
Visualizzazione dei post in ordine di data per la query sars-cov-2. Ordina per pertinenza Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione dei post in ordine di data per la query sars-cov-2. Ordina per pertinenza Mostra tutti i post

mercoledì 6 marzo 2024

# life: apropos of 1or2achoos (from Wuhan (?)) ; CD8+ T cell and early mucosal IgA responses seem strongly associated with viral (SARS-CoV-2) control.

<< the earliest stages of SARS-CoV-2 infection remain poorly characterized. Wagstaffe et al. conducted a human SARS-CoV-2 infection challenge study, enabling analysis of the innate and adaptive immune responses during the early postexposure period. (..) Modeling of the immune response identified CD8+ T cell and early mucosal IgA responses as strongly associated with viral control, >> Claire Olingy.  ️

Helen R. Wagstaffe, Ryan S. Thwaites, et al. Mucosal and systemic immune correlates of viral control after SARS-CoV-2 infection challenge in seronegative adults. Sci Immunol. Vol 9, Issue 92. doi: 10.1126/ sciimmunol.adj9285. Feb 9, 2024. 

Also: aproposito di '1or2achoos' (da Wuhan (?)). FonT.  jul 13, 2022. 

Also: sars, covid, 1or2achoos, virus, in

Keywords:  sars, covid, 1or2achoos, virus, mucosa, early viral control 

mercoledì 8 marzo 2023

# life: apropos of 1or2achoos (from Wuhan), here is a triptych on the subject.

Apropos of 1or2achoos from Wuhan, here is a triptych on the subject. 

( by Rhiannon Williams. The White House is split over covid’s origins. MIT - The Download. Feb 28, 2023. 

<< The White House said there is no consensus within the Biden administration over the origins of the Covid-19 virus, a day after the disclosure of an Energy Department assessment that the pandemic most likely originated with a leak from a Chinese lab. >>

Josh Chin, Lindsay Wise, Annie Linskey. White House Says No Consensus on Covid Origin. Comments follow Energy Department assessment that pandemic likely started with leak from Chinese lab. WSJ. Feb. 27, 2023. 

<< The U.S. Energy Department has concluded that the Covid pandemic most likely arose from a laboratory leak, according to a classified intelligence report recently provided to the White House and key members of Congress. The shift by the Energy Department, which previously was undecided on how the virus emerged, is noted in an update to a 2021 document by Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines’s office. >>

Michael R. Gordon, Warren P. Strobel. Lab Leak Most Likely Origin of Covid-19 Pandemic, Energy Department Now Says. U.S. agency’s revised assessment is based on new intelligence. WSJ. Feb. 26, 2023.

<< Shi Zhengli has spent years at the Wuhan Institute of Virology researching coronaviruses that live in bats. Her work has come under fire as the world tries to understand where covid-19 came from. >>

Jane Qiu. Meet the scientist at the center of the covid lab leak controversy.  MIT Tech Rev. Feb 9, 2022. 


<< Qui l'approccio semplice, diretto, efficace che ho usato per la prevenzione ed eventuale gestione personale dell'entità coronavirus /  SARS-COV-2 (SARS: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome ) >>

(Here is the simple, direct, effective approach that I used for the prevention and possible personal management of the coronavirus entity)

# life: aproposito di '1or2achoos' (da Wuhan (?)) ... FonT. Jul 13, 2022. 


keyword 'virus' in FonT

keyword 'virus' in Notes 
(quasi-stochastic poetry)

Keywords:  virus, flu, coronavirus, 2019-ncov, 2019ncov, SARS-CoV-2, sarscov2, covid-19, covid19, 1or2achoos, mask

sabato 27 agosto 2022

# life; the hypothesis of early treatment (at home) of the virus sars-cov-2

Figure 1 - Proposed maladaptive hyperinflammatory response to SARS-CoV-2 infection (Perico N, Cortinovis M, Suter F, Remuzzi G. (2022))

<< A few observational studies have tested NSAIDs [non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs] (especially  relatively selective COX-2 inhibitors), often as part of multipharmacological protocols, for early outpatient treatment of COVID-19. The findings from these studies are promising and point to a crucial role of NSAIDs for the at-home management of people with initial COVID-19 symptoms. >>

<< Celecoxib, ibuprofen, and nimesulide should be avoided in children younger than 12 years, whereas aspirin should be taken only under prescription and at the dose recommended by the family doctor. >>️
Norberto Perico, Monica Cortinovis, Fredy Suter, Giuseppe Remuzzi. Home as the new frontier for the treatment of COVID-19: the case for anti-inflammatory agents. The Lancet Infectious Diseases. doi: 10.1016/ S1473-3099(22)00433-9. Aug 25, 2022. 


therefore the deadly infection by sars-cov-2 that has generated so much suffering,  pain, and dead everywhere it is recently hypothesized that it could easily be treated at home (an early treatment) with some success.



aproposito di '1or2achoos' (da Wuhan (?)) ... FonT. Jul 13  2022.

