
lunedì 7 febbraio 2022

# life; Hollywood (movies) revisited, you must be aware of the fact that Alien Entities will share our planet with us and, marginally, ...

Hollywood (movies) revisited, you must be aware of the fact that Alien Entities will share our planet with us and, marginally, will modify our neurobiology with physiological 'magic strings' virus-injected (*) to 'gently' subdue us.  Are you ready for all this, anzicheforse?

(*) virus-injected approach, motivated by the fact that Terrestrials use NOT to attack retroviruses with 'pastroky' vaccines ...


<< David (Leonard David) said that extraterrestrials, however, could be aware of us and be deliberately ignoring our planet, which would represent an equally devastating blow to the human sense of self-importance. >>
<< We could be the dolts of the universe. >> Leonard David. 
 UFOs ‘Something’s coming’: is America finally ready to take UFOs seriously? Adam Gabbatt in New York
@adamgabbatt Sat 5 Feb 2022 08.00 GMT 


keyword 'oops' in FonT

keyword 'magic string' in FonT


Dr. J. Allen Hynek (Astronomer, the scientific consultant of the U.S. Air Force Project Sign (1948), Project Grudge (1949), Blue Book (1952–1969).

PS:  io non sono mai stato testimone di alieni o di manifestazioni di entità aliene. Tuttavia, forse (qui sottolineo forse), potrei averne frequentata una per decenni. Mia madre era per me una incognita; beveva l'essenziale, non fumava, non dormiva, mangiava poco, non si ammalava, era sempre in energico movimento. Passati i novanta anni di età - grondante di sudore, dopo avere trascorso, giusto per passare il tempo, un paio di ore a stirare nel mezzogiorno della calura agostana riminese - qualche volta l'ho sentita pronunciare la frase: "andrò a coricarmi perchè mi sento un po' stanca". Quando lei entrava in una stanza io immaginavo che virus e batteri sarebbero fuggiti terrorizzati per cercare di evitare quello che di lì a poco sarebbe potuto succedere. Lei era impermeabile a qualsivoglia ideologia o argomentazione che non si traducesse in immediata modalità operativa. Quale (apparente) paradosso, per lei era anche normale individuare e ribaltare immediatamente i punti chiave in merito a qualsiasi argomento. Anche se non lo dava a vedere, era una persona sostanzialmente avversa a qualsivoglia autorità imposta. Ricordo bene che le uniche tesi che non aggrediva erano quelle che trattavano la musica blues, il jazz, il rock - forse perchè intuiva che tali approcci fossero per sè stessi fondamentalmente auto-ribaltanti - e la chimica che, anche quando poteva contenere aspetti meramente speculativi, fantasmatici, lei avrebbe potuto comunque scorgere qualche indispensabile componente operativa osservazionale- sperimentale. 

Per questa sua unicità, dall'età di dieci anni fino ai quindici, ho avuto il sospetto che lei potesse essere il prodotto di qualche ignoto esperimento alieno. 

A distanza di decenni penso che mia madre, sebbene da bambina le avessero imposto di conseguire la sola istruzione elementare - come peraltro molte della sua generazione, sarebbe stata (terrestre o aliena) un valido 'naturale' co-addestratore nel team di una scuola Shaolin.

keywords: UFO, UFOs, UAP, EBE ,
AATIP, UAPTF ,OVNI , virus,  magic string, aliens, esobio, exobiology

sabato 5 febbraio 2022

# astro: aprops of horrific encounters, how to survive inside a (virtual) black hole

<< As (eight stars skirt a black hole 1m times the mass of the Sun) approach, all are stretched and deformed by the black hole's gravity. Some are completely pulled apart into a long stream of gas, a cataclysmic phenomenon called a tidal disruption event. Others are only partially disrupted, retaining some of their mass and returning to their normal shapes after their horrific encounters. >>

<< These simulations, (..) are the first to combine the physical effects of Einstein's general theory of relativity with realistic stellar density models. The virtual stars range from about one-tenth to 10 times the Sun's mass. >>

<< The division between stars that fully disrupt and those that endure isn't simply related to mass. Instead, survival depends more on the star's density. >>

Jeanette Kazmierczak. Scientists fling model stars at a virtual black hole to see who survives. NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. Nov 26, 2021.

