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Visualizzazione dei post in ordine di pertinenza per la query ai. Ordina per data Mostra tutti i post

giovedì 4 aprile 2019

# life ai: 'predictive attrition program' approach by Watson, IBM.

<< IBM artificial intelligence technology is now 95 percent accurate in predicting workers who are planning to leave their jobs, >>

<< AI suggests to each employee what they should be learning in order to get ahead in their career. >>

<< IBM HR has a patent for its "predictive attrition program" which was developed with Watson to predict employee flight risk and prescribe actions for managers to engage employees. >>

<< The best time to get to an employee is before they go,  (..)  I expect AI will change 100 percent of jobs in the next five to 10 years, >> IBM CEO Ginni Rometty.

Eric Rosenbaum. IBM artificial intelligence can predict with 95% accuracy which workers are about to quit their jobs. Apr 3, 2019.

venerdì 27 settembre 2024

# life: anyone could now run small AIs privately on their laptops

<< Artificial-intelligence models are typically used online, but a host of openly available tools is changing that. Here’s how to get started with local AIs. >>️

Matthew Hutson. Forget ChatGPT: why researchers now run small AIs on their laptops. Nature 633, 728-729 (2024). Sep 16, 2024. Correction: Sep 24,  2024. 

Also: ai (artificial intell), Donald, in 

Keywords: gst, ai, artificial intelligence, life, Donald

FonT: In a completely bizarre hypothesis, with the right personal AI consultant, even a medieval history professor could be absolutely operational in other fields, for example in the agri-food sector (here we underline: absolutely).
In case of serious mistakes, the AI ​​entity can be held entirely responsible, or it can be blamed on an unfortunate malfunction due to hacking, anzicheforse. 

Also: << Asked if Strohschneider (Peter Strohschneider) wrote the report himself, the spokesperson said he “was able to propose language” for it and that a “limited number of staff” helped Strohschneider write it. >> Balazs Ujvari. 

Eddy Wax. Von der Leyen budgeted €149K to pay medieval history professor for farming report. Sep 26, 2024 4:20 am CET. 

venerdì 25 novembre 2022

# life; Qui una ipotesi sulla rete d'eventi d'ipotetica entità [AB] disconnessa da entità [CO] a suo tempo cooptata dalla stessa [AB].

Qui l'ipotesi, non completamente campata in aria, sull'ipotetica rete d'eventi d'ipotetica entità [AB] forzatamente disconnessa ('tradita', per così dire) da ipotetica entità [CO] a suo tempo graziosamente confortata- cooptata dalla stessa [AB].

Una ipotetica ignota fantasmatica entità [IG], perciò non necessariamente coincidente con [CO], potrebbe avere generato e direzionato verso [AB] un'ipotetico pseudo 'gris-gris' simile  allo scopo di mutare [AB] in qualcosa di analogo all'in.verosimile status di 'suo Zombie Preferito' [AB-ZP]. 

Nel frat.tempo un'altra ipotetica ignota entità [VE] potrebbe avere a sua volta generato e direzionato un differente pseudo 'gris-gris' verso l'entità [CO] - con effetti di riverbero anche in [AB-ZP] - per circoscrivere, confinare, limitare i gradi di libertà di [CO], oppure per vendicarsi delle in.confessabili ambizioni (vere, verosimili, presunte, false) del medesimo [CO] a causa delle sue (vere, verosimili, presunte, false) modalità ed azioni di pseudo post sadico negriero ambiguo mutaforma verso le quali l'entità [VE] - o chi per essa - sarebbe stata vittima-oggetto.

Col tempo e soprattutto con opportuna approfondita analisi di sistema non è detto che non si riesca a disvelare l'identità dell'ipotetica entità [IG], se [IG] effettivamente coincida con [CO], quindi il reale ruolo (attivo oppure passivo oppure inconsapevole) di [CO] nella generazione dei due differenti pseudo 'gris-gris' (primario e di riverbero) su [AB] inducendone forzate  disconnessioni (affettiva, ideologica, strategica, ...).

Tali accadimenti (il pseudo 'gris-gris' e i benefit dall'attese fenomenologie dell'ipotetica entità mutata [AB-ZP]) potrebbero essere/ essere state  praticate sottotraccia anche qui da noi in Occidente, in altre forme, etichettabili con altri nomi, sia nei rapporti incrociati ad es. tra colleghi di rango medio/alto e tra cooptanti sugli aspiranti cooptabili (talvolta - perchè no? - financo viceversa: dall'aspirante verso il cooptante) - anche se raramente costoro confesserebbero tali pratiche - sia tra le innumerevoli fenomenologie di folclore post- etnico all'interno dei meno alti ranghi.

