
Visualizzazione dei post in ordine di data per la query astro. Ordina per pertinenza Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione dei post in ordine di data per la query astro. Ordina per pertinenza Mostra tutti i post

sabato 23 marzo 2024

# astro: black hole portraits will become more frequent

<< This year marks the fifth anniversary of the release of the first-ever image of a black hole, which revealed the glowing doughnut of the supermassive black hole called M87*. The research team that produced the image—the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) Collaboration—recently released a second image of that same black hole, which lies 55 million light years from Earth (..). This image comes from an updated version of the EHT and confirms key features of the black hole while also revealing changes over time in the pattern of light emanating from the disk surrounding the object. Starting with this release, the collaboration expects to issue increasingly frequent updates in support of the newly developing field of black hole imaging. >>️

<< “Producing the first image of M87* was a herculean effort and involved creating, testing, and verifying many different schemes and approaches to analyzing and interpreting the data,” says Princeton University astrophysicist Andrew Chael, a member of the EHT Collaboration. “Now we are beginning to transition to a point where we understand our instrument and our analysis frameworks really well, so I think we are going to be releasing results a lot more quickly.” >>
Katherine Wright. Black Hole Portraits Will Become More Frequent. Physics 17, 43. Mar 15, 2024. 

Kazunori Akiyama, Antxon Alberdi, et al. The persistent shadow of the supermassive black hole of M 87. 
I. Observations, calibration, imaging, and analysis⋆ The Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration. Astron. Astrophys. 681, A79 (2024).

Also: astrophysics, black hole, in 

Keywords: astrophysics, black hole

mercoledì 14 giugno 2023

# gst: apropos of transitions, droplet trajectories during single and collective bursting bubbles

<< Mechanisms of droplet production from bursting bubbles have been extensively studied for single bubbles, but remain sparsely investigated in more complex collective settings. >>️

<< In the collective bubbling experiment, subsurface quasimonodisperse bubbles are rising up to the surface where, depending on the surfactant concentration, they can either merge or assemble in rafts of monodisperse bubbles. Drop trajectories are recorded, analyzed, and shown to exhibit uniquely distinctive features for the different production mechanisms: centrifuge film drops are ejected sideways, and jet drops are ejected vertically. Different single-burst scalings are finally compared to the experimental size-velocity relationships, and reveal that drops coming from collective bubble bursting appear slower and more scattered than when coming from single bursting bubbles. >>️

B. Neel and L. Deike. Velocity and size quantification of drops in single and collective bursting bubbles experiments. Phys. Rev. Fluids 7, 103603. Oct 5, 2022. 

Also: 'when a superbubble can generate trains of shock waves'. Mar 6, 2019.

Also: 'transition', 'droplet', 'droploid', 'bubble', in:

Keywords: gst, transition, drop, droplet, droploid, bubble, collective dynamics,  fluid dynamics

PS: << they can either merge or assemble in rafts of monodisperse bubbles >> ; this is poetry, without unnecessary adjectives, anzicheforse ... FonT. Wed June 14, 2023 16:58 (cest)

lunedì 17 ottobre 2022

# life: a proposito di bizzarri scenari, qui un ipotetico scenario22 dipinto dal reale ...

img: Congo Square, New Orleans, Louisiana (

In definitiva qui si configurerebbe un - intrigante assai - scenario che, grosso modo, si potrebbe sinteticamente 'dipingere' in questi termini: 

(i) entità tre palle destrogire, animate aciclicamente da interazioni attrattive- repulsive a causa di già a suo tempo disvelate pulsioni neuro cognitive arcaiche, riconducibili a visioni neuro predatorie CTZ estreme, perciò ipoteticamente (si fa per dire) a-priori ad esiti immediati e in prospettiva drammaticamente lesivi- autolesivi; 