Keywords: virus, coronavirus,  sarscov2, 2019ncov, covid19, 1or2achoos

mercoledì 13 luglio 2022

# life: aproposito di '1or2achoos' (da Wuhan (?)) ...

a proposito di '1or2achoos' (da Wuhan (?)) ... cfr Weekly epidemiological update on COVID-19 - 6 July 2022. Edition 99. Emergency Situational Updates.   img 

Qui l'approccio semplice, diretto, efficace che ho usato per la prevenzione ed eventuale gestione personale dell'entità coronavirus /  SARS-COV-2 (SARS: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome ) 

In data 20 Marzo 2020 ho pubblicato sul mio blog FonT - e, giusto per intendersi, ho contemporaneamente inviato il testo a una mia mail criptata - un approccio nell'ipotesi di disattivare / spegnere il coronavirus (sars-cov-2) che causa covid-19;   

Qui il link   ('you can get more security by spraying...)'

L'approccio pubblicato consisteva nell'uso di una soluzione di alcool (uso alimentare, 96%), perossido di idrogeno (3%) e acqua da nebulizzare con un generico dosatore spray tascabile (usato per nebulizzare profumi); 

La stechiometria di due dei tre componenti (alcool e perossido di idrogeno) era indicata sul sito del WHO (e consigliata per disinfettare superfici);

Qui il link attuale del doc 
12 WHO-recommended handrub formulations (2009) - Formulation I  che a quel tempo era presente, e attualmente assente, sul sito WHO al link 
e scaricabile nella forma di doc.pdf

Modificai la soluzione con la sostituzione di glicerolo con acqua per consentire la nebulizzazione del prodotto; 

Da allora ho sempre usato la miscela spray per disinfettare mani e mascherine di cotone (doppia mascherina, di cotone, riusabile, in posizione esterna e quando disponibile ffp2 in posizione interna); 

Tuttavia ho usato la stessa miscela per trattare i tre 'flu' (ipoteticamente covid-19) che ho contratto nei tre anni 2020, 2021 e 2022.  

In particolare, tutte le volte che ho avuto necessità di soffiare il naso (per secrezione mucosa, causa rinorrea) ho successivamente trattato entrambi naso e gola con la miscela spray; direttamente sulla mucosa orale e indirettamente nella mucosa nasale inspirando la soluzione preventivamente nebulizzata sul dorso della mano;

Nei primi due casi (2020 e 2021) ho spento il 'flu' in mezza giornata (in entrambe le situazioni non ero vaccinato); nel terzo caso ho spento il 'flu' in 2 giorni scarsi di trattamento (ero già stato vaccinato con le 2+1 dosi perchè obbligatorie in Italia specialmente per chi era iscritto all'Ordine dei Biologi e comunque per chi aveva raggiunto l'età di 50+ anni  
( OMS - Piano vaccini anti Covid-19

I flu precedenti al 2020 (circa 60 flu nell'arco di 70 anni di età, a ciclicità annuale) mi avevano sempre impegnato in circa tre giorni di pre- crisi, tre giorni di crisi a letto e tre giorni di post- crisi (convalescenza) per un totale di mai meno di quattro-cinque giorni di parziale compromissione dell'autonomia; 

Nelle mie tre individuali esperienze, confrontate con tutte le pregresse, l'immunità sembra essere stata quasi immediata, senza alcuna compromissione dell'autonomia.

Se (beninteso, se e solo se) le future risposte individuali del mio sistema immunitario alle future probabili ondate epidemiche da flu opp sars saranno equivalenti alle tre citate sopra, per quello che mi riguarda questa problematica si è chiusa a far data dal 20 marzo 2020, indipendentemente dalle future disponibilità di vaccini anti-flu anti-sars. 

Qui l'ipotetico meccanismo di azione.