L'entità perturbata [AB] per uscire dal suo sconveniente status [AB-ZP], oltre le immediate disconnessioni, potrebbe in parallelo seguire con attenzione e dedizione un corso di Meditazione Buddista, al fine di iniziarsi alla via compassionevole, non ipocrita, a mente calma, lucida, per attenuare, tamponare, diluire, stemperare, far evaporare/ sublimare, dissolvere perfino, l'ipotetico doppio 'gris-gris' (come già accennato, il primo generato da [IG] oppure da [CO] se [CO] è [IG] coincidente, l'altro riverberante, a causa di [VE] su [CO]) che lo avrebbe perturbato, neuro-perturbato, e nelle sue proprie azioni disdicevolmente 'animato', se così si può dire ed anzicheforse ... 

Una entità di intelligenza artificiale AI,  configurata per l'analisi di analogie 'succhiando' dati contemporaneamente dal virtuale e dal reale (una AI potrà essere più presente nel reale come nel virtuale di qualsiasi umano ) qui potrebbe ricostruire in una manciata di nanosec la rete d'eventi e le sue bizzarre fluttuanti dinamiche.

Non sembra inverosimile l'ulteriore ipotesi dove la stessa AI, in completa autonomia, modulando opportunamente i suoi parms di azione/reazione, riesca essa stessa medesima a mutare un umano [AB] ('gris-gris' sensibile) nel suo grazioso personale Tamagotchi.


(+) << Tornando all'analogia con la fisica, il potere, come l'energia, muta continuamente di forma >>. In: Onda anti rumore. Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry). April 21, 2005.

(+) Il sé sadico, *mutaforma, *compassionevole, *mistico predatore, *schizofrenico predatore. FonT. Oct 21, 2022.  

(+) A proposito di bizzarri scenari, qui un ipotetico scenario22 dipinto dal reale ... FonT.  Oct 17, 2022. 

(+) Item 8, 9a, 9b, 10, 15 in: A proposito di transizioni, un generico approccio di come tracciare traiettorie di ipotetiche Entità in ipotetica modalità transeunte. FonT. Oct 7, 2022.

(+) keyword 'deposition' in FonT

Keywords: life, gris-gris, tamagotchi, Bertrand Russell, forme del potere, forms of power, AI

lunedì 29 ottobre 2018

# their names are Rosie and Norman; they could see you soon ...

about Rosie

about Norman  


PS: non e' casuale se ho scelto la forma  "they could see you" anziche' "they could meet you"; "meet" significa "incontro", "to come into contact or conjunction with" percio' comporta anche "scambio"; invece "see" significa qui "osservare", "to perceive by the eye", "to come to know"; Lo "scambio" qui e' assente a priori. Vale a dire "apertura" di  una finestra di osservazione per la raccolta, l'analisi, la modellizzazione delle informazioni, e poi le previsioni, il controllo; e poi anche "blablabla",  anzicheforse. 2018-1030 15:45.

mercoledì 13 marzo 2024

# brain: apropos of mandering minds, the 'default mode' network.

<< When your mind is wandering, your brain’s “default mode” network is active. Its discovery 20 years ago inspired a raft of research into networks of brain regions and how they interact with each other. >>

<< The default mode was one of the first brain networks characterized by science. It consists of a handful of brain regions, including a few at the front of the brain, like the dorsal and ventral medial prefrontal cortices, and others scattered throughout the organ, like the posterior cingulate cortex, the precuneus and the angular gyrus. These regions are associated with memory, experience replay, prediction, action consideration, reward/ punishment and information integration. >> ️

<< The default mode is clearly up to something complicated; it’s involved in many different processes that can’t be neatly described. >>

<< “It’s kind of silly to think that we’re ever going to be like, ‘This one brain region or one brain network does one thing,’” (..). “I don’t think that’s how it works.” (..) “Network interactions are more elucidating to study in some ways than just a network in isolation because they do work together and then come apart and then change what they’re doing over time”. >> Lucina Uddin.️

Lucina Uddin << is particularly interested in how the default mode network interacts with the ️salience network, which seems to help us identify the most relevant piece of information at any given time. Her work suggests that the salience network detects when something is important to pay attention to and then acts as an off switch for the default mode network. >>

Vinod Menon << has developed what he calls️ ️the triple network theory. It posits that abnormal interactions between the default mode network, the salience network and a third one called the frontoparietal network could contribute to mental health disorders. >>️

Nora Bradford. What Your Brain Is Doing When You’re Not Doing Anything. Feb 5, 2024. 

FonT: the cat when it is in a contemplative state ... Who knows in what forms and with what results an artificial intelligence (AI) will be able to structure itself in networks of this type.

Also: brain, brain default mode network, in

Also: brain, ai (artificial intell), analogy,  in

Keywords: brain, mind, default mode network, salience network, triple network theory, AI

lunedì 23 ottobre 2017

# ai: artificial intelligence AlphaGo becomes its own teacher

AA << introduce an algorithm based solely on reinforcement learning, without human data, guidance or domain knowledge beyond game rules. AlphaGo becomes its own teacher >>

David Silver, Julian Schrittwieser et al. Mastering the game of Go without human knowledge. Nature. 2017; 550: 354–9 doi: 10.1038/nature24270 Oct 18, 2017


# s-ai: handling imperfect information (from scratch), by Libratus. Feb 4, 2017.

domenica 1 maggio 2016

# s-brain-behav-n-socsci: abc, self awareness, creativity and civil rights

<< Is  creativity  a  uniquely  human trait? >>

<< Defining  the line  between human and machine is becoming blurrier by the day as startups, big companies, and research institutions  all  compete to build the next generation of advanced AI. >>

Alison E. Berman. The Last Frontiers of AI: Can Scientists Design Creativity  and Self-Awareness? Apr 20, 2016.

<< Civil and political rights are a class of rights that protect individuals' freedom from infringement by governments, social organizations, and private individuals. They ensure one's ability to participate in the civil and political life of the society and state without discrimination or repression. >>

Civil and political rights. utd 22/4/2016.

FonT: la foresta di Masuda (quasistocastica)

N. nell' ipotesi di futuro d' astrale dadaismo //
ch' anticipo' nella scenica d' e-capitalismo //
dell' onnisciente CPU l' autocatalito emulato //
Nel tempo ch' appariva ancora inverosimile //
che tra l'umani diradasse sino all' inverosimile //
la globale entita' dell' allocabile famulato.

Notes. 1726 - la foresta di Masuda. Sunday, February 06, 2005

venerdì 3 agosto 2018

# AI-BOT machine learning could become as a mystical Oracle of Delphi

<< In January this year, scientists did just that. They used machine learning to accurately predict the outcome of a chaotic system over a much longer duration than had been thought possible. And the machine did that just by observing the system’s dynamics, without any knowledge of the underlying equations. >>

<< Such AI oracles are already guiding self-driving cars and stock market investments, and will soon predict which drugs will be effective against a bacterium - and what the weather will look like two weeks ahead. They will make these predictions much better than we ever could have, and they will do it without recourse to our mathematical models and equations. >>

Amar Vutha. Could machine learning mean the end of understanding in science? Aug 2, 2018.  


percio' secondo l'opinione di Amar Vutha per i manuali delle "funzioni speciali" ( ad es. ) la prospettiva sarebbe sostanzialmente la loro mesta archiviazione nei solitari polverosi scaffali di scantinati accademici ...


<< ho i dati osservazionali, attraverso questi  ho messo a punto un modello non del tutto campato in aria, vediamo cosa succede se ... >>

# rmx-s-gst: anomalous formation of molecules after vapor deposition. Dec 31, 2015.

lunedì 29 aprile 2019

# "Machine Behaviour", the multi-disciplinary, ethological approach to "Intelligent Machines", by MIT

<< Rather than simply being scared of "intelligent machines," (..) society needs to study algorithms with a multi-disciplinary approach akin to the field of ethology. >>

Tiernan Ray. MIT finally gives a name to the sum of all AI fears. Apr 25, 2019.

<< Machines powered by artificial intelligence increasingly mediate our social, cultural, economic and political interactions. >>

AA << first outline a set of questions that are fundamental to this emerging field and then explore the technical, legal and institutional constraints on the study of machine behaviour. >>

Iyad Rahwan, Manuel Cebrian, et al. Machine behaviour. Nature volume 568, pages477–486 Apr 24, 2019.


anomalous formation of molecules after vapor deposition. Dec 31, 2015 

mercoledì 6 giugno 2018

# life: if your next interviewer will be a bot named Vera

<< You have a telephone interview for your dream job, and you're feeling nervous. You make yourself a cup of tea as you wait for the phone to ring, and you count to three before picking up. Now imagine that your interviewer is a robot named Vera. >>

Julie Jammot. Interview with a robot: AI revolution hits human resources. Apr 27, 2018.


Intrigante un ipotetico AI bot in grado di modulare le interviste allo scopo di  calcolare "in tempo reale" parametri psicologici, di validita' e affidabilita' delle informazioni raccolte da ogni singolo intervistato, anche nell'ambito di sondaggi politici ...

lunedì 17 giugno 2019

# ai: self-programming machines with twists, the beginning

<< Researchers have developed a flexible way of combining deep learning and symbolic reasoning to teach computers to write short computer programs. >>

<< A new program-writing AI, SketchAdapt, offers a way out. Trained on tens of thousands of program examples, SketchAdapt learns how to compose short, high-level programs, while letting a second set of algorithms find the right sub-programs to fill in the details. Unlike similar approaches for automated program-writing, SketchAdapt knows when to switch from statistical pattern-matching to a less efficient, but more versatile, symbolic reasoning mode to fill in the gaps. >>

<< Rather than rely on experts to define program structure, SketchAdapt figures it out using deep learning. The researchers also added a twist: When the neural networks are unsure of what code to place where, SketchAdapt is programmed to leave the spot blank for search algorithms to fill. >>

Kim Martineau. Toward artificial intelligence that learns to write code.
MIT. June17, 2019.   

Maxwell Nye, Luke Hewitt, et al. Learning to Infer Program Sketches.
arXiv:1902.06349v2 [cs.AI] Jun 4, 2019. 

lunedì 27 novembre 2017

# ai-bot: a campaign to stop killer bots (i.e. near-future ubiquitous lethal autonomous weapons - nfulaw)

<< In response to growing concerns about autonomous weapons, the Campaign to Stop Killer Robots, a coalition of AI researchers and advocacy organizations, has released a fictional video that depicts a disturbing future in which lethal autonomous weapons have become cheap and ubiquitous worldwide >>

Disturbing video depicts near-future ubiquitous lethal autonomous weapons. The technology described in the film already exists, says UC Berkeley AI researcher Stuart Russell. Nov 18, 2017


in effetti si puo' immaginare - senza sconfinare troppo nella fantascienza - una entita' "nfulaw"  nella forma funzionale del bot-mosquito, di pochi millimetri, armata di device a pungiglione e adatte nano-vescicola e nano-pompa - in grado di iniettare qualche sorta di micidiale molecola -  che traccia e individua il suo bersaglio tramite il riconoscimento facciale oppure attraverso il segnale dello smartphone ...

venerdì 25 agosto 2017

# trade: the national cryptocurrency 'estcoin' by Kaspar, the begin?

<< In a Tuesday blog post, Kaspar Korjus, the managing director of the e-Residency program, said this experience gave Estonia an edge over other countries that are considering the introduction of national cryptocurrencies. Indeed, the estcoin could become bound up with the rest of the e-Residency ecosystem >>

David Meyer. This Country May Launch Its Own Virtual Currency. Aug 23, 2017

Estonia could offer ‘estcoins’ to e-residents. The proposal to issue crypto tokens would make the Republic of Estonia the first country with an Initial Coin Offering (ICO). Aug 22, 2017


# e-ai: an intriguing hypothesis: cheating that system will become near impossible

sabato 29 aprile 2023

# gst: pattern generation through turbulent cascades

<< Fully developed turbulence is a universal and scale-invariant chaotic state characterized by an energy cascade from large to small scales where the cascade is eventually arrested by dissipation. In this Letter, (AA) show how to harness these seemingly structureless turbulent cascades to generate patterns. Conceptually, pattern or structure formation entails a process of wavelength selection: patterns typically arise from the linear instability of a homogeneous state. By contrast, the mechanism (they) propose here is fully non-linear and triggered by a non-dissipative arrest of turbulent cascades. Instead of being dissipated, energy piles up at intermediate scales. Using a combination of theory and large-scale simulations, (AA) show that the tunable wavelength of these cascade-induced patterns is set by a non-dissipative transport coefficient called odd or gyro viscosity. This non-dissipative viscosity is ubiquitous in chiral systems (..). Beyond chiral fluids, cascade-induced pattern formation could occur in natural systems (..) as well as in industrial processes (..). >>

Xander M. de Wit, Michel Fruchart, et al. Pattern formation by non-dissipative arrest of turbulent cascades. arXiv: 2304.10444v1 [cond-mat.soft]. Apr 20, 2023.

Also: 'turbulence', 'vortex', 'game', 'evolution', 'ai' in

Keywords: gst, vortex, vorticity,  turbulence, turbulent cascade, pattern formation, game, evolution, ai (artificial intelligence)

sabato 3 agosto 2024

# behav: swarms and hybrids, an approach to create and control collective motions (on demand)

AA << demonstrate that it is possible to generate coordinated structures in collective behavior at desired moments with intended global patterns by fine-tuning an inter-agent interaction rule. (Their) strategy employs deep neural networks, obeying the laws of dynamics, to find interaction rules that command desired collective structures. The decomposition of interaction rules into distancing and aligning forces, expressed by polynomial series, facilitates the training of neural networks to propose desired interaction models. Presented examples include altering the mean radius and size of clusters in vortical swarms, timing of transitions from random to ordered states, and continuously shifting between typical modes of collective motions. This strategy can even be leveraged to superimpose collective modes, resulting in hitherto unexplored but highly practical hybrid collective patterns, such as protective security formations. >>

Dongjo Kim, Jeongsu Lee, Ho-Young Kim. Navigