
Visualizzazione dei post in ordine di pertinenza per la query chaos. Ordina per data Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione dei post in ordine di pertinenza per la query chaos. Ordina per data Mostra tutti i post

lunedì 12 giugno 2017

# s-phys: photonic ('natural') intelligence: a laser chaos can make decisions

<< [..] over the past several years, researchers have demonstrated that physical objects [..] can also "make decisions" by responding to feedback from their environments >>

AA << has demonstrated that the ultrafast, chaotic oscillatory dynamics in lasers makes these devices capable of decision making and reinforcement learning, which is one of the major components of machine learning >>

<< [..] this is the first demonstration of ultrafast photonic decision making or reinforcement learning, and it opens the doors to future research on "photonic intelligence" >>

AA << utilize the computational power inherent in physical phenomena [..] The computational power of physical phenomena is based on 'infinite degrees of freedom,' and its resulting 'nonlocality of interactions' and 'fluctuations'  >>

AA << call such systems 'natural Intelligence' in contrast to artificial intelligence" >>

Lisa Zyga. Researchers investigate decision-making by physical phenomena. June  2,  2017.

Makoto Naruse, Yuta Terashima, et al. Ultrafast photonic reinforcement learning based on laser chaos. arXiv:1704.04379 [physics.optics]

mercoledì 25 marzo 2020

# life: a bizarre role of reversal within a hypothetical POTUSrace game; now playing: 'generous' Donald vs 'predator' Covid-19

<< Always good to make sure: Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, the lead negotiator for President Donald Trump on this package, was asked Wednesday morning if the President would sign the agreement. Mnuchin: "Absolutely, absolutely." >>

Phil Mattingly. Congress on track to pass the largest emergency aid deal in US history. CNN. Updated 1403 GMT (2203 HKT) Mar 25, 2020.

Kevin Breuninger. Trump wants direct payments of $1,000 for adults, $500 for kids in coronavirus stimulus bill, Mnuchin says. Mar 19, 2020 09:30 AM ETD


#life; #POTUSrace; a bizarre hypothesis of that game, a (not real, theoretical) 'generous' Charlie vs. a (not real, theoretical) 'predator' Donald ... Jun 12, 2016.  
15:53  Feb 24, 2020.

never boring with chaos and tit-for-tat theories. FonT. Jun 12, 2016.

lunedì 7 maggio 2018

# game: the ineffable creativity of the coin toss approach

<< A new proof by SFI Professor David  Wolpert sends a humbling message to  would-be super intelligences: you can't  know everything all the time >>

<< "What if Epimenides had said 'the probability that a Cretan is a liar is greater than x percent?'" Moving from impossibility to probability could tell us whether knowing one thing with greater  certainty inherently limits the ability to know another thing. According to  Wolpert, "we are getting some very intriguing results." >>

Jenna  Marshall. New proof reveals  fundamental limits of scientific knowledge. Santa Fe Institute. May 3,  2018.


"(...) the probability that a Cretan is a liar is greater than x percent?". In tal caso se, per approcciare il paradosso di Epimenide, ci si affida preliminarmente, in prima approx, all'esito di lancio di moneta, ci si predispone a una sorta di sperimentale, al buio, pulsatile "car spinning" all'interno di scenari caratterizzati da dinamiche (anche) bi- multiforcate. Un approccio funzionale al reale ignoto, per dire, liberati da iniziali disdicevoli pre- giudizi ...


"soniche a ramulo"

"ramificata tinnula"

"never boring with chaos and tit-for-tat theories"

giovedì 16 novembre 2023

gst: actually and counterintuitively a coherent jump could generate disorder.

AA << consider a quantized version of a model for “random walk in random environment.” (..) For a ring geometry (a chain with periodic boundary condition) it features a delocalization-transition as the bias in increased beyond a critical value, indicating that the relaxation becomes underdamped. Counterintuitively, the effective disorder is enhanced due to coherent hopping. >>

Ben Avnit, Doron Cohen. Quantum walk in stochastic environment. Phys. Rev. E 108, 054111. Nov 7, 2023. 