I coronavirus (come i virus flu a causa di orthomyxoviridae) si duplicano nelle mucose orale e nasale; il capside virale ( e.g. Chung-ke Chang et al. Antiviral Res. 2014 Mar. ) in presenza di alcool probabilmente si apre per denaturazione proteica e questo consente a un sistema immunitario fisiologicamente attivo di leggere sia il capside (che dovrebbe comunque conservare la struttura primaria) sia parti della sua metameccanica molecolare interna; 


keyword 'virus' | 'sars-cov-2' | 'sars' in FonT: 

keyword 'virus' in Notes 
(quasi-stochastic poetry):

Keywords: virus, flu, coronavirus,  sarscov2, covid19, 1or2achoos, mask

PS: certo è che i colleghi biomedici (qualunque cosa si intenda per  'colleghi' ), con l'epifanie SARS (Nov 2002, Guangdong, China; MERS,  Nov 2012, Gedda, Saudi Arabia, SARS-COV-2, 2019-2020, Wuhan, China) non sembra abbiano mostrato il consueto brillamento delle proprie loro medesime - senz'alcun dubbio elevatissime - potenzialità.  Per modo di dire ed anzicheforse ... Forse, talvolta, si tende a sottovalutare la lezione del Maestro, indimenticato, indimenticabile Jelly Roll:  "Amico, qualunque cosa suonerai ..."

giovedì 14 aprile 2022

# life: a weird revisited from ethnomedicine inside an approach in epidemiology, the 'saliva healers' vs. 'herd immunity'.

<< chiamati 'dottori della saliva' >>
A pain-suppressive effect. Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry). Nov 14, 2006.    

Apropos of "herd immunity" ... FonT. Mar 16, 2020. 

<< During 2020, most schools were never pro-actively closed to hinder virus spreading (with compulsory physical attendance required by law in Sweden and no option for distance or home learning)  >> 

<< Many elderly people were administered morphine instead of oxygen despite available supplies, effectively ending their lives. >>️

<< The Swedish Strategy was also influential abroad, and became an argument in other countries including, among others, the United States (US), United Kingdom (UK) and Australia, to loosen restrictions >>️ 

<< Supporters of the natural herd-immunity strategy promoted a widespread “controlled” spread in society, to obtain herd-immunity without vaccination >>️ 

<< Email conversations and statements from the State Epidemiologist and others show that they at least speculated on the use of children to acquire herd-immunity, while at the same time publicly claiming children played a negligible role in transmission and did not become ill >> 

<< During 2020, however, Sweden had ten times higher COVID-19 death rates compared with neighbouring Norway. >>️️
Nele Brusselaers, David Steadson, et al. Evaluation of science advice during the COVID-19 pandemic in Sweden. Humanit Soc Sci Commun 9, 91. doi: 10.1057/ s41599-022-01097-5. Mar 22, 2022.  


keyword 'saliva' in Notes  (quasi-stochastic poetry)   

keyword 'saliva' in FonT   

keyword 'virus' | 'sars-cov-2' | 'sars' in FonT   

keyword 'virus' in Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry):


(here a homemade mask with a pre  antiviral spray mixture)

A funky, immediate approach of the sneezing from Wuhan (a relative safe barrier - this device is NOT a filter). FonT. Mar 20, 2020. 

keywords: ethnomedicine, saliva, saliva healers, herd immunity, virus, coronavirus, sars, mers, 2019ncov, sarscov2, covid19, 1or2achoos 

venerdì 10 dicembre 2021

# life; apropos of #1or2achoos from Wuhan ...

Messrs. A, B, C & D state - between the lines, undertrack, at least a year late -

Commissione DuPre (Dubbio e Precauzione ) live streaming 8/12/2021 

that the official anti covid19 apparatus it appears to be a big, very big mess (i.e. 'un grande pastrokkio') ...

probably Messrs. A, B, C & D could be accused of being thieves, sexual maniacs, they could block their career and make their spouses do twenty years of precariousness ...

their future pensioners' allowance could be taken away or reduced ... 

as well as more ... 

I suppose & anzicheforse ...

luckily for everyone, the 'bushman  variant' of sarscov-2 (Covid-19 B.1.1.529 Omicron) 

Republic of Botswana - new covid 19 variant detected in Botswana -  Presidential covid-19 task force.

could save in short-term, perhaps, the world from this big trouble (i.e.  'grande impiccio').