(ii) entità tre palle levogire, animate da analoghe pulsività, purtuttavia in.forme  tenui, in modalità sottotraccia, frenate da feed-back a modalità allosterica, ombreggiate, stemperate, diluite, discrete, timidamente celate, talvolta fantasmatiche perfino, quasi ma non del tutto mai silenti, perciò anch'esse a tutti gli effetti operative, sebbene a dinamiche più fluide, lente, meno dirompenti rispetto alle destrogire; 

(iii) entrambe l'Entità destrogire e levogire animat(t)rici,  generat(t)rici di dinamiche bi-multi-forcate, transeunti, con picchi di improvvisi aciclici burst ad effetti RAG-time diretti e inversi;

(iv) lo scenario al contorno e forse anche all'interno, nei vari specifici contesti, riconducibile grosso modo alla formazione aciclica di ipotetici buchi neri non inerti, caratterizzati da aciclicità in compressione e dilatazione - come fossero fisarmoniche - animati (in perpetuo?) da multi vortici in ingresso e in uscita;

Non so se basti compulsare un manuale delle funzioni speciali per formalizzare in qualche adatto topo-modo questo pulsatile multi scenario, purtuttavia assolutamente intrigante ... 

Qui una AI operativa nella formalizzazione di analogie potrebbe modellizzare, forse ... (e.g. )

Quello che appare evidente è la complessità d'insieme, un bizzarro dipinto, uno scenario dinamico che, al confronto, le storiche danze in Congo Square potrebbero sembrare semplici, ordinate coreografie ... queste, rispetto a quelle, delle topo-forme  'primitive', per dire ed anzicheforse.

In sintesi, i riferimenti (ovviamente generici) del bizzarro scenario: 

(:) buco nero con vortici 

(:) scenari generati da 3 palle 

(:) effetti RAG-time (RAG: Ralph, Al, George) 
(a) (quasi-stochastic poetry)

(:) pulsioni predatorie supportate / giustificate da visioni neuro- post- CTZ nelle modalità arcaiche oppure friendly 

(:) Congo Square, jazz 
(c) (quasi-stochastic poetry)

(:) approccio Bertalanffy 

(:) un bizzarro tracciatore 


"Amico, qualunque cosa suonerai ... "
(a) (quasi-stochastic poetry)

Keywords: life, gst, Congo Square, jazz, Jelly Roll, transition, three-body, RAG, CTZ, black hole, bizarre tracker

giovedì 22 settembre 2022

# life: apropos of quasi-stochastic (bizarre) landscapes in high-dimension, a case of double RAG-time inside a black hole with vortices

Here a hypotetical bizarre scenario of coexistence of double RAG-time (RAG: Ralph, Al, George) inside a black hole with vortices:

Maurizio Belpietro.Sorprese in vista. Occhio alla strana coppia Conte D'Alema. La verità. anno vii n 258 pg 1. 19 set 2022.


Andrea Pertici. Un soccorso centrista alla maggioranza dei due terzi? 18 Set 2022  17:08


keyword 'RAG' in Notes
(quasi-stochastic poetry)

keyword 'RAG' in FonT

black holes (as Q-ball-type saturons) could admit multi-vortex dynamics.
FonT. Sep 19, 2022.  

PS: really intriguing the image of a black hole with vortices ...

Keywords: life, jazz, RAG-time, RAGtime, black hole, vortex, vortices, vortexes, vorticity

lunedì 19 settembre 2022

# astro: black holes (as Q-ball-type saturons) could admit multi-vortex dynamics

<< Theoretical physicists argue that black holes admit vortex structures >>

Img << Sketch of a black hole endowed with multiple vortices. Colors denote the orientation, with the associated trapped magnetic field lines in black. Credit: Dvali et al. >>️

<< Recently, a new quantum framework for black holes, namely in terms of Bose-Einstein condensates of gravitons (the quanta of gravity itself), has been introduced, (..) Up until our article was published, rotating black holes have not been thoroughly studied within this framework. However, they might not only exist, but also be the rule rather than the exception. >> Florian Kühnel. 
Ingrid Fadelli. Theoretical physicists argue that black holes admit vortex structures. Sep 09, 2022. 