<< This paper introduces a series of papers presenting a quantitative theory for the tidal disruption of main-sequence stars by supermassive black holes (the pericenter-dependence of tidal disruption properties for eight stellar masses (..) and six black hole masses (..). >>

Taeho Ryu, Julian Krolik, et al. Tidal Disruptions of Main-sequence Stars. I. Observable Quantities and Their Dependence on Stellar and Black Hole Mass. ApJ 904 98. Nov 25, 2020.


keyword 'black hole' | 'astro' in FonT

keywords: astro, blackhole, tidal disruption, survival, surviving

venerdì 4 febbraio 2022

# gst: apropos of apparent erratic dynamics, the self-organization of drops bouncing on a vertically-vibrated surface

<< A drop bouncing on a vertically-vibrated surface may self-propel forward by Faraday waves and travels along a fluid interface. >>

<< A fine anal­ysis of the pairwise density function shows that while being dynamic, time-evolving and presenting many in­dications of a good mixing in the phase space, the sys­tem adopts in average preferred distances which origin has been rationalized by analysing the internal symme­try of the waves. Thus (AA) have shed light numerically on a statistical many-body wave self-organisation in an apparent erratic dynamics. >>

Adrien Hélias, Matthieu Labousse. Statistical self-organization of walking drops. arXiv:2201.07689v1 [cond-mat.soft]. Jan 19, 2022.


keywords: gst, drops, self-organization, erratic dynamics, erraticity

lunedì 31 gennaio 2022

# evol: the hypothesis of quasi-stochastic 'jazzy' metamechanics of biological evolution (in Arabidopsis thaliana)

<< Mutations occur when DNA is damaged and left unrepaired, creating a new variation. The scientists wanted to know if mutation was purely random or something deeper. What they found was unexpected. >>️

<< We always thought of mutation as basically random across the genome, (..) It turns out that mutation is very non-random and it's non-random in a way that benefits the plant. It's a totally new way of thinking about mutation. >> Grey Monroe. ️

Study challenges evolutionary theory that DNA mutations are random. UC Davis. Jan 12, 2022.

Monroe JG, Srikant T, et al. Mutation bias reflects natural selection in Arabidopsis thaliana. Nature. doi: 10.1038/ s41586-021-04269-6. Jan 12, 2022.


for a long time I have developed the suspicion that the small plant cared for by grandmother on the windowsill could be a not trivial image of (r)evolution ... 

The three ways of the plastoquinone inside the photosystem II complex. May 23, 2017.


keyword 'evolution'  in FonT

keyword 'evolution' | 'evoluzione'  in Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry)

keyword 'jazz' in FonT

keyword 'jazz' in Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry):

keywords: evol, dna, mutations, randomness, quasi-stochasticity, jazz

martedì 11 gennaio 2022

# gst: apropos of discomfort tolerances, maximize a sweet spot (of a sound zone)

AA << considered the sweet spot as the region where the a sound scene is psycho-acoustically close to a desired auditory scene. >>

They << developed a method (SWEET-ReLU algorithm) that generates a sound scene that maximizes this sweet spot while guaranteeing no discomfort over a spatial region of interest. (..) the sweet spot and the discomfort tolerance can be modeled within a flexible monaural psycho-acoustic framework. >>

Pedro Izquierdo Lehmann, Rodrigo F. Cadiz, Carlos A. Sing Long. Maximizing the Psycho-Acoustic Sweet Spot. arXiv: 2201.01461v1 [eess.AS]. Jan 5, 2022.

Keywords: sound, psycho-acoustics, discomfort tolerance

domenica 9 gennaio 2022

# ecol: mycological jazz

<< "Mycological" draws conceptually from fungal networks in forests and their interactions. Inspired by the work of ecologist Suzanne Simard, author Michael Pollan, and mycologist Paul Stamets; Krolak saw many parallels between biological networks and the social network known as jazz, as well as, the acoustic networks created when musicians interact through their instruments. Aesthetically, the work is of the free and avant-garde traditions of jazz. Drawing inspiration from John Coltrane to Sonny Sharrock to Makaya McCraven, Krolak seeks to create a space for various elements to play out and find their own connections. >>

Mycological By Nicholas Krolak. All About Jazz. Jan 8, 2022. 


Apropos of 'mycological jazz', a old  perplexity of mine, who knows why substantial funds were no longer allocated to sci research on viruses, bacteria, fungi (..) and their ecological 'jazzy interactions' ... ? 😏

keyword 'virus' | 'bacteria' | 'fungi' in FonT


Much of intelligence (quasi-stochastic poetry). Notes. Dec 16, 2005.

keyword 'jazz' in FonT

keyword 'jazz' in Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry):

Keywords: jazz, viruses, bacteria, fungi, interactions, acad, scires, funds