
venerdì 4 novembre 2022

# gst: apropos of transitions, disordered systems mimic genetic evolution.

<< A bacterial genome’s evolution under changing drug concentrations displays effects of memory formation and mimics how disordered solids respond to external forces. >>️

AA << simulate the effect on adaptation of an environment that is constantly changing. Using a model that describes how slow-moving disordered systems respond to external forces, (they) find that microbe evolution in changing drug concentrations exhibits hysteresis and memory formation. They use analytical methods and numerical simulations to connect these statistical physics concepts to bacterial drug resistance. >>️

AA << find that this behavior mimics that of disordered systems driven by external forces, such as ferromagnetic materials subjected to magnetic fields or amorphous materials subjected to a shearing force. They say that while their approach focuses on the evolution of drug resistance, the framework can be adapted to other problems in evolutionary biology that involve changing environmental parameters. >>
Rachel Berkowitz. Disordered Systems Mimic Genetic Evolution. Physics 15, s118. Sep 20, 2022. 

Suman G. Das, Joachim Krug, Muhittin Mungan. Driven Disordered Systems Approach to Biological Evolution in Changing Environments. Phys. Rev. X 12, 031040. Sep 20, 2022.


keyword 'disorder' in FonT

keyword 'disordine' in Notes
(quasi-stochastic poetry)

Keywords: gst, disorder, disordered systems, evolution, genetic evolution 

sabato 29 ottobre 2022

# gst: two steady collective states in swarmalators with delayed interactions

AA << investigate the effects of delayed interactions in a population of "swarmalators", generalizations of phase oscillators that both synchronize in time and swarm through space. >>

AA << discover two steady collective states: a state in which swarmalators are essentially motionless in a disk arranged in a pseudo-crystalline order, and a boiling state in which the swarmalators again form a disk, but now the swarmalators near the boundary perform boiling-like convective motions. >>️

Nicholas Blum, Andre Li, et al. Swarmalators with delayed interactions. arXiv: 2210.11417v1 [nlin.AO]. Oct 20, 2022.


keyword 'swarm' in FonT

keyword 'particle' | 'quasiparticle' in FonT

keyword 'particelle' in Notes
(quasi-stochastic poetry)

Keywords: gst, particle, swarm

domenica 23 ottobre 2022

# jazz: Eastside Romp. Jeff Parker (gui), Eric Revis (b), Nasheet Waits (d).

<< In May 2016, guitarist Jeff Parker, double bassist Eric Revis, and drummer Nasheet Waits spent a single day recording in a Pasadena studio. The seven tunes they cut appear on Eastside Romp. Mixed in 2018, it sat on a shelf for four more years. (..) No one except the creators know why it took six long years for this relaxed yet canny set to arrive, but its appearance adds immeasurably to the mystique and inventive creativity of these three musicians. >> Thom Jurek (T.J.)

- Drunkard's Lullaby
<< "Drunkard's Lullaby" is a group improvisation, laden with guitar effects, knotty bass vamps, and dialogic conversation between snare, hi-hat, and kick drum. Parker's abstracted soloing is saturated in distortion, and it short-circuits, staggering his already jagged lines, creating a barely restrained sense of power. The rhythm section intersects and interlocks in detailed, propulsive conversation as the guitar travels afield, adding more frenetic yet glitchy notes and layers of feedback. >> (T.J.)

- Wait
<< "Wait," the album's longest cut, was composed by the guitarist. It commences as a dirge led by Revis playing vamped chords. He establishes a circular vamp as Parker points at his changes and Waits dances limpidly on his tom-toms in 4/4. The languid lyric line crisscrosses post-bop, Spanish-tinged modalism, and blues. Parker moves between melody and angular improv as his bandmates respond with empathy, highlighting and expanding the reach of his labyrinthine harmonic lines. As a perfect complement, Waits offers a studio version of his oft-performed nugget "Between Nothingness and Infinity." Paraphrasing the title of 1973's live Mahavishnu Orchestra album Between Nothingness & Eternity, he frames a musical narrative that emerges directly out of Parker's deeply moving ballad-esque playing, adding textural airiness, rhythmic spaciousness, and harmonic depth to its melody. >> (T.J.)

- Similar Limits 
<< Opener "Similar Limits" is the set's only cover. Composed by the late alto saxophonist Marion Brown, it originally appeared on 1967's Porto Novo. The trio keep the iconic, Monk-esque intro after a brief roll from Waits. Parker and Revis play the staggered melodic intro as Waits rolls, fills, and accents all over the kit. As the bassist expands the tune's harmonic reach, Parker explores the underside with great sensitivity and swing. >> (T.J.)️

Jeff Parker, Eric Revis, Nasheet Waits. 
Drunkard's Lullaby, Wait, Similar Limits.
Eastside Romp.  Rogue Art 0113 (2022). 