AA << argue that black holes admit vortex structure. This is based both on a graviton-condensate description of a black hole as well as on a correspondence between black holes and generic objects with maximal entropy compatible with unitarity, so-called saturons. (They) show that due to vorticity, a Q-ball-type saturon of a calculable renormalizable theory obeys the same extremality bound on the spin as the black hole. Correspondingly, a black hole with extremal spin emerges as a graviton condensate with vorticity. (..) Next, (AA) show that in the presence of mobile charges, the global vortex traps a magnetic flux of the gauge field. This can have macroscopically observable consequences. >>
Gia Dvali, Florian Kuhnel, Michael Zantedeschi. Vortices in Black Holes. Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 061302. Aug 3, 2022.  


keyword 'black hole' in FonT  

Keywords: astro, astrophysics, black hole, rotating black hole, vortex, vorticity

mercoledì 10 agosto 2022

# gst: a rocking shadow dance: the broken disk.

AA << reveal a new phenomenon dubbed the "rocking shadow" effect that describes how disks in forming planetary systems are oriented, and how they move around their host star. The effect also gives clues as to how they might evolve with time. >>

<< Protoplanetary disks are often thought to be shaped like dinner plates—thin, round and flat. However, recent telescope images from the Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array (ALMA) show that this is not always the case. Some of the disks seen by ALMA have shadows on them, where the part of the disk closest to the star blocks some of the stellar light and casts a shadow onto the outer part of the disk. From this shadow pattern, it can be inferred that the inner part of the disk is oriented completely differently to the outer part, in what is called a broken disk. >>️️

<< As the inner disk moved through the gravitational pull of the central star, the shadow it cast moved across the outer disk. But instead of the shadow pattern moving around the disk like a clock-hand as expected, it rocked back and forth with a see-saw-like motion. So although the inside disk kept turning in the same direction, its shadow looked like it was rocking forwards and backwards. >>
Examining rocking shadows in protoplanetary disks. Royal Astronomical Society. Jul 15, 2022.

Rocking shadows in broken 
circumbinary discs. 

The National Astronomy Meeting (NAM) 2022. The University of Warwick, 11th. Jul 15, 2022.

keywords: gst, astro, shadow, rocking shadow, broken disc

giovedì 21 luglio 2022

# life: a proposito di vaticini ...

a proposito di vaticini (dal lat.  vates «vate» e canĕre «cantare» )...

Mr. Mario Draghi, la simmetria rifiutata ... 

Simmetrico, purtuttavia caotico. FonT. 19 luglio 2019.


Be careful ... by Potus Joe. FonT. 11 maggio 2022. 


Eight new echoing black hole binaries (in Milky Way). FonT. 25 giugno 2022. 


non saprei dire il perchè ma le vicende governative di Mr Mario Draghi mi hanno fatto ricordare le 'bizzarre visioni' degli Artisti Aldo, Giovanni e Giacomo nell'episodio 'Il Conte Dracula' ... 

Keywords: symmetry, chaos, black hole, Mario Draghi, Gov

mercoledì 6 luglio 2022

# gst: when turbulence is driven by a strongly compressive guide

<< it is not fully understood how shocks drive turbulence, in particular whether shock driving is a more solenoidal (rotational, divergence-free) or a more compressive (potential, curl-free) mode of driving turbulence. >>️

<< Here, (AA) use hydrodynamical simulations of a shock inducing turbulent motions in a structured, multi-phase medium. >>️

<< Using simulations in which a shock is driven into a multi-phase medium with structures of different sizes and Γ<1, (AA) find b∼1 for all cases, showing that shock-driven turbulence is consistent with strongly compressive driving. >>️

Saee Dhawalikar, Christoph Federrath,  et al. The driving mode of shock-driven turbulence. arXiv:2205.14417v1 [astro-ph.GA]. May 28, 2022. 