AlsoVoli a casaccio. Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry). Oct 01, 2006.

Also: 'random', 'transition', 'disorder', 'chaos', in

Keywords: gst, walk, random walk, quantum walk, qu-walk, jump, transition, disorder, chaos

mercoledì 6 settembre 2023

# gst: chimera resonance, in analogy with the effects of stochastic and coherence resonance

AA << explore numerically the impact of additive Gaussian noise on the spatio-temporal dynamics of ring networks of nonlocally coupled chaotic maps. >>
<<  It is shown that the coupling strength range can be the widest at a certain optimum noise level at which chimera states are observed with a high probability for a large number of different realizations of randomly distributed initial conditions and noise sources. >>

<< This phenomenon demonstrates a constructive role of noise in analogy with the effects of stochastic and coherence resonance and may be referred to as chimera resonance. >>️

Elena Rybalova, Vasilii Nechaev, Eckehard Schöll, Galina Strelkova. Chimera resonance in networks of chaotic maps. arXiv:2307.00006v2 [cond-mat.dis-nn]. Jul 5, 2023.

Also: chimera, noise, chaos, network,  in:

Keywords: gst, chimera, noise, chaos, network, chimera resonance

lunedì 11 ottobre 2021

# gst: intermittent large-intensity pulses (LIE) due to instabilities in quasiperiodic motion (in Zeeman laser)

AA << report intermittent large-intensity pulses that originate in Zeeman laser due to instabilities in quasiperiodic motion, >>

<< one route follows torus-doubling to chaos and another goes via quasiperiodic intermittency in response to variation in system parameters. >>

<< During quasiperiodic intermittency, the temporal evolution of the laser shows intermittent chaotic bursting episodes intermediate to the quasiperiodic motion instead of periodic motion >>

<< The intermittent bursting appears as occasional large-intensity events (LIE). In particular, this quasiperiodic intermittency has not been given much attention so far from the dynamical system perspective, in general. >>

S. Leo Kingston, Arindam Mishra, Marek Balcerzak, Tomasz Kapitaniak, Syamal K. Dana. Instabilities in quasiperiodic motion lead to intermittent large-intensity events in Zeeman laser. arXiv: 2109.11847v1 [nlin.CD]. Sep 24, 2021. 

keywords: gst, quasiperiodic motion, intermittency, quasiperiodic intermittency, instability, chaos.

sabato 20 gennaio 2018

# gst: chaotic dynamics in the transition between sleep and wakefulness

AA <<  have investigated how to describe one of the most significant state changes in the brain, namely the transition between sleep and wakefulness >>

<< The brain's neuronal activity depends on the overall state we are in (deep sleep, light sleep, sedentary awake or awake and active), and this is important for how sensory impressions are processed >>

Niels  Bohr  Institute. Chaos  in  the  transition from sleep to awake. Dec 15,  2017.

AA << find that sleep is governed by stable, self-sustained oscillations in neuronal firing patterns, whereas the quiet awake state and active awake state are both governed by irregular oscillations and chaotic dynamics; transitions between these separable awake states are prompted by ionic changes. Although waking is indicative of a shift from stable to chaotic neuronal firing patterns, [AA]  illustrate that the properties of chaotic dynamics ensure that the transition between states is smooth and robust to noise >>

Rune Rasmussen, Mogens H. Jensen, Mathias L. Heltberg. Chaotic Dynamics Mediate Brain State Transitions, Driven by Changes in Extracellular Ion Concentrations.
Cell Systems. 2017; 5 (6): 591 - 603.e4. doi: 10.1016/j.cels.2017.11.011. Dec 13, 2017.

lunedì 18 marzo 2024

# gst: near the Hopf boundary, Intermittency and chimera states.

AA << study collective dynamics of networks of mutually coupled identical Lorenz oscillators near a subcritical Hopf bifurcation. Such systems exhibit induced multistable behavior with interesting spatiotemporal dynamics including synchronization, desynchronization, and chimera states. >>️

