
Visualizzazione dei post in ordine di pertinenza per la query instability. Ordina per data Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione dei post in ordine di pertinenza per la query instability. Ordina per data Mostra tutti i post

lunedì 11 aprile 2022

# gst: apropos of instabilities, viscoelastic liquid bridges can be destabilized by torsion.

<< Liquid bridges are formed when liquids are constrained between two (or more) surfaces via the capillary force. They appear in a wide range of contexts including biology, medicine, and engineering. In the context of biology, liquid bridges enable animals like geckos to adhere to vertical walls (..) >>

<< By experiment and simulation, (AA) report that viscoelastic liquid bridges made of constant viscosity elastic liquids, a.k.a. Boger fluids, can be effectively destabilized by torsion. Under torsion, the deformation of the liquid bridge depends on the competition between elastocapillarity and torsion-induced normal stress effects. When the elastocapillary effect dominates, the liquid bridge undergoes elastocapillary instability and thins into a cylindrical thread, whose length increases and whose radius decays exponentially over time. When the torsion-induced normal stress effect dominates, the liquid bridge deforms in a way similar to edge fracture, a flow instability characterized by the sudden indentation of the fluid's free surface when a viscoelastic fluid is sheared at above a critical deformation rate. The vertical component of the normal stress causes the upper and lower portions of the liquid bridge to approach each other, and the radial component of the normal stress results in the liquid bridge thinning more quickly than under elastocapillarity. Whether such quick thinning continues until the bridge breaks depends on both the liquid bridge configuration and the level of torsion applied. >>️

San To Chan, Stylianos Varchanis, et al. Torsional instability of constant viscosity elastic liquid bridges. Soft Matter, 2022,18, 1965-1977. doi: 10.1039/ D1SM01804C. Feb 7, 2022. 


keyword 'instability' | 'instabilities' in FonT

keyword 'instabile' in Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry)

keyword 'torsione' in Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry)

keywords: instability, torsion, torsional instability, viscoelastic liquid, bridge

martedì 28 gennaio 2025

# gst: tuning to the edge of instability (in the cochlea)

<< Sound produces surface waves along the cochlea's basilar membrane. To achieve the ear's astonishing frequency resolution and sensitivity to faint sounds, dissipation in the cochlea must be canceled via active processes in hair cells, effectively bringing the cochlea to the edge of instability. But how can the cochlea be globally tuned to the edge of instability with only local feedback? >>

<< Surprisingly, (AA) find the basilar membrane supports two qualitatively distinct sets of modes: a continuum of localized modes and a small number of collective extended modes. Localized modes sharply peak at their resonant position and are largely uncoupled. As a result, they can be amplified almost independently from each other by local hair cells via feedback reminiscent of self-organized criticality. >>

<< However, this amplification can destabilize the collective extended modes; avoiding such instabilities places limits on possible molecular mechanisms for active feedback in hair cells. >>

AA << work illuminates how and under what conditions individual hair cells can collectively create a critical cochlea. >>️

Asheesh S. Momi, Michael C. Abbott, et al. Hair Cells in the Cochlea Must Tune Resonant Modes to the Edge of Instability without Destabilizing Collective Modes. PRX Life 3, 013001. Jan 2, 2025.

Also: sound, music, pause, silence, instability, in 

Keywords: gst, acoustics, bifurcations, sensory processes, sound detection, auditory system, ear, criticality, self-organized criticality, sound, music, pause, silence, instability

lunedì 24 giugno 2024

# gst: buckling instability in a chain of sticky bubbles

<< A slender object undergoing an axial compression will buckle to alleviate the stress. Typically the morphology of the deformed object depends on the bending stiffness for solids, or the viscoelastic properties for liquid threads. >>️

AA << study a chain of uniform sticky air bubbles that rise due to buoyancy through an aqueous bath. A buckling instability of the bubble chain with a characteristic wavelength is observed.  >>️

<< If a chain of bubbles is produced faster than it is able to rise, the dominance of viscous drag over buoyancy results in a compressive stress that is alleviated by buckling the bubble chain. >>️

<< Unlike other systems, in which buckling arises from a cost associ­ated with bending, to our knowledge this is the first study of drag-induced buckling with no intrinsic cost to bending—a buckling instability with a characteristic lengthscale emerges as a result of hydrodynamics. >>
Carmen L. Lee and Kari Dalnoki-Veress. Buckling instability in a chain of sticky bubbles. Phys. Rev. Research 6, L022062. Jun 14, 2024. 

Also: bubble, instability, transition, in 

Keywords: gst, bubble, instability, drop, droplet, droploid, transition 

lunedì 10 luglio 2023

# gst: myriad of complex dynamics from the atomization of acoustically levitated droplets

AA << report the dynamics of a droplet levitated in a single-axis acoustic levitator. The deformation and atomization behavior of the droplet in the acoustic field exhibits a myriad of complex phenomena, in sequences of steps. These include the primary breakup of the droplet through stable levitation, deformation, sheet formation, and equatorial atomization, followed by secondary breakup which could be umbrella breakup, bag breakup, bubble breakup or multistage breakup depending on the initial size of the droplet. >>

<< Both the primary and the secondary breakup of the droplet admit interfacial instabilities such as Faraday instability, Kelvin Helmholtz (KH) instability, RT instability, and RP instability and are well described with visual evidence. >>️

Sunil K. Saroj, Rochish M. Thaokar. Atomisation of an acoustically levitated droplet: Experimental observations of a myriad of complex phenomenon. arXiv: 2307.00400v1 [physics.flu-dyn]. Jul 1, 2023.

Also:  drop, transition, instability in

Keywords: gst, drop, droplet, transition, instability

sabato 9 dicembre 2023

# gst: buckling instability of sticky bubbles.

<< A slender object undergoing an axial compression will buckle to alleviate the stress. Typically the morphology of the deformed object depends on the bending stiffness for solids, or the viscoelastic properties for liquid threads. >>️

AA << study a chain of uniform sticky air bubbles in an aqueous bath that rise due to buoyancy. A buckling instability of the bubble chain, with a characteristic wavelength, is observed in the absence of a bending stiffness. If a chain of bubbles is produced faster than it is able to rise, the dominance of viscous drag over buoyancy results in a compressive stress that is alleviated by buckling the bubble chain. >>
Carmen L. Lee, Kari Dalnoki-Veress. Buckling instability in a chain of sticky bubbles. arXiv: 2311.15452v1 [cond-mat.soft]. Nov 26, 2023.

Also: bubble, instability, in 

Keywords: gst, bubble, instability, buckling instability

giovedì 13 giugno 2024

# gst: helical instabilities from mixed mode transitions in boundary layers

<< Recent (..) direct numerical simulations (DNS) of adverse- and zero-pressure-gradient boundary layers beneath moderate levels of free stream turbulence (𝑇⁢𝑢≤2%) revealed a mixed mode transition regime, intermediate between orderly and bypass routes. >>️

<< In this regime, the amplitudes of the Klebanoff streaks and instability waves are similar, and both can contribute significantly as these interact. Three-dimensional visualizations of transitional eddies revealed a helical pattern, quite distinct from the sinuous and varicose forms seen in pure bypass transition. This raises the fundamental question of whether the helical pattern could be attributed to a previously unknown instability mode. >>️

In AA work << based on stability analyses, (they) show that it is indeed the case. Two-dimensional stability analyses are performed herein for base flows extracted from DNS flow fields. >>️

Rikhi Bose, Paul A. Durbin. Mixed mode transition in boundary layers: Helical instability. Phys. Rev. Fluids 9, 063905. Jun 12, 2024. 

Also: instability, transition, turbulence, waves, in 

Keywords: gst, instability, transition, turbulence, waves

martedì 26 settembre 2023

# gst: apropos of transitions, three distinct new families of long-wave instabilities and potential new pathways to turbulence.

AA << reveal three previously unknown instabilities, distinct from the well-known Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability (KHI) and Holmboe Wave Instability (HWI), in that they have longer wavelengths (..) and often slower growth rates. >>

<< The circumstances under which turbulence can persist in strongly stratified flows remains a fascinating debate within the community. [AA] demonstrated that weakly unstable (very) long waves may trigger turbulence and mixing after long periods of time, even under initially very strongly stratified conditions. >>

Lu Zhu, Amir Atoufi, Adrien Lefauve, Rich R. Kerswell, P. F. Linden. Long-wave instabilities of sloping stratified exchange flows. arXiv:2309.10056v1 [physics.flu-dyn]. Sep 18, 2023.

Also: waves, instability, transition, turbulence, chaos, in

Keywords: gst, waves, instability, long-wave instability, transition, turbulence, chaos

sabato 4 gennaio 2025

# gst: floating droplets excited with Faraday waves

<< The Faraday instability has been extensively studied in bounded containers but only recently has research on this phenomenon in flexible domains been conducted. (AA) study floating liquid droplets with Faraday waves excited on their surface, which undergo a slow time evolution toward a stable noncircular shape. (AA) develop a theoretical model for the evolution of the boundary of the droplet, thus allowing to simulate its full transient motion toward steady state. >>

<< By changing the forcing frequency and amplitude of (the) system, (They) observe a variety of stable droplet shapes. (..) Interesting transient behavior such as hysteresis is also discussed, where the final droplet shape depends on its previous shape. Finally, (They) touch upon droplets that do not reach a steady state shape, instead oscillating periodically in time or rotating at a constant angular velocity. >>️

L. Mazereeuw. Theoretical and experimental investigation of the shapes formed by floating droplets excited with Faraday waves. Phys. Rev. Fluids 9, 124404. Dec 19, 2024.

Also: drop, waves, instability, transition, in 

Keywords: drops, droplets, droploids, waves, instability, Faraday instability, transitions   

sabato 3 dicembre 2016

# s-phys: how a plasmoid instability could behave

<< The paper describes how the plasmoid instability begins in a slow linear phase that goes through a period of quiescence before accelerating into an explosive phase that triggers a dramatic increase in the speed of magnetic reconnection. >>

<< Plasmoid instability, which breaks up plasma current sheets into small magnetic islands called plasmoids, has generated considerable interest in recent years as a possible mechanism for fast reconnection. >>

<<  At issue is how magnetic reconnection, a universal process that sets off solar flares, northern lights and cosmic gamma-ray bursts, occurs so much faster than theory says should be possible. >>

John Greenwald. Researchers propose an explanation for the mysterious onset of a universal process. Nov. 22, 2016

Comisso L., Lingam M., et al. General theory of the plasmoid instability. Phys. Plasmas 23, 100702 (2016);

venerdì 30 dicembre 2022

# gst: apropos of modulational instabilities, the case of vortex-ring quantum droplets in a radially-periodic potential.

FIG. 11: (Color online) Typical examples of stable nested patterns with soliton and vortex QDs (quantum droplets)  which were created in adjacent radial troughs. In panels (a1-b4) the pattern was created from the initial dynamical states with parameters (N,S,On) = (46,0,2) and (N,S,On) = (35,1,1) in the outer and inner troughs, respectively. In panels (c1-d4) the input was taken with parameter sets (N,S,On) = (120,1,3) and (N,S,On) = (46,0,2) in the outer and inner troughs.

AA << establish stability and characteristics of two-dimensional (2D) vortex ring-shaped quantum droplets (QDs) formed by binary Bose-Einstein condensates. >>️

<< another noteworthy option is to construct a two-ring complex in which one vortex-ring component is subject to the MI  (modulational instability), hence it is replaced by an azimuthal soliton (or maybe several solitons), (..), while the vortex component trapped in another potential trough avoids the azimuthal MI and remains essentially axisymmetric. >>️

<< Examples of such heterogeneous robust states, produced by simulations of Eq. (3), are displayed in Fig. 11. Panels 11(a1-b4) show a complex in which the MI takes place in the outer circular trough, producing an azimuthal soliton which performs rotary motion, while the inner vortex ring is  modulationally stable. An opposite example is produced in Figs. 11(c1-d4), where the outer vortex ring remains stable against azimuthal perturbations, while the MI creates a soliton exhibiting the rotary motion in the embedded (inner) circular trough. The rotation direction of the soliton is driven by the vorticity sign of the underlying QD (quantum droplet). It is relevant to mention that the multi-ring potential considered here holds different vortex-ring or azimuthal-soliton states nearly isolating them from each other. (..) An additional problem, which is left for subsequent analysis, is interplay between adjacent radial modes in the case when the separation between the adjacent rings is essentially smaller. >>️