'jazz' | 'jazzy' | 'funky' |  in FonT (twitter)

'jazz' in Notes 
(quasi-stochastic poetry)

venerdì 21 ottobre 2022

# life; a proposito d'immediati in.carichi ...

se Mr. Sergio avesse tirato fuori un mazzo di carte per un giro a Poker forse si poteva arrivare da 7 a 15-20 minuti ... 

cfr 'cip d' immediato vortice' in Notes 
(quasi-stochastic poetry)
Notes. Nov 24, 2004. 

cfr 'immediato' in Notes 

Keywords: life, immediato, immediato incarico, poetry, quasistochastic, quasi-stochastic poetry, fuzzypoe 

# life; il sé sadico, *mutaforma, *compassionevole, *mistico predatore, *schizofrenico predatore

Qui alcune note (quasistocastiche) circa il sé sadico (*)

(*) schizofrenico predatore (Dec 15, 2004) 


keyword 'sadico' in Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry)

keyword 'sadico' | 'sadistic' in FonT

keyword 'silvo sadico' in Notes
(quasi-stochastic poetry)

keyword 'silvo sadico' in FonT

Keywords: silvo, wild, sadico, sadist, sadistic, mutaforma, shapeshifter, predatore, predator, poetry, quasi-stochastic poetry

lunedì 17 ottobre 2022

# life: a proposito di bizzarri scenari, qui un ipotetico scenario22 dipinto dal reale ...

img: Congo Square, New Orleans, Louisiana (

In definitiva qui si configurerebbe un - intrigante assai - scenario che, grosso modo, si potrebbe sinteticamente 'dipingere' in questi termini: 

(i) entità tre palle destrogire, animate aciclicamente da interazioni attrattive- repulsive a causa di già a suo tempo disvelate pulsioni neuro cognitive arcaiche, riconducibili a visioni neuro predatorie CTZ estreme, perciò ipoteticamente (si fa per dire) a-priori ad esiti immediati e in prospettiva drammaticamente lesivi- autolesivi; 

(ii) entità tre palle levogire, animate da analoghe pulsività, purtuttavia in.forme  tenui, in modalità sottotraccia, frenate da feed-back a modalità allosterica, ombreggiate, stemperate, diluite, discrete, timidamente celate, talvolta fantasmatiche perfino, quasi ma non del tutto mai silenti, perciò anch'esse a tutti gli effetti operative, sebbene a dinamiche più fluide, lente, meno dirompenti rispetto alle destrogire; 

(iii) entrambe l'Entità destrogire e levogire animat(t)rici,  generat(t)rici di dinamiche bi-multi-forcate, transeunti, con picchi di improvvisi aciclici burst ad effetti RAG-time diretti e inversi;

(iv) lo scenario al contorno e forse anche all'interno, nei vari specifici contesti, riconducibile grosso modo alla formazione aciclica di ipotetici buchi neri non inerti, caratterizzati da aciclicità in compressione e dilatazione - come fossero fisarmoniche - animati (in perpetuo?) da multi vortici in ingresso e in uscita;

Non so se basti compulsare un manuale delle funzioni speciali per formalizzare in qualche adatto topo-modo questo pulsatile multi scenario, purtuttavia assolutamente intrigante ... 

Qui una AI operativa nella formalizzazione di analogie potrebbe modellizzare, forse ... (e.g. )

Quello che appare evidente è la complessità d'insieme, un bizzarro dipinto, uno scenario dinamico che, al confronto, le storiche danze in Congo Square potrebbero sembrare semplici, ordinate coreografie ... queste, rispetto a quelle, delle topo-forme  'primitive', per dire ed anzicheforse.

In sintesi, i riferimenti (ovviamente generici) del bizzarro scenario: 

(:) buco nero con vortici 

(:) scenari generati da 3 palle 

(:) effetti RAG-time (RAG: Ralph, Al, George) 
(a) (quasi-stochastic poetry)

(:) pulsioni predatorie supportate / giustificate da visioni neuro- post- CTZ nelle modalità arcaiche oppure friendly 

(:) Congo Square, jazz 
(c) (quasi-stochastic poetry)

(:) approccio Bertalanffy 

(:) un bizzarro tracciatore 


"Amico, qualunque cosa suonerai ... "
(a) (quasi-stochastic poetry)

Keywords: life, gst, Congo Square, jazz, Jelly Roll, transition, three-body, RAG, CTZ, black hole, bizarre tracker

lunedì 10 ottobre 2022

# gst: apropos of transitions, escape inside a noisy layered system

<< Noisy layered systems can exhibit amplified fluctuation patterns depending on their connectivity. Here (AA) showed that noise originally injected in one layer may induce faster basin escape in connected layers. This is both due to the amplification of the noise amplitude and the system specific correlations that the noise acquire while going through the first layer. Indeed, (..) one sees that the noise in the second is correlated in both space and time with clear dependence on the network structure. For networks with low algebraic connectivity, (AA) numerically showed that the first escape time is shorter in the two cases where (i) fluctuations are amplified in the second layer and (ii) noise in the second layer is rescaled in order to have the same variance in both layers. While point (i) is rather intuitive, i.e. larger fluctuations lead to shorter first escape times, point (ii) is more involved. Indeed, this indicates that noise with spatial and temporal correlations (..) selects directions that enable faster exits from the initial basin of attraction. >>

Melvyn Tyloo. Faster network disruption from layered oscillatory dynamics. arXiv: 2210.01180v1 [nlin.AO]. Oct 3, 2022. 


keyword 'escape' in FonT

keyword 'escape' | 'fuga' in Notes 
(quasi-stochastic poetry)

Keywords: gst, transitions, escape, noise, noisy layered systems