Here there are three simple questions: 

(a) Why in anticipation of the 'great tea trolley disaster' (after SARS appearance in Nov 2002, Guangdong, China; after MERS in Nov 2012, Gedda, Saudi Arabia) spray forms of antiviral drugs (e.g. remdesivir,  remdesivir like) have not been prepared?

(b) Why in the meantime, hitech reusable anti-viral anti-bacterial fabrics not been studied and tested?

(c) Does it seem serious to propose a vaccine - to treat every six/eight months eight billion people inside a window of 15/30 days - to confine (sic) a mutant virus (one mutation every week) that is transmitted by air? 


the unmentionable GTTD - Great Tea Trolley Disaster, by Bristow

keyword 'virus' | 'sars-cov-2' | 'sars' in FonT

keyword 'virus' in Notes 
(quasi-stochastic poetry):

keyword 'bosciman*' | 'nomad*' in Notes
(quasi-stochastic poetry)

keyword 'bushmen' | 'nomads' in FonT 

keywords: virus, coronavirus, sars, mers, sars-cov-2, covid-19, 2019ncov, bushman  variant, B.1.1.529, Omicron, 1or2achoos, mask

sabato 4 dicembre 2021

# life: apropos of 'dancing at a fixed point'

the last interview to Dr Albert Bourla (Pfizer) about the annual (or maybe semi-annual (?)) shot reiteration of the vaccine against #sars-cov-2   remember to me the 'homoclinic dynamics' that I cited at the 13th Meeting of the Internat Epidemiol Associat - IEA (Sydney, 1993) ... after a large trajectories started at zero point (i.e.  the fixed point), the final point of the dynamic returns at the same zero point ...

<< People will be likely to need to have annual Covid vaccinations for many years to come, the head of Pfizer [Dr Albert Bourla ] has told the BBC >>️

Fergus Walsh. Pfizer boss: Annual Covid jabs for years to come. Dec 2, 2021. 

Who knows if there is a convincing reason that explains why to treat a virus with a high frequency of mutations one should prefer a vaccine approach instead of an antiviral drug ...

to find: 'antiviral drugs covid-19'  

Apropos of 'homoclinic orbits' ...

<< the reinjection of the departing trajectories in the vicinity of an unstable fixed point of the saddle-focus type [..] is frequently associated with the emergence of orbits of a rather exceptional type known as 'homoclinic orbits'. These are trajectories that leave the fixed point but come back to it; in other words, they tend to the same limit when time t goes to +∞ as well as to -∞ . [..]. Homoclinic orbits are very sensitive to variation of parameter [parms] values and are generally destroyed if the [parms] do not satisfy a strict equality (in the terminology of [..] they are structurally unstable). However, for nearby values of the [parms] their disappearance leaves a very rich structure of orbit in phase space, some of which behave chaotically. >>️

Nicolis G., Prigogine I. Exploring complexity. Freeman, NY (1989): 130-131.

Apropos of: [+∞ , -∞] plus infinity, minus infinity; 

<< In modern mysticism, the infinity symbol has become identified with a variation of the ouroboros, an ancient image of a snake eating its own tail that has also come to symbolize the infinite, [..] >> 


Onda omoclina. Notes. Tuesday, Jan  11, 2005 (quasi-stochastic poetry)

<< ed assistere al mutar dell' onda omoclina / (..) >>


Inchingolo GM.  Cultural transitions and epidemiology.  Proceedings of the 13th Scientific Meeting of the International Epidemiological Association - IEA, Sydney, Australia, Sept 26-29, 1993: 129.   Med Hypotheses 1994; 43(4): 201-206.


Onda di carambola. Notes. Nov  29, 2004. (quasi-stochastic poetry)

keywords: life, dance, fixed point, homoclinic orbits, instability, chaos,  virus, coronavirus, sars-cov-2,  covid19, 2019ncov, drugs, antiviral drug, vaccine, jabs, Covid jabs.

lunedì 30 agosto 2021

# gst: apropos of 1or2achoos (e.g. from Wuhan), the dynamics of turbulence in a fluid puff

<< Turbulence is everywhere -- in the movement of the wind, the ocean waves and even magnetic fields in space. It can also be seen in more transient phenomena, like smoke billowing from a chimney, or a cough. (..) Understanding this latter type of turbulence -- called puff turbulence -- is important not only for the advancement of fundamental science, but also for practical health and environmental measures, >>️

<< The very nature of turbulence is chaotic, so it's hard to predict, (..) Puff turbulence, which occurs when the ejection of a gas or liquid into the environment is disrupted, rather than continuous, has more complicated characteristics, so it's even more challenging to study. But it's of vital importance -- especially right now for understanding airborne transmission of viruses like SARS-CoV-2. >>️ Marco Edoardo Rosti. 

