
Visualizzazione post con etichetta behavior. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta behavior. Mostra tutti i post

sabato 2 novembre 2024

# gst: apropos of noise-assisted phenomena, self-organized transport in noisy dynamic networks.

AA << present a numerical study of multicommodity transport in a noisy, nonlinear network. The nonlinearity determines the dynamics of the edge capacities, which can be amplified or suppressed depending on the local current flowing across an edge. (AA) consider network self-organization for three different nonlinear functions: For all three (They) identify parameter regimes where noise leads to self-organization into more robust topologies, that are not found by the sole noiseless dynamics. Moreover, the interplay between noise and specific functional behavior of the nonlinearity gives rise to different features, such as (i) continuous or discontinuous responses to the demand strength and (ii) either single or multistable solutions. (AA) study shows the crucial role of the activation function on noise-assisted phenomena. >>️

Frederic Folz, Kurt Mehlhorn, Giovanna Morigi. Self-organized transport in noisy dynamic networks. Phys. Rev. E 110, 044310. Oct 21, 2024. 

Also: network, noise, behavior, self-assembly, instability, in 

Keywords: gst, network, noise, behavior, self-assembly, stability 

venerdì 1 novembre 2024

# gst: monitoring of stable crack growth; crack tip behavior at the nanoscale (during ceramic fracture).

<< To understand fracture and make brittle materials more ductile, (AA) rely on modeling what happens at a crack tip. However, observing a crack tip in a brittle material is challenging: cracks propagate fast, and the events that (AA) are interested in observing occur at the nanoscale or below. Up to now, (They) were not able to observe what happens ahead of a moving crack tip. >>

<< In this work, (AA) show how by carefully performing fracture experiments inside a transmission electron microscope (They) can grow stable cracks while observing the nanoscale events happening at the crack tip. >>️

Oriol Gavalda-Diaz, Max Emmanuel, et al. Observing the crack tip behavior at the nanoscale during fracture of ceramics. PNAS. 121 (43) e2408292121. Oct 17, 2024.

Also: fracture, crack, behav in 

Keywords: gst, fracture, crack, behavior

domenica 27 ottobre 2024

# life: landing on a swinging perch: peach-faced lovebirds (Agapornis roseicollis) prefer extremes.

<< Birds frequently must land safely and accurately on moving branches or power lines, and seemingly accomplish such maneuvers with acrobatic precision. To examine how birds target and land successfully on moving supports, (AA) investigated how peach-faced lovebirds (Agapornis roseicollis) approach and land on a swinging perch.  >>️

<< In support of (AA) hypothesis for stable landings, lovebirds timed their landings in a majority of trials (51.3%), when the perch was approaching either extreme of its motion with its velocity nearing zero (27.5% in the same direction as the bird’s approach – SDs, and 23.8% in the opposite direction to the bird’s approach – ODs). As a result, lovebirds exhibited a robust bimodal strategy for timing their landing to the phase of the swinging perch. Less commonly, lovebirds landed when the perch was moving at high velocity either toward the bird’s approach (12.3%) or in the same direction as the bird’s approach (11.5%); with the remainder (21.9%) of trials distributed over a broad range of swing phases. >>️

Partha S Bhagavatula, Andrew A. Biewener. Landing on a swinging perch: peach-faced lovebirds prefer extremes. Oct 8, 2024.

Also: behav, birdsextreme, jazz, Mr. Jelly Roll Morton, in: 

Keywords: life, birds, extreme,  behavior, behaviour, jazz, Mr. Jelly Roll Morton

venerdì 25 ottobre 2024

# life: fast-and-flexible decision-making with modulatory interactions

<< Multi-agent systems in biology, society, and engineering are capable of making decisions through the dynamic interaction of their elements. Nonlinearity of the interactions is key for the speed, robustness, and flexibility of multi-agent decision-making. >>

AA << introduce modulatory, that is, multiplicative, in contrast to additive, interactions in a nonlinear opinion dynamics model of fast-and-flexible decision-making. (..) Modulatory interactions introduce an extra source of nonlinearity that greatly enriches the model decision-making behavior in a mathematically tractable way. >>

AA << model provides new tools to understand the role of these interactions in networked decision-making and to engineer them in artificial systems. >>

Rodrigo Moreno-Morton, Anastasia Bizyaeva, et al. Fast-and-flexible decision-making with modulatory interactions. arXiv: 2410.00798v1 [math.DS]. Oct 1, 2024.