Bin Liu, Yi xi Chen, et al. Vortex-ring quantum droplets in a radially-periodic potential. arXiv: 2212.05838v1 [nlin.PS]. Dec 12, 2022.


keyword 'drop' | 'droplet' | 'droploids' in FonT

keyword 'goccia' in Notes 
(quasi-stochastic poetry): 

keyword 'instability' | 'instabilities' in FonT

keyword 'instabile' in Notes 
(quasi-stochastic poetry)

Keywords: gst, drop, droplet, vortex, vortices, vortexes, vorticity, instability,  modulational instabilities

sabato 16 novembre 2024

# gst: apropos of transverse instabilities, from chimeras to extensive chaos

<< Populations of coupled oscillators can exhibit a wide range of complex dynamical behavior, from complete synchronization to chimera and chaotic states. We can thus expect complex dynamics to arise in networks of such populations. >>️

Here AA << analyze the dynamics of networks of populations of heterogeneous mean-field coupled Kuramoto-Sakaguchi oscillators, and show that the instability that leads to chimera states in a simple two-population model also leads to extensive chaos in large networks of coupled populations. >>️

Pol Floriach, Jordi Garcia-Ojalvo, Pau Clusella. From chimeras to extensive chaos in networks of heterogeneous Kuramoto oscillator populations. arXiv: 2407.20408v2 [nlin.CD]. Oct 11, 2024.

Also: chimera, instability, chaos, network, in 

Keywords: gst, chimera, instability, chaos, network

sabato 30 ottobre 2021

# gst: apropos of transitions, perspectives on viscoelastic flow instabilities; the 'porous individualism'

<< given the observation that disorder can suppress the transition to elastic turbulence in 2D porous media (..), it has been unclear whether and how this transition manifests in disordered 3D media — though elastic turbulence has been speculated to underlie the long-standing observation that the macroscopic flow resistance of an injected polymer solution can abruptly increase above a threshold flow rate in a porous medium, but not in bulk solution >>️

AA << found that the transition to unstable flow in each pore is continuous, arising due to the increased persistence of discrete bursts of instability above a critical value of the characteristic (Weissenberg no.) Wi; however, the onset value varies from pore to pore. This observation that single pores exposed to the same macroscopic flow rate become unstable in different ways provides a fascinating pore-scale analog of “molecular individualism” [P.  De Gennes, Molecular individualism. Science 276, 1999–2000 (1997)], in which single polymers exposed to the same extensional flow elongate in different ways; the authors therefore termed it “porous individualism”, although it is important to note that here, this effect is still at the continuum (not molecular) scale. Thus, unstable flow is spatially heterogeneous across the different pores of the medium, with unstable and laminar regions coexisting >>

AA << quantitatively established that the energy dissipated by unstable pore-scale fluctuations generates an anomalous increase in flow resistance through the entire medium that agrees well with macroscopic pressure drop measurements. >>

Sujit S. Datta, Arezoo M. Ardekani, et al. Perspectives on viscoelastic flow instabilities and elastic turbulence. arXiv: 2108.09841v1 [physics.flu-dyn]. Aug 22, 2021. 

keywords: gst, droplet, fluctuations, disorder, instability, viscoelastic flow instability, turbulence, elastic turbulence, individualism, porous individualism, transition

mercoledì 6 luglio 2022

# gst: when turbulence is driven by a strongly compressive guide

<< it is not fully understood how shocks drive turbulence, in particular whether shock driving is a more solenoidal (rotational, divergence-free) or a more compressive (potential, curl-free) mode of driving turbulence. >>️

<< Here, (AA) use hydrodynamical simulations of a shock inducing turbulent motions in a structured, multi-phase medium. >>️

<< Using simulations in which a shock is driven into a multi-phase medium with structures of different sizes and Γ<1, (AA) find b∼1 for all cases, showing that shock-driven turbulence is consistent with strongly compressive driving. >>️

Saee Dhawalikar, Christoph Federrath,  et al. The driving mode of shock-driven turbulence. arXiv:2205.14417v1 [astro-ph.GA]. May 28, 2022. 


keywords 'turbulence' in FonT

keywords 'turbolento' in Notes 
(quasi-stochastic poetry)

keyword 'waves' in FonT

keyword 'onda' in Notes 
(quasi-stochastic poetry)

keyword 'instability' | 'instabilities' in FonT

keyword 'instabile' in Notes 
(quasi-stochastic poetry)

Keywords: gst, turbulence, instability, waves, shock waves

martedì 13 giugno 2017

# s-gst: imaging a soliton, first in the centre (of the condensate) rather than at the edges

<< When a periodic waveform is subjected to small perturbations to its amplitude and phase, any nonlinearity in the system can lead to its fragmentation — a so-called modulation instability. The phenomenon often results in the formation of solitons — self-reinforcing solitary wave packets — aligned in a train >>

AA << found that [ in ultracold 7Li atoms ] solitons developed first in the centre of the condensate rather than at the edges, suggesting that the seed for the modulation instability is dominated by noise, which may be technical, thermal or quantum in origin >>

Yun Li. Ultracold gases. Search for the seed. doi:10.1038/nphys4172

Jason H. V. Nguyen, De Luo, Randall G. Hulet. Formation of matter-wave soliton trains by modulational instability. Science 2017, 356 (6336), 422–426. doi: 10.1126/science.aal3220. 28 Apr 2017.

mercoledì 20 ottobre 2021

# gst: streak-vortex instabilities in heterogeneous turbulent boundary layers

AA << re-examine the turbulent boundary layers developing over surfaces with spanwise heterogeneous roughness of various roughness wavelengths 0.32≤S/δ¯¯≤3.63, where S is the width of the roughness strips and δ¯¯ is the spanwise-averaged boundary-layer thickness. >>

<< The heterogeneous cases induce counter-rotating secondary flows, and these are compared to the large-scale turbulent structures that occur naturally over the smooth wall. Both appear as meandering elongated high- and low-momentum streaks in the instantaneous flow field. >>

<< Results suggest that the secondary flows might be spanwise-locked turbulent structures, with S/δ¯¯ governing the strength of the turbulent structures and possibly the efficacy of the surface in locking the structures in place (most effective when S/δ¯¯≈1). >>

<< Conditional averages of the fluctuating velocity fields of both spanwise heterogeneous and smooth wall cases result in structures that are strongly reminiscent of the streak-vortex instability model. (proposed in Jeong et al.,1997) >>

<< One outstanding question that remains unanswered in the present study is the cause of the prominent meandering of the turbulent structures, which is only observed when S/δ¯¯≈1 >>️️
Dea Daniella Wangsawijaya, Nicholas Hutchins. Investigation of unsteady secondary flows and large-scale turbulence in heterogeneous turbulent boundary layers. arXiv: 2110.02268v1 [physics.flu-dyn]. Oct 5, 2021.

keywords: gst, fluid dynamics, vortices, vortex instability, streak-vortex instability,  roughness, heterogeneous roughness, turbulence, turbulent boundary layers.

sabato 26 agosto 2017

# gst: modeling around the edge of a crack

<< It is said that a weak link determines the strength of the entire chain. Likewise, defects or small cracks in a solid material may ultimately determine the strength of that material – how well it will withstand various forces >>

<< What, exactly, happens right around the edge of the crack, in the area in which those large stresses are concentrated? >>

The Breaking Point. What happens at the moving edge of crack? Aug 23, 2017

AA << show that cracks undergo an oscillatory instability controlled by small-scale, near crack-tip, elastic nonlinearity. This instability occurs above an ultrahigh critical velocity and features an intrinsic wavelength proportional to the ratio of the fracture energy to the elastic modulus (..) This ratio emerges as a fundamental scaling length assumed to play no role in the classical theory of cracks, but shown here to strongly influence crack dynamics >>

Chih-Hung Chen, Eran Bouchbinder & Alain Karma. Instability in dynamic fracture and the failure of the classical theory of cracks. Nature Physics doi: 10.1038/nphys4237 Publ. Aug 21, 2017

lunedì 18 novembre 2024

# gst: pulse-to-crack transition, unsteady slip pulses under spatially-varying prestress scenarios.

AA << study the effects of a spatially-varying prestress τb(x) on 2D slip pulses, initially generated under a uniform τb along a rate-and-state friction fault. (They) consider periodic and constant-gradient prestress τb(x) around the reference uniform τb. For a periodic τb(x), pulses either sustain and form quasi-limit cycles in the L−c plane or decay predominantly monotonically along the L(c) line, depending on the instability index of the initial pulse and the properties of the periodic τb(x).  >>️

<< For a constant-gradient τb(x), expanding/decaying pulses closely follow the L(c) line, with systematic shifts determined by the sign and magnitude of the gradient. (They) also find that a spatially-varying τb(x) can revert the expanding/decaying nature of the initial reference pulse.  >>

<< Finally, (AA) show that a constant-gradient τb(x), of sufficient magnitude and specific sign, can lead to the nucleation of a back-propagating rupture at the healing tail of the initial pulse, generating a bilateral crack-like rupture. This pulse-to-crack transition, along with the above-described effects, demonstrate that rich rupture dynamics merge from a simple, nonuniform prestress. >>️️

Anna Pomyalov, Eran Bouchbinder. Unsteady slip pulses under spatially-varying prestress. arXiv: 2407.21539v1 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci]. Jul 31, 2024.

Also: transition, instability, crack, in 

Keywords: gst, transition, instability, crack 

sabato 3 settembre 2022

# gst: apropos of vibrating pivots, driving a damped coplanar double pendulum.

AA << present results of linear and nonlinear motions of a parametrically driven coplanar double pendulum with velocity-dependent damping. The equations of motion of a damped double pendulum of unequal masses with its pivot vibrated vertically are different from those obtained under gravity modulation. 

Linear stability analysis shows that tongue-shaped marginal stability curves divide the plane of driving parameters into multiple regions of subharmonic and harmonic instabilities. The instability zones for one normal mode overlap with those for the other. 

The double pendulum may oscillate or rotate about its pivot harmonically or subharmonically. The limit cycles corresponding to the normal mode oscillations of a double pendulum of equal masses are squeezed into a line in its configuration space. 

For unequal masses, two marginal curves for subharmonic instabilities merge to form a double-well shaped curve in the presence of damping, which is qualitatively new. The pendulum shows driving amplitude sensitive multi-period complex oscillations for driving parameters near the extrema of the merged instability zones and boundaries of the overlapping zones. 

For larger driving amplitude, the pendulum shows subharmonic, harmonic or chaotic rotations. >>
Rebeka Sarkar, Krishna Kumar, Sugata Pratik Khastgir. Parametrically driven damped coplanar double pendulum. arXiv:2208.03292v1 [physics.class-ph]. Aug 2, 2022. 


keyword 'pendulum' in FonT

keyword 'pendolo' | 'pendola' in Notes
(quasi-stochastic poetry)

Keywords: gst, pendulum, double pendulum, instability, chaos, chaotic rotations

lunedì 9 settembre 2024

# gst: critical crack length during fracture.

AA << established an inverse correlation between the strength of the material and the cracks which grow inside it—both the maximum crack and the one that sets in instability within the system, defined to be the critical crack. >>

AA << found that the maximum and the critical crack often differ from each other unless the disorder strength is extremely low. A phase diagram on the plane of disorder vs system size demarcates between the regions where the largest crack is the most vulnerable one and where they differ from each other but still show moderate correlation. >>️

Viswakannan R.K., Subhadeep Roy. Critical crack length during fracture. Phys. Rev. E 110, 024134. Aug 26, 2024.

Also: crack, instability, fluctuations, noise, in 

Keywords: gst, crack, instability, fluctuations, noise, criticality

giovedì 14 dicembre 2023

# gst: pulsating active matter.

<< the mechanical pulsation of locally synchronized particles is a generic route to propagate deformation waves. >>
AA << consider a model of dense repulsive particles whose activity drives periodic change in size of each individual. >>️

They << show that the competition between repulsion and synchronization triggers an instability which promotes a wealth of dynamical patterns, ranging from spiral waves to defect turbulence. >>️

Yiwei Zhang, Etienne Fodor. Pulsating Active Matter. Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 238302. Dec 8, 2023. 

Also: waves, particle, transition, instability, turbulence, in 

Keywords: gst, waves, particle, transition, instability, turbulence