<< For analysis, (AA) first consider a ring topology with nearest-neighbor coupling and find that the system may exhibit intermittent behavior due to the complex basin structures and dynamical frustration, where temporal dynamics of the oscillators in the ensemble switches between different attractors. Consequently, different oscillators may show a dynamics that is intermittently synchronized (or desynchronized), giving rise to intermittent chimera states. The behavior of the intermittent laminar phases is characterized by the characteristic time spent in the synchronization manifold, which decays as a power law. >>

<< Such intermittent dynamics is quite general and is also observed in an ensemble of a large number of oscillators arranged in variety of network topologies including nonlocal, scale-free, random, and small-world networks. >>️

Anjuman Ara Khatun, Yusra Ahmed Muthanna, et al. Collective dynamics of coupled Lorenz oscillators near the Hopf boundary: Intermittency and chimera states. Phys. Rev. E 109, 034208. March 15, 2024.

Also: transition, intermittency, chaos, chimera, network, in

Keywords: gst, transition, intermittency, chaos, chimera, network

venerdì 2 giugno 2023

# gst: apropos of coexistence of coherent and incoherent oscillators, chaotic chimera attractors in a triangular network.

<< A prominent type of collective dynamics in networks of coupled oscillators is the coexistence of coherently and incoherently oscillating domains known as chimera states. >>️

<< In a three-population network of identical Kuramoto-Sakaguchi phase oscillators, stationary and periodic symmetric chimeras were previously studied on a reduced manifold in which two populations behaved identically. >>

<< In this paper, (AA) study the full phase space dynamics of such three-population networks. (They) demonstrate the existence of macroscopic chaotic chimera attractors that exhibit aperiodic antiphase dynamics of the order parameters. >>

<< The chaotic chimera states coexist with a stable chimera solution on the Ott-Antonsen manifold that displays periodic antiphase oscillation of the two incoherent populations and with a symmetric stationary chimera solution, resulting in tristability of chimera states. Of these three coexisting chimera states, only the symmetric stationary chimera solution exists in the symmetry-reduced manifold. >>️

Seungjae Lee, Katharina Krischer. Chaotic chimera attractors in a triangular network of identical oscillators. Phys. Rev. E 107, 054205. May 8, 2023.

Also: chimera, chaos, three balls, in

Keywwords: gst, chimera, bifurcations, chaos, synchronization

giovedì 17 gennaio 2019

# gst: it does not seem either completely chaotic, nor completely organized

<< Contrary to prevailing theories, the first results of POLAR reveal that the high energy photons coming from gamma ray bursts are neither completely chaotic, nor completely organized, but a mixture of the two.  Within short time intervals, the photons are found to oscillate in the same direction, but the oscillation direction changes with time. >>

The orderly chaos of black holes. University of Geneva. Jan 14, 2019.

Shuang-Nan Zhang, Merlin Kole, et al. Detailed polarization measurements of the prompt emission of five gamma-ray bursts. Nature Astronomy (2019) Jan 14 doi: 10.1038/s41550-018-0664-0

martedì 19 luglio 2022

# gst: apropos of prolate- oblate spheroid transition, the chaotic behavior of a spinless entity around a black hole.

AA << investigate the long-term orbital dynamics of spinless extended bodies in Schwarzschild geometry, and show that periodic deviations from spherical symmetry in the shape of a test body may trigger the onset of chaos. (AA) do this by applying Dixon's formalism at quadrupolar order to a nearly spherical body whose shape oscillates between a prolate and an oblate spheroid. The late-time chaotic behavior is then verified by applying Melnikov's method. >>️

Ricardo A. Mosna, Fernanda F. Rodrigues, Ronaldo S. S. Vieira. Chaotic dynamics of a spinless axisymmetric extended body around a Schwarzschild black hole. arXiv: 2207.04341v1 [gr-qc]. Jul 9, 2022. 

Phys. Rev. D 106, 024016 (2022). 

Also - Oblate and Prolate Spheroid.  

<< The shape of the earth is that of a round ball or sphere slightly flattened at two opposite sides. Such a body is termed a spheroid. There are two kinds of spheroids-oblate and prolate; the former as the shape of an orange, the latter that of a lemon.  >>️

Oblate and Prolate Spheroid.  


keyword 'transition' in FonT

keyword 'transizione' | 'transition' in Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry): 

Keywords: gst, spheroid, behavior, chaos, transition, black hole

sabato 13 agosto 2022

# gst: how a synchronization could emerge from chaotic activities

<< Can we find order in chaos? Physicists have shown, for the first time that chaotic systems can synchronize due to stable structures that emerge from chaotic activity. These structures are known as fractals, shapes with patterns which repeat over and over again in different scales of the shape. As chaotic systems are being coupled, the fractal structures of the different systems will start to assimilate with each other, taking the same form, causing the systems to synchronize. >>️

<< If the systems are strongly coupled, the fractal structures of the two systems will eventually become identical, causing complete synchronization between the systems. These findings help us understand how synchronization and self-organization can emerge from systems that didn't have these properties to begin with, like chaotic systems and biological systems. >>️

Topological synchronization of chaotic systems. Bar-Ilan University. Apr 22, 2022. 

<< chaotic synchronization has a specific trait in various systems, from continuous systems and discrete maps to high dimensional systems: synchronization initiates from the sparse areas of the attractor, and it creates what (AA) termed as the ‘zipper effect’, a distinctive pattern in the multifractal structure of the system that reveals the microscopic buildup of the synchronization process. >>️

Lahav, N., Sendina-Nadal, I., et al. Topological synchronization of chaotic systems. Sci Rep 12, 2508. doi: 10.1038/ s41598-022-06262-z. Feb 15, 2022. 


keyword 'self-assembly' in FonT

Keywords: gst, self-assembly, self-organization, fractals, topological synchronization, zipper effect, chaos, chaotic systems

venerdì 28 settembre 2018

# psych: a view around dark personalities, by Morten et al.

<< Egoism, Machiavellianism, narcissism, psychopathy, sadism, spitefulness and others are among the traits of the malevolent side of human personality. As results from a recently published German-Danish research project show, these traits share a common "dark core." People with one of these tendencies are also likely to have one or more of the others. >>

Psychologists define the 'dark core of personality'. University of Copenhagen. Sep 27, 2018.

Moshagen Morten,Hilbig Benjamin E.,Zettler Ingo. The dark core of personality. Psychological Review, Jul 12 , 2018


"silvo sadico"  (by quasistochastic poetry)

Charlie vs Donald
(never boring with chaos and tit-for-tat theories)

lunedì 27 maggio 2019

# game: a pulsating, sadistic search for "disinformation", by John.

<< What this shows is that disinformation, which is ignorance of the truth, is simple to impose, even if logic denies it. What is even simpler is discovering a person’s ignorance set without imparting knowledge, >> John McAfee

Scott Thompson. John McAfee discusses the value of ignorance in new essay. May 25, 2019.


artists and machine intelligence interactions: the Ross' conjecture. Jun 13, 2016.

Charlie vs Donald (never boring with chaos and tit-for-tat theories). Jun 12, 2016.

lunedì 4 settembre 2023

# gst: sudden phase transitions among nonconservative system with nonreciprocal interactions

<< A nonconservative system with nonreciprocal interaction has been found to reveal exotic features where sudden phase transitions can occur. >>️

Here AA reported << the emanation of a chimera in a network of Stuart-Landau oscillators. >>

<< The findings could have pragmatic implications in the areas of active matter, networks, and photonics. >>
M. Paul Asir. Emergence of chimeras: An impetus by exceptional points. Phys. Rev. E 108, 024220. Aug 22, 2023. 

Also: Stuart–Landau equation. 

Also: network, transition, chimera, chaos, in:

Keywords: network, transition, chimera, chaos, pattern formation

martedì 26 settembre 2023

# gst: apropos of transitions, three distinct new families of long-wave instabilities and potential new pathways to turbulence.

AA << reveal three previously unknown instabilities, distinct from the well-known Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability (KHI) and Holmboe Wave Instability (HWI), in that they have longer wavelengths (..) and often slower growth rates. >>

<< The circumstances under which turbulence can persist in strongly stratified flows remains a fascinating debate within the community. [AA] demonstrated that weakly unstable (very) long waves may trigger turbulence and mixing after long periods of time, even under initially very strongly stratified conditions. >>

Lu Zhu, Amir Atoufi, Adrien Lefauve, Rich R. Kerswell, P. F. Linden. Long-wave instabilities of sloping stratified exchange flows. arXiv:2309.10056v1 [physics.flu-dyn]. Sep 18, 2023.

Also: waves, instability, transition, turbulence, chaos, in

Keywords: gst, waves, instability, long-wave instability, transition, turbulence, chaos

venerdì 17 giugno 2016

# s-gst-game: tit-for-tat and the emergence of morality

<< Ultimately, the results showed that the best strategy was 'tit for tat' – which means that a player starts out cooperating on the first move, and then does whatever it's opponent does >>

<< it's interesting that it emerged – it self-organised – into this state of being that the Old Testament morality ended up winning in this environment >>

<< So in fact what was found in later studies, when they examined prisoner's dilemma in environments where errors occurred with a certain frequency, is that the population tended to evolve to more generous, more like New Testament strategies that will 'turn the other cheek' >>

<< If natural selection leads to morality, that's pretty interesting. And that came from maths! >>.  Steven  Strogatz.

Steven  Strogatz, in: Elena  Holodny. The  mathematical  origins  of  morals.  Business  Insider, 14  Jun  2016

FonT: <<  and then does whatever it's opponent does >> ... approccio senz'altro utile all'interno di scenari di simulazione; in contesti reali un approccio creativo, esplorativo, perturbativo, e per mia opinione anche funzionale, al problema di  decidere sul comportamento cooperativo al successivo "run" e' quello di affidarsi all'esito del lancio di moneta, ovviamente dopo un giudizio (formato da componenti di natura analitica ma anche soggettiva) circa il contesto che ha fatto intravedere la necessita' - per l'attore cooperativo - di una biforcazione, di operare una scelta.

Percio' "tit-for-tat generoso quasistocastico", tutte le volte che un gambler decide di iniziare/ sostenere un gioco "al buio", anche quando sa, oppure sospetta, che il gioco e' "a priori" fondamentalmente truccato, vale a dire deviante dai due vincoli del gioco legale, naturale [1,2,3]

Nelle componenti  "eye for an eye" vs "turn the other cheek" o, se si vuole piu' in generale, nei livelli di "risveglio" in senso buddista degli attori partecipanti tit-for-tat, dipende, anche a breve/ medio termine, la velocita' evolutiva degli esiti del gioco, esiti che riverberano in ambito sociale, anche all'interno di contesti "altri".

[1] - 1809 - strutturanti decisioni. November 26, 2004

[2] - 1821 - i due beffardi vincoli. November 26, 2004

[3] - s-gst: never boring with chaos and tit-for-tat theories. June 12, 2016

martedì 24 gennaio 2017

# s-gst: lastly, they indicate the generality of that

<< Lastly, [AA] indicate the generality of this phenomenon by demonstrating suppression of chaotic oscillations by coupling to a common hyper-chaotic system. These results then indicate the easy controllability of chaotic oscillators by an external chaotic system, thereby suggesting a potent method that may help design control strategies. >>

Sudhanshu Shekhar Chaurasia, Sudeshna Sinha. Suppression of chaos through coupling to an external chaotic system. 2 Jul 2016.