Also: behav, network, ai (artificial intell), in 

Keywords: life, decision-making, modulatory interactions, behavior, behaviour, network, ai, artificial intelligence

giovedì 24 ottobre 2024

# game: aperiodic Parrondo (behavior based on the binary Fibonacci, Thue–Morse and Rudin–Shapiro sequences); persistence and heterogeneity effects.

AA << study the effectiveness of employing archetypal aperiodic sequencing -- namely Fibonacci, Thue-Morse, and Rudin-Saphiro -- on the Parrondian effect. From a capital gain perspective, (their) results show that these series do yield a Parrondo's Paradox with the Thue-Morse based strategy outperforming not only the other two aperiodic strategies but benchmark Parrondian games with random and periodical (AABBAABB…) switching as well. The least performing of the three aperiodic strategies is the Rudin-Shapiro. >>

AA << analyze the cross-correlation between the capital generated by the switching protocols and that of the isolated losing games. This analysis reveals that a pronounced anti-correlation (below -0.95) with both isolated games is typically required to achieve a robust manifestation of Parrondo's effect. >>

About << the influence of the sequencing on the capital using the lacunarity and persistence measures (AA) observe that the switching protocols tend to become less performing in terms of the capital as one increases the persistence and thus approaches the features of an isolated losing game. >>

Respect to << lacunarity, a property related to heterogeneity, (AA) notice that for small persistence the performance increases with the lacunarity with a maximum (..). In respect of this, (AA) work shows that  the optimisation of a switching protocol is strongly dependent on a fine tune between persistence and heterogeneity. >>

Marcelo A. Pires, Erveton P. Pinto, et al. Parrondo's effects with aperiodic protocols. arXiv: 2410.02987v1 [physics.soc-ph]. Oct 3, 2024.

Also: Parrondo, tit-for-tat, game, behav, network, in 

Keywords: Parrondo, tit-for-tat, game, behavior, behaviour, network

martedì 22 ottobre 2024

# game: apropos of Parrondo's paradox, winning with losses driven by reputation and reciprocity

AA << investigate two such social behaviors, reputation and reciprocity, and their role in explaining Darwin’s survival of the fittest, examining how these fundamental principles govern individual interactions and shape broader social dynamics. >>

<< Current theories hint at two main facets of social interaction, reputation and reciprocity, as potential drivers behind this cooperative evolution. Reputation revolves around building and sustaining trust, social worth, and overall community standing. Conversely, reciprocity governs the mutual exchange of actions or benefits, influencing our choices. >>

<< One intriguing concept explored in this domain is Parrondo’s paradox: combining or switching between two losing strategies might surprisingly achieve a winning outcome. The role of Parrondo’s paradox in complex systems has sparked key research into chaotic many-body, quantum, and algorithmic network applications, where combining elements yields opposing beneficial results. Similarly, social physicists aim to uncover hidden mechanisms that govern societal phenomena by integrating the paradox’s counterintuitive principles. >>️

<< The game-theoretic Parrondo’s paradox emerges through multiple iterations of these interactions (..) A naive observation might conclude that in either scheme the chance of individuals losing to the environment is higher than gaining from the environment. For the reputation scheme, one is rewarded with a singular capital from the environment but is punished with two. Similarly, the reciprocity scheme only allows for the redistribution of capital or loss of capital. In reality, diverse schemes can be adopted by different individuals. Thus, (AA) suggest two forms of switching: (1) stochastic switching, where the individual randomly selects one of two schemes to employ with equal probability, and (2) rule-based switching, where the individual only selects the reputation scheme if it passes the reputation threshold ρ; otherwise, it employs the reciprocity scheme. >>

AA << also performed simulations on other network topologies (..) Parrondo’s paradox is strongly observed in small-world networks, weakly in the Erdős-Rényi network, and absent in scale-free networks. >>

To conclude, some of these observations << underscore the profound capability of rule-based switching mechanisms inherent in Parrondo’s paradox to emulate and forecast key aspects of real-world social phenomena. Such insights are invaluable for developing sophisticated models and strategies in various fields, ranging from social sciences to policy making, where accurate predictions of social behavior and dynamics are crucial. >>

Joel Weijia Lai, Kang Hao Cheong. Winning with Losses: The Surprising Success of Negative Strategies in Social Interaction Behavior. Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 167401. Oct 16, 2024. 

Also: Parrondo, tit-for-tat, game, behav, network, in 

Keywords: Parrondo, tit-for-tat, game, behavior, behaviour, network

sabato 27 aprile 2024

# ethno: cross-cultural comparison of rhythm priors in 15 countries.

<< Music is present in every known society but varies from place to place. What, if anything, is universal to music cognition? (AA) measured a signature of mental representations of rhythm in 39 participant groups in 15 countries, spanning urban societies and Indigenous populations. >>️

Their << results suggest a common feature of music cognition: discrete rhythm ‘categories’ at small-integer ratios. These discrete representations plausibly stabilize musical systems in the face of cultural transmission but interact with culture-specific traditions to yield the diversity that is evident when mental representations are probed across many cultures. >>️

Nori Jacoby, Rainer Polak, et al. Commonality and variation in mental representations of music revealed by a cross-cultural comparison of rhythm priors in 15 countries. Nat Hum Behav.  doi: 10.1038/ s41562-023-01800-9. March 4, 2024. 

Also: ethno, music, jazz, behav, in 

Keywords: ethno, music, jazz, behavior

sabato 20 aprile 2024

# gst: apropos of synchronization of large bubble clouds, self-oscillating acoustic bubbles that bounce

<< Self-oscillations underlie many natural phenomena such as heartbeat, ocean waves, and the pulsation of variable stars. (..) In this study, (AA) consider two closely spaced bubbles pulsating in the kHz range in response to ultrasonic excitation. A translational bouncing motion emerges from their interaction with a much lower frequency than the bubble pulsation frequency. >>

Their analysis << reveals that the observed bubble bouncing exhibits the main features of self-oscillation, such as negative damping and the emergence of a limit cycle. These results highlight unexpected nonlinear effects in the field of microbubbles and give insights into the understanding of synchronization in large bubble clouds. >>️

Gabriel Regnault, Alexander A Doinikov, et al. Phenomenon of self-oscillation in bubble dynamics: Bouncing acoustic bubbles. arXiv: 2404.05822v1 [physics.flu-dyn]. Apr 8, 2024.

Also: bubble, bouncing, behav, in 

Keywords: gst, bubble, self-oscillation, bouncing, behavior, collective behavior, bouncing motion, synchronization

martedì 16 aprile 2024

# gst: apropos of collective behaviors, a visual model to reproduces swarming, schooling, and milling.

<< Animal collective behavior is often modeled with self-propelled particles, assuming each individual has “omniscient” knowledge of its neighbors. Yet, neighbors may be hidden from view and we do not know the effect of this information loss. To address this question, (AA) propose a visual model of collective behavior where each particle moves according to bioplausible visual cues, in particular the optic flow. This visual model successfully reproduces three classical collective behaviors: swarming (no orientational order), schooling (high orientational order), and milling (the group coordinately swirls in a circular pattern). >>️

Diego Castro, Franck Ruffier, Christophe Eloy. Modeling collective behaviors from optic flow and retinal cues. Phys. Rev. Research 6, 023016. Apr 4, 2024. 

Also: swarm, flockbehav, particle, in 

Keywords: gst, swarming, flocking, behavior, particle, self-propelled particles

sabato 2 marzo 2024

# behav: ADHD may have been a feature of nomadic exploration among hunter-gatherer societies

<< All mobile organisms forage for resources, choosing how and when to search for new opportunities by comparing current returns with the average for the environment. In humans, nomadic lifestyles favouring exploration have been associated with genetic mutations implicated in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), inviting the hypothesis that this condition may impact foraging decisions in the general population. >>️

David L. Barack, Vera U. Ludwig, et al. 
Attention deficits linked with proclivity to explore while foraging. Proc Royal Society B.  doi: 10.1098/ rspb.2022.2584. Feb 21, 2024. 

<< Is it a legacy of the hunter-gatherer world? >> Arjun Ramakrishnan

Chen Ly. ADHD may have evolved to help foragers know when to cut their losses. Feb 21,2024.

Also: nomads, bushmen, behav, uncertainty, curiosity, in

Keywords: adhd, nomads, hunter-gatherers, behavior, behaviour

giovedì 25 gennaio 2024

# behav: mechanics of fire ant rafts as an active self-healing membrane

<< The unique ability of fire ants to form a raft to survive flooding rain has enchanted biologists as well as researchers in other disciplines. (..) a three-dimensional aggregation of fire ants exhibits viscoelasticity with respect to external compression and shearing among numerous unusual mechanical properties. >>️

AA << study the ant raft in its natural form, i.e., composing no more than two layers. This allowed to focus on the cracks that are unique to membranes and see how their patterns are influenced by the fact that these ants are mobile and can self-repair the damage to keep their raft from disintegration. >>️

They << show that vertical and horizontal shaking can also prompt fire ants to aggregate.  (..)  the pull force expedites the alignment of fire ants, in analogy to the effect of an electric field on liquid crystal polymers. >>️

<< One major finding is that the raft can exhibit zero Poisson's ratio without resorting to specific geometry structures. This is enabled by the active recruitment of ants from the top layer to the bottom layer to keep the raft from disintegrating. >>️
Chung-Hao Chen, Ting-Heng Hsieh, et al. Formation and mechanics of fire ant rafts as an active self-healing membrane. Phys. Rev. E 109, 014607. Jan 9, 2024. 

David Ehrenstein. Material Properties of Fire-Ant Rafts. Physics 17, s5. Jan 9. 2024. 

randa (quasi-stochastic poetry)

Also: behav, behavior, in

Keywords behavior, behaviour, ant, raft, self-healing

venerdì 18 agosto 2023

# gst: emergence of self-organizing zigzag patterns among (magnetic) particles suspended in a liquid

<< When molecules or bacteria organize into a long-range pattern, researchers want to understand how the microscopic interactions lead to the macroscopic order. (AA) observed such self-organization in magnetic particles suspended in a liquid and subjected to an oscillating magnetic field. Through experiments and simulations, the team showed that the resulting zigzag pattern is explained by the fluid flow generated around the oscillating particles, not by any details of the particles or the applied field. Similar zigzag patterns have also been seen in charged colloids subjected to oscillating electric fields, so the explanation may cover a range of particle systems. The researchers also believe that understanding and controlling the effect could lead to useful applications in microfluidics devices. >>️

David Ehrenstein. Self-Organized Zigzags from Fluid Flow. Physics 16, 138. Aug 11, 2023.

Gaspard Junot, Marco De Corato, Pietro Tierno. Large Scale Zigzag Pattern Emerging from Circulating Active Shakers. Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 068301. Aug 11, 2023. 

Also: particle, self-assembly, chiral, behav, in:  

Keywords: gst, behavior, particle, self-assembly, self-organization, chiral, active shakers, squirmers, alternating chirality

mercoledì 21 giugno 2023

# gst: nonmonotonic appearance- disappearance behaviors of two unequal-sized miscible liquid drops

<< the coalescence process of two miscible liquid drops exhibits a nonmonotonic behavior of partial coalescence from appearance to disappearance and then reappearance with decreasing surface tension ratio. The strong lifting force of the intense Marangoni flow causes the reappearance of partial coalescence at higher surface tension difference between two drops. When the Ohnesorge number increases, high viscous forces restrict the propagation of Marangoni flow and do not favor the pinch-off, even in the presence of a significant surface tension difference. The generation of secondary drops at a considerable surface tension difference is also prevented for small parent drop size ratio. >>️

Swati Singh, Arun K. Saha. Effect of surface tension gradients on coalescence dynamics of two unequal-sized drops. Phys. Rev. Fluids 8, 053604. May 24, 2023. 

Also:  'drop' in  

Keywords: gst, behavior, drop, drop breakup, drop coalescence, drop interactions, droplet, droploid

giovedì 27 aprile 2023

# gst: like the slender body theory, the effect of curvature on the diffusion of colloidal bananas.

<< Anisotropic colloidal particles exhibit complex dynamics which play a crucial role in their functionality, transport, and phase behavior.  >>️

AA << investigate the two-dimensional diffusion of smoothly curved colloidal rods—also known as colloidal bananas—as a function of their opening angle α >>️

<< the experimental results are consistent with slender body theory, indicating that the dynamical behavior of the particles arises primarily from their local drag anisotropy. These results highlight the impact of curvature on the Brownian motion of elongated colloidal particles, which must be taken into account when seeking to understand the behavior of curved colloidal particles. >>️

Justin-Aurel Ulbrich, Carla Fernández-Rico, et al. Effect of curvature on the diffusion of colloidal bananas. Phys. Rev. E 107, L042602. April 21, 2023.

Also: gst, particle, in

Keywords: gst, colloids, particles, behavior

martedì 21 marzo 2023

# behav: even the first asynchronous decisions might tend to be correct and exhibit information cascades.

<< It is usually assumed that information cascades are most likely to occur when an early but incorrect opinion spreads through the group. Here (AA) analyse models of confidence-sharing in groups and reveal the opposite result: simple but plausible models of naïve Bayesian decision-making exhibit information cascades when group decisions are synchronous; however, when group decisions are asynchronous, the early decisions reached by Bayesian decision makers tend to be correct, and dominate the group consensus dynamics. Thus early decisions actually rescue the group from making errors, rather than contribute to it. (AA) explore the likely realism of our assumed decision-making rule with reference to the evolution of mechanisms for aggregating social information, and known psychological and neuroscientific mechanisms. >>️

Andreagiovanni Reina, Thomas Bose, et al.  Asynchrony rescues statistically-optimal group decisions from information cascades through emergent leaders.  bioRxiv. doi: 10.1101/ 2022.04.05.487127. Feb16, 2023.


'asynchronous' in FonT
'game' in FonT
'behav' in FonT

Keywords: behavior, behaviour, game, decision-making, synchronous- asynchronous group decisions, social interactions, information cascade, life, jazz

lunedì 20 marzo 2023

# behav: predicting long-term collective behavior with deep learning (among fish species Hemigrammus rhodostomus)

<< Deciphering the social interactions that govern collective behavior in animal societies has greatly benefited from advancements in modern computing. Computational models diverge into two kinds of approaches: analytical models and machine learning models. This work introduces a deep learning model for social interactions in the fish species Hemigrammus rhodostomus, and compares its results to experiments and to the results of a state-of-the-art analytical model. To that end, (AA) propose a systematic methodology to assess the faithfulness of a model, based on the introduction of a set of stringent observables. (They) demonstrate that machine learning models of social interactions can directly compete against their analytical counterparts. Moreover, this work demonstrates the need for consistent validation across different timescales and highlights which design aspects critically enables (AA) deep learning approach to capture both short- and long-term dynamics. (AA) also show that this approach is scalable to other fish species. >>️

Vaios Papaspyros, Ramon Escobedo, et al. Predicting long-term collective animal behavior with deep learning. bioRxiv. doi: 10.1101/ 2023.02.15.528318. Feb 15, 2023.


keywords 'behav' in FonT

keyword 'ai' in FonT

keyword 'ia' | 'ai' in Notes 
(quasi-stochastic poetry)

Keywords: ai, gst, behav, behavior, cognition, machine learning, deep learning, social interactions

mercoledì 21 dicembre 2022

# gst: apropos of transitions, rich behaviors from chimeras or solitary states to traveling waves

AA << study numerically the spatiotemporal dynamics of a ring network of nonlocally coupled nonlinear oscillators, each represented by a two-dimensional discrete-time model of the classical van der Pol oscillator. >>
<< It is shown that the discretized oscillator exhibits a richer behavior, combining the peculiarities of both the original system and its own dynamics. Moreover, a large variety of spatiotemporal structures is observed in the network of discrete van der Pol oscillators when the discretization parameter and the coupling strength are varied. Such regimes as the coexistence of multichimera state/traveling wave and solitary state are revealed for the first time and studied in detail. >>
<< It is established that the majority of the observed chimera/solitary states, including the newly found ones, are transient towards the purely traveling wave mode. The peculiarities of the transition process and the lifetime (transient duration) of the chimera structures and the solitary state are analyzed depending on the system parameters, observation time, initial conditions, and influence of external noise. >>

Elena Rybalova, Sishu Muni, Galina Strelkova. Transition from chimera/solitary states to traveling waves. arXiv: 2212.07990v1 [nlin.AO]. Dec 15, 2022. 


keyword 'transition' | 'transitional' in FonT

keyword 'transition' | 'transizion*' in Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry)

keyword 'waves' in FonT

keyword 'onda' in Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry)

Keywords: gst, behavior, van der Pol oscillator, transition, chimera state, solitons, solitary state, waves, noise

sabato 19 novembre 2022

# gst: apropos of swarms: local couplings, chirality, lattices of vortices, beating clusters, interacting phase waves among swarmalators.

AA << study the emergent behaviors of a population of swarming coupled oscillators, dubbed 'swarmalators'. (..)  Here (they) expand this work by adding more realistic features: local coupling, non-identical natural frequencies, and chirality. This more realistic model generates a variety of new behaviors including lattices of vortices, beating clusters, and interacting phase waves. Similar behaviors are found across natural and artificial micro-scale collective systems, including social slime mold, spermatozoa vortex arrays, and Quincke rollers. >>

Steven Ceron, Kevin O'Keeffe, Kirstin Petersen. Diverse Behaviors in Non-Uniform Chiral and Non-Chiral Swarmalators. arXiv: 2211.06439v1 [nlin.AO]. Nov 11, 2022.


keyword 'swarm' in FonT

keyword 'chiral' in FonT

keyword 'vortex' in FonT

keyword 'vortice' in Notes
(quasi-stochastic poetry)

Keywords: gst, behav, behavior, behaviour, swarm, swarmalators, chirality, chiral swarmalators, non-chiral swarmalators, vortex, vortex array, vortices, vorticity, slime mold.

martedì 13 settembre 2022

# gst: "birds of a feather flock together", the swarmalators

<< Swarmalators have emerged as a new paradigm for dynamical collective behavior of multi-agent systems due to the interplay of synchronization and swarming that they inherently incorporate. Their dynamics have been explored with different coupling topologies, interaction functions, external forcing, noise, competitive interactions, and from other important viewpoints. Here (AA) take a systematic approach and review the collective dynamics of swarmalators analytically and/or numerically. Long-term states of position aggregation and phase synchronization are revealed in this perspective with some future >>️

Gourab Kumar Sar, Dibakar Ghosh. Dynamics of swarmalators: A pedagogical review. arXiv: 2208.14803v1 [nlin.AO]. Jul 25, 2022. Europhysics Letters 139, 53001. 
doi: 10.1209/ 0295-5075/ac8445. 


Keyword 'swarm' in FonT

Keywords: gst, behavior, collective behavior, self-organization, synchronization, spontaneous synchronization, swarm, swarmalators.

lunedì 12 settembre 2022

# gst: a backflipping behavior of air bubbles when they collide with a tilted surface

AA << observe that air bubbles exhibit a backflipping behavior when they collide with a tilted surface. >>

<< Particle image velocimetry reveals that the backflipping behavior is caused by wake-induced circulation around the bubble, which applies a lift force on the bubble. >>

<< The theoretical results are in good agreement with the experiments confirming the key role of the wake-induced lift force in backflipping. >>

Alireza Hooshanginejad, Anuj Baskota, Sunghwan Jung. Backflipping motion of air bubbles colliding with a tilted wall. arXiv: 2208.14486v1 [physics.flu-dyn]. Aug 30, 2022.

keyword "bubble" in FonT

keyword "bolla" | "bolle" in Notes (quasistochastic-poetry)

Keywords: gst, bubble, behavior, backflipping behavior, oblique collisions