keywords 'turbulence' in FonT

keywords 'turbolento' in Notes 
(quasi-stochastic poetry)

keyword 'waves' in FonT

keyword 'onda' in Notes 
(quasi-stochastic poetry)

keyword 'instability' | 'instabilities' in FonT

keyword 'instabile' in Notes 
(quasi-stochastic poetry)

Keywords: gst, turbulence, instability, waves, shock waves

sabato 25 giugno 2022

# astro: eight new echoing black hole binaries (in Milky Way)

<< Scattered across our Milky Way galaxy are tens of millions of black holes—immensely strong gravitational wells of spacetime, from which infalling matter, and even light, can never escape. Black holes are dark by definition, except on the rare occasions when they feed. As a black hole pulls in gas and dust from an orbiting star, it can give off spectacular bursts of X-ray light that bounce and echo off the inspiraling gas, briefly illuminating a black hole's extreme surroundings. >>

<< In a study appearing (..) in the The Astrophysical Journal, (AA) report (..) eight new echoing black hole binaries in our galaxy. Previously, only two such systems in the Milky Way were known to emit X-ray echoes. >>️

 << Kara (Erin Kara) and her colleagues are using X-ray echoes to map a black hole's vicinity, much the way that bats use sound echoes to navigate their surroundings. (..)  As a side project, Kara is working with MIT education and music scholars, Kyle Keane and Ian Condry, to convert the emission from a typical X-ray echo into audible sound waves. >>️️

Jennifer Chu. Search reveals eight new sources of black hole echoes. MIT.  May 2, 2022. 

Jingyi Wang, Erin Kara, et al. The NICER "Reverberation Machine": A Systematic Study of Time Lags in Black Hole X-Ray Binaries. ApJ. 930, 18. May 2, 2022. 


keyword 'black hole' in FonT

keyword 'waves' in FonT

keyword 'onda' in Notes 
(quasi-stochastic poetry)

Keywords: astro, black hole, echoes, waves

mercoledì 6 aprile 2022

# astro: going beyond a performance by Frank Zappa (or a speech by – for example – a political entity), two speeds of sound found on Mars

AA << find that atmospheric sounds extend measurements of pressure variations down to 1,000 times smaller scales than ever observed before, revealing a dissipative regime extending over 5 orders of magnitude in energy. Using point sources of sound (Ingenuity rotorcraft, laser-induced sparks), (AA) highlight two distinct values for the speed of sound that are ~10 m/s apart below and above 240 Hz, a unique characteristic of low-pressure CO2-dominated atmosphere. (They) also provide the acoustic attenuation with distance above 2 kHz, allowing to elucidate the large contribution of the CO2 vibrational relaxation in the audible range. >>

Maurice, S., Chide, B., Murdoch, N. et al. In situ recording of Mars soundscape. Nature. doi: 10.1038/ s41586-022-04679-0. Apr 1, 2022. 

<< All of these factors would make it difficult for two people to have a conversation only five meters (16 feet) apart >> Sylvestre Maurice.

Juliette Collen and Daniel Lawler. First audio recorded on Mars reveals two speeds of sound. Apr 1, 2022. 

NASA Perseverance Rover Captures 
Puff, Whir, Zap Sounds from Mars 


Frank Zappa 

image from  

keywords: astro, mars, acoustics, sound, speed of sound, dissipative regimes, music, jazz, freejazz

martedì 22 febbraio 2022

# gst: apropos of a immaginary transition (with a tipping point), which simulates the chaotic interactions of three black holes.

<< The interactions between three bodies such as stars or planets or black holes cannot be predicted with an elegant formula. Moerman (Arend Moerman) therefore used a computer that calculates what happens for a short period of time and then uses the result for the next period of time. >>

AA << varied the masses of the three interacting black holes. They started with one solar mass and went up to a billion times the mass of the sun. >>

<< Around ten million solar masses, there appeared to be a tipping point. In the simulations, black holes that are lighter than about ten million solar masses mostly eject each other through a gravitational slingshot. Black holes heavier than about ten million solar masses start to merge. First, two black holes merge. The third black hole will follow later. The black holes merge because they lose kinetic energy and that is because they emit gravitational waves. >>

<< Arend's work (..) has led to a new understanding of how black holes become supermassive. In the simulations, we see that heavy black holes no longer endlessly move around each other, but that, if they are heavy enough, they collide pretty much instantly. >> Simon Portegies Zwart. 

Simulating chaotic interactions of three black holes. Netherlands Research School for Astronomy. Oct 20, 2021. 

Tjarda C. N. Boekholt, Arend Moerman, Simon F. Portegies Zwart. Relativistic Pythagorean three-body problem. Phys. Rev. D 104, 083020. 14 Oct 14,  2021. 


more on the three-body problem (695 families of collisionless orbits). FonT. Oct 16, 2017. 

keyword 'black hole' | 'astro' in FonT

keyword 'transition' | 'transitional' in FonT

keyword 'transition' | 'transizion*' in Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry)

keywords: gst, black hole, three-body problem, transition, chaos, chaotic interaction, tipping point.

sabato 5 febbraio 2022

# astro: aprops of horrific encounters, how to survive inside a (virtual) black hole

<< As (eight stars skirt a black hole 1m times the mass of the Sun) approach, all are stretched and deformed by the black hole's gravity. Some are completely pulled apart into a long stream of gas, a cataclysmic phenomenon called a tidal disruption event. Others are only partially disrupted, retaining some of their mass and returning to their normal shapes after their horrific encounters. >>

<< These simulations, (..) are the first to combine the physical effects of Einstein's general theory of relativity with realistic stellar density models. The virtual stars range from about one-tenth to 10 times the Sun's mass. >>

<< The division between stars that fully disrupt and those that endure isn't simply related to mass. Instead, survival depends more on the star's density. >>

Jeanette Kazmierczak. Scientists fling model stars at a virtual black hole to see who survives. NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. Nov 26, 2021.

<< This paper introduces a series of papers presenting a quantitative theory for the tidal disruption of main-sequence stars by supermassive black holes (the pericenter-dependence of tidal disruption properties for eight stellar masses (..) and six black hole masses (..). >>

Taeho Ryu, Julian Krolik, et al. Tidal Disruptions of Main-sequence Stars. I. Observable Quantities and Their Dependence on Stellar and Black Hole Mass. ApJ 904 98. Nov 25, 2020.


keyword 'black hole' | 'astro' in FonT

keywords: astro, blackhole, tidal disruption, survival, surviving

mercoledì 28 ottobre 2020

# astro: the effect of Yarkovsky acceleration to direct the asteroid Apophis (towards us, hypothetically)

<< A University of Hawai Institute for Astronomy (IfA) astronomer has revealed critical new findings linked to a large asteroid expected to pass extremely close to Earth. Dave Tholen and collaborators have announced the detection of Yarkovsky acceleration on the near-Earth asteroid Apophis. This acceleration arises from an extremely weak force on an object due to non-uniform thermal radiation. This force is particularly important for the asteroid Apophis, as it affects the probability of an Earth impact in 2068. >>

Massive asteroid subject of new findings. Oct 26, 2020. 

"2068" –Massive Asteroid Apophis on Path for Earth Impact. Oct 27, 2020.


il ciottolo Apophis. Notes. May 05, 2006 (quasi-stochastic poetry). 

A wicked list in the dino-killing range; waiting for new entries. FonT. Jun 29, 2017. 

A few hints of our presence. Notes. Oct 13, 2006 (quasi-stochastic poetry)

mercoledì 7 ottobre 2020

# astro: the turbulent history of Ryugu

<< The asteroid Ryugu may look like a solid piece of rock, but it's more accurate to liken it to an orbiting pile of rubble. >>

<< Ryugu is considered a C-type, or carbonaceous, asteroid, meaning it's primarily composed of rock that contains a lot of carbon and water (..) As expected, most of the surface boulders are also C-type; however, there are a large number of S-type, or siliceous, rocks as well. These are silicate-rich, lack water-rich minerals and are more often found in the inner, rather than outer, solar system. Given the presence of S- as well as C-type rocks on Ryugu, researchers are led to believe the little rubble-pile asteroid likely formed from the collision between a small S-type asteroid and Ryugu's larger C-type parent asteroid.  If the nature of this collision had been the other way around, the ratio of C- to S-type material in Ryugu would also be reversed. >>

Rock types on Ryugu provide clues to the asteroid's turbulent history. University of Tokyo. Sep 21, 2020. 

Tatsumi E., Sugimoto C., et al. Collisional history of Ryugu’s parent body from bright surface boulders. Nat Astron. doi: 10.1038/ s41550-020-1179-z. Sep 21, 2020.


How small particles could reshape an asteroid. FonT. Sep 26, 2020.

mercoledì 5 agosto 2020

# astro: runaway cooling of intracluster gas during a silent black hole

<< supermassive black holes play a fundamental role in regulating the formation of stars throughout cosmic time. This has been clearly demonstrated in the case of galaxy clusters in which powerful feedback from the central black hole is  preventing the hot intracluster gas from cooling catastrophically, thus reducing the expected star formation rates by orders of magnitude. >>

AA << present the first observational evidence for massive, runaway cooling occurring in the absence of supermassive black hole feedback in the high-redshift galaxy cluster SpARCS104922.6+564032.5 (..) The hot intracluster gas appears to be fueling a massive burst of star formation >>

<< Intracluster stars are therefore not only produced by tidal stripping and the disruption of cluster galaxies, but can also be produced by runaway cooling of hot intracluster gas at early times. Overall, these observations show the dramatic impact when supermassive black hole feedback fails to operate in clusters. They indicate that in the highest overdensities such as clusters and proto-clusters, runaway cooling may be a new and important mechanism for fueling massive bursts of star formation in the early universe. >>

J. Hlavacek-Larrondo, C.L. Rhea, et al. Evidence of runaway gas cooling in the absence of supermassive black hole feedback at the epoch of cluster formation. arXiv:2007.15660v1 [astro-ph.GA]. Jul 30, 2020.

<< It reminds me of the old expression of 'when the cat's away, the mice will play,' (..) Here the cat, or black hole, is quiet and the mice, or stars, are very busy. >> Julie Hlavacek

Black hole fails to do its job. Chandra X-ray Center. Aug 3, 2020. 

venerdì 12 giugno 2020

# astro: oops? apropos of rapid expansion of trajectories, the nomadic escape propensity of Titan.

As a vision of a fuzzy snooker, << decades of measurements and calculations have revealed that Titan's orbit around Saturn is expanding- meaning, the moon is getting farther and farther away from the planet- at a rate about 100 times faster than expected. The research suggests that Titan was born much closer to Saturn and migrated out to its current distance of 1.2 million kilometers (about 746,000 miles) over 4.5 billion years. >>

<< Titan is expected to gravitationally squeeze Saturn with a particular frequency that makes the planet oscillate strongly, similarly to how swinging your legs on a swing with the right timing can drive you higher and higher. This process of tidal forcing is called resonance locking. Fuller (Jim Fuller) proposed that the high amplitude of Saturn's oscillation would dissipate a lot of energy, which in turn would cause Titan to migrate outward away from the planet at a faster rate than previously thought. >>

<< The resonance locking theory can apply to many astrophysical systems. I'm now doing some theoretical work to see if the same physics can happen in binary star systems, or exoplanet systems, >> Jim Fuller.

Lori Dajose. Titan is migrating away from Saturn 100 times faster than previously predicted. Jun 8, 2020.

Valery Lainey, Luis Gomez Casajus, et al. Resonance locking in giant planets indicated by the rapid orbital expansion of Titan. Nat Astron. doi: 10.1038/ s41550-020-1120-5. Jun 8, 2020.

Also (quasi-stochastic poetry)

1648b - tenuta di rigo della sonda. Notes. Jan 15, 2005.

venerdì 3 aprile 2020

# astro: apropos of elusive predators ... the mid-sized mass black hole

<< Astronomers have found the best evidence for the perpetrator of a cosmic homicide: a black hole of an elusive class known as "intermediate-mass," which betrayed its existence by tearing apart a wayward star that passed too close. >>

<< These so-called intermediate-mass black holes (..) are a long-sought "missing link" in black hole evolution. >>

Claire Andreoli. Hubble finds best evidence for elusive mid-sized black hole. NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. Mar 31, 2020

Dacheng Lin, Jay Strader, et al.  Multiwavelength Follow-up of the Hyperluminous Intermediate-mass Black Hole Candidate 3XMM J215022.4−055108. ApJL 892 L25. Mar 31, 2020

venerdì 10 gennaio 2020

# astro: you might find erratic massive black holes in dwarf galaxies ...

<< The new VLA (Very Large Array) observations revealed that 13 of these galaxies have strong evidence for a massive black hole that is actively consuming surrounding material. (AA) were very surprised to find that, in roughly half of those 13 galaxies, the black hole is not at the center of the galaxy, unlike the case in larger galaxies, >>  Amy Reines.

<< The scientists said this indicates that the galaxies likely have merged with others earlier in their history. This is consistent with computer simulations predicting that roughly half of the massive black holes in dwarf galaxies will be found wandering in the outskirts of their galaxies. >>

<< This work has taught us that we must broaden our searches for massive black holes in dwarf galaxies beyond their centers to get a more complete understanding of the population and learn what mechanisms helped form the first massive black holes in the early Universe, >> Amy Reines.

Astronomers find wandering massive black holes in dwarf galaxies. National Radio Astronomy Observatory. Jan 6, 2020.    

Amy Reines, James Condon, et al. A New Sample of (Wandering) Massive Black Holes in Dwarf Galaxies from High Resolution Radio Observations. arXiv:1909.04670v1 [astro-ph.GA] Sep 10, 2019.


keyword 'astro' in FonT

mercoledì 30 ottobre 2019

# gst: the three-body problem approach using deep neural networks

AA << show that an ensemble of solutions obtained using an arbitrarily precise numerical integrator can be used to train a deep artificial neural network (..) that, over a bounded time interval, provides accurate solutions at fixed computational cost and up to 100 million times faster than a state-of-the-art solver. >>

Philip G. Breen, Christopher N. Foley,  et al. Newton vs the machine: solving the chaotic three-body problem using deep neural networks. arXiv: 1910.07291v1 [astro-ph.GA] Oct 16, 2019

A neural net solves the three-body problem 100 million times faster. By Emerging Technology from the arXiv. 
Oct 26, 2019.


keyword "three" in FonT

keyword "three" in Notes

sabato 26 ottobre 2019

# astro: (they) accidentally snap a picture of the beast - lurking in dust - for the first time

<< Astronomers accidentally discovered the footprints of a monster galaxy in the early universe that has never been seen before. Like a cosmic Yeti, the scientific community generally regarded these galaxies as folklore, given the lack of evidence of their existence, but astronomers in the United States and Australia managed to snap a picture of the beast for the first time. >>

<< An open question is exactly how many of them there are. >>

Cosmic Yeti from the dawn of the universe found lurking in dust. University of Arizona. Oct 22, 2019.

Christina C. Williams, Ivo Labbe, et al. 
Discovery of a Dark, Massive, ALMA-only Galaxy at z ~ 5–6 in a Tiny 3 mm Survey. The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 884, Number 2. Oct 22, 2019.