<< The new model, (..) includes how minute fluctuations within the puff behave, and how both large-scale and small-scale dynamics are impacted by changes in temperature and humidity. (..) at cooler temperatures (15°C or lower), (AA) model deviated from the classical model for turbulence. >>️

<< In the classical model, turbulence reigns supreme -- determining how all the little swirls and eddies within the flow behave. But once temperatures dipped, buoyancy started to have a greater impact. >>

<< The effect of buoyancy was initially very unexpected. It's a completely new addition to the theory of turbulent puffs,>> Marco Edoardo Rosti. ️

Secrets of COVID-19 transmission revealed in turbulent puffs. Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST). Aug 26, 2021. 

Andrea Mazzino, Marco Edoardo Rosti. Unraveling the Secrets of Turbulence in a Fluid Puff. Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 094501. Aug 25, 2021. 


keyword 'drop' | 'droplet' in FonT:

keyword 'turbulence' in FonT:

keyword 'turbolento' | 'turbolenza' in Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry): 

keyword 'virus' | 'sars-cov-2' | 'sars' in FonT

keyword 'virus' in Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry):

martedì 27 luglio 2021

# life: they ( NIH, Ralph Baric’s Univ.of North Carolina lab, Wuhan Instit.of Virology ) never created a supervirus, anzicheforse ...

In May, the coronavirus researcher Ralph Baric found himself at the center of the debate over gain-of-function research ( ), in which scientists engineer new properties into existing viruses. And during a congressional hearing, Senator Rand Paul implied that the National Institutes of Health had been funding such research at both the Wuhan Institute of Virology and Baric’s University of North Carolina lab, and that the two labs had been collaborating to make “superviruses”. Baric released a statement clarifying the research in question did not qualify as gain-of-function, and none of the SARS-like coronaviruses he’d used in the experiments were closely related to SARS-CoV-2, yet that did little to quell questions about the role his research may have played in furthering scientists’ ability to modify coronaviruses in potentially dangerous ways. Baric believes such research is essential to the development of vaccines and other countermeasures against emerging viruses, a project he has been engaged in for more than 20 years. His research laid the groundwork for the first approved anti-covid drug and helped speed the development of the mRNA vaccines that have proved so pivotal. 
MIT Technology Review recently asked Baric to explain what constitutes a gain-of-function experiment, why such research exists, and whether it could have played any role in the pandemic. Read the full interview. ( )

Rowan Jacobsen. Why researchers need to tinker with viruses. The Download from MIT Technology Review  
The Download from MIT (mail). Jun 26, 2021 14:12


<< ... e Da-Li' si sparse pell' aere un fantasmatico ente supersintetico supercompresso ... >> in: ️2153 - cracker tendenziali (around a matter-sucking maelstrom). Notes. Apr 04, 2008. (quasi-stochastic poetry)

keyword 'virus' in Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry)

keyword 'virus' in FonT 

sabato 17 aprile 2021

# life: apropos of '1or2achoos' (from Wuhan), 'Shame on us', by Jay.

<< The year 2003 was an ominous one for emerging infectious diseases. A pair of deadly influenza strains had leapt from birds to humans in Hong Kong and the Netherlands. And a new coronavirus was spreading around the world causing a mysterious illness that became known as severe acute respiratory syndrome, or SARS. Many experts feared they were watching the start of a global pandemic. Fortunately, the worst-case scenario never materialized. But it was a close-enough call for Robert Webster, a leading authority on avian influenza, to start urging scientists and policymakers to prepare for the next outbreak. One of his top recommendations: develop and stockpile drugs that target a wide range of viral pathogens. Drug researchers did not heed his call. After the SARS threat subsided, interest evaporated — and the world paid the price. “The scientific community really should have developed universal antivirals against SARS,” says Webster, now an emeritus member of St Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee. “Then we would have had something in the stockpile for the emergence of COVID,” which is a caused by SARS-CoV-2, a close relative of the virus responsible for SARS. Another warning shot came in 2012, when Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) — caused by another relative of SARS-CoV-2 — started spreading through a handful of countries. Still, the drug shelves remained largely bare — a fact that Jay Bradner, president of the Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research in Cambridge, Massachusetts, regards as “regrettable”. >>️

<< Shame on us, (..) We can be better prepared. >> Jay Bradner.️

<< We need an arsenal, >> Kara Carter.

<< It’s hard to convince a company to make a drug against something that doesn’t exist. >>️  Timothy Sheahan.

<< There’s a lot of work that needs to be done, (..) We don’t want to have another year like 2020, (..) and we don’t have to, if we do the work in advance. >> Nat Moorman.️
Elie Dolgin. The race for antiviral drugs to beat COVID — and the next pandemic. Despite dire warnings, a stockpile of ready compounds to fight viral pandemics was sorely lacking. Can drugmakers finally do the right thing? Nature 592, 340-343. doi: 10.1038/ d41586-021-00958-4. Apr 14, 2021. 


keyword 'virus' | 'sars-cov-2' in FonT

keyword 'virus' in Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry):

apropos of "herd immunity" ... , FonT,  Mar 16, 2020.

mercoledì 24 marzo 2021

# life: a tiny pill against two unfavorable hypotheses on serial coronavirus pandemics - to avoid the socio-economic psycho-behavioral fallout caused by 1or2achoos (e.g. from Wuhan)

<< Pfizer Inc. said it has begun human safety testing of a new pill to treat the coronavirus that could be used at the first sign of illness. If it succeeds in trials, the pill could be prescribed early in an infection to block viral replication before patients get very sick. The drug binds to an enzyme called a protease (Pfizer’s oral protease inhibitor, code-named PF-07321332,) to keep the virus from replicating. >>

<< In lab tests, it worked against many coronaviruses, including the original SARS virus and MERS. Additionally, the coronavirus protease doesn’t mutate much, which means the therapy is likely to work equally well against numerous variant strains, >>
<< This is really a potential game changer, >>️  Mikael Dolsten️

Robert Langreth. Pfizer Begins Human Trials of New Pill to Treat Coronavirus
Mar 23, 2021 17:38 CET. 

Christie Aschwanden. Five reasons why COVID herd immunity is probably impossible. Nature 591, 520-522. doi: 10.1038/ d41586-021-00728-2. Mar 18, 2021. 

Angela L. Rasmussen, Saskia V. Popescu. SARS-CoV-2 transmission without symptoms.  Science, 2021; 371 (6535): 1206-1207 doi: 10.1126/ science.abf9569   


keyword 'virus' in FonT

keyword 'virus' in Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry):

giovedì 29 ottobre 2020

# life: aprops of 1or2 achoo! from Wuhan (SARS-CoV-2), a mask build of 'nanofibers randomly land on a collector to create a sort of non-woven mesh'

<< Recently, students from BYU’s College of Engineering teamed up with Nanos Foundation to develop a nanofiber membrane that can be sandwiched between the cloth pieces in a homemade mask. While today’s typical cloth mask might block fewer than 50% of virus particles, the membrane — which can be made using simple, inexpensive materials — will be able to block 90 to 99% of particles, increasing effectiveness while preserving breathability. The membranes are made through a process called “electrospinning,” which involves dissolving a polymer plastic in a solution and then using an electrical current to move a droplet of the polymer downward through a needle. As the droplet accelerates, it stretches into a very small fiber that retains a static charge. >>

<< Those nanofibers randomly land on a collector to create a sort of non-woven mesh, >> Katie Varela.

Christie Allen. With innovative nanofiber membranes, cloth masks’  efficacy goes up to 99%. Oct 21, 2020.


keyword 'virus' in FonT

keyword 'virus' in Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry):

sabato 22 agosto 2020

# life: oops! IT entity (i.e. 1or2 'achoo!' from Wuhan) seems to be alive ... here a review of candidate drugs against SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19.

<< Outbreak and pandemic of coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 in 2019/2020 will challenge global health for the future. Because a vaccine against the virus will not be available in the near future, we herein try to offer a pharmacological strategy to combat the virus. There exists a number of candidate drugs that may inhibit infection with and replication of SARS-CoV-2. >>

McKee DL, Sternberg A, et al. Candidate drugs against SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19. Pharmacol Res. 2020;157:104859. doi: 10.1016/ j.phrs.2020.104859


(this is a keyword list, copy & paste in Search Pubmed)

("antiviral drugs"[all] AND "SARS-CoV-2"  AND  "last 1 years"[PDat])


keyword 'virus' in FonT

keyword 'virus' in Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry):