sanità (..) esprime "sorpresa e sconcerto" >>

Per il primario del San Raffaele, il coronavirus "dal punto di vista clinico non esiste più". AGI. May 31, 2020 utd 21:03 


keyword 'extreme | swing' in FonT

keyword 'estremo | swing' in Notes (quasi- stochastic poetry)

sabato 30 maggio 2020

# gst: apropos of unexpected Hopfion tangles

<< a certain geometrical structure of knots, which scientists call a Hopfion, manifests itself in unexpected corners of the universe, ranging from particle physics, to biology, to cosmology. >>

<< In a recent theoretical study, (..) (AA) discovered the presence of the Hopfion structure in nano-sized particles of ferroelectrics. >>

<< The Hopfion is a very abstract mathematical concept, (..) but the structure shows up in hydrodynamics, electrodynamics and even in the packing of DNA and RNA molecules in biological systems and viruses. >> Valerii Vinokur

<< When we visualized the polarization, we saw the Hopfion structure emerge, (..) We thought, wow, there is a whole world inside of these nanoparticles. >> Igor Luk'yanchuck.

Savannah Mitchem. Novel insight reveals topological tangle in unexpected corner of the universe. Argonne National Laboratory. May 26, 2020.

Luk’yanchuk I., Tikhonov Y., et al. Hopfions emerge in ferroelectrics
 Nat Commun 11, 2433. doi: 10.1038/ s41467-020-16258-w. May 15, 2020.

giovedì 28 maggio 2020

# math; a weird phenomenon, the Banach-Tarski paradox, how to create two balls by reassembling one in 3-D space.

<< A famous geometrical theorem called the Banach-Tarski paradox says that if you have a ball in 3-D space and split it into a few specific pieces, there is a way to reassemble the parts so that you create two balls. (..) When the two new balls are created, they will both be the same size as the first ball. >>  Thomas Britz. 

Sherry Landow. The mystique of mathematics: 5 beautiful math phenomena. University of New South Wales. May 20, 2020.

Banach–Tarski paradox

mercoledì 27 maggio 2020

# life: how social media could act to dehumanize the 'dehumanizable' ...

<< Fundamentally, we wanted to examine how online platforms can normalize hatred and contribute to dehumanization, (..) We found that the language used in these Facebook interactions hewed very closely to three stages we see in Terrell Northrup's theory of intractable conflict (..) One stage is the threat (..) A second stage is distortion (..) A third stage is rigidification >> Jessica Jameson.

Matt Shipman. How social media platforms can contribute to dehumanizing people. North Carolina State University. May 20, 2020

Tal Orian Harel, Jessica Katz Jameson, Ifat Maoz. The Normalization of Hatred: Identity, Affective Polarization, and Dehumanization on Facebook in the Context of Intractable Political Conflict. Social Media + Society. doi: 10.1177/ 2056305120913983. May 12, 2020


keyword 'facebook' in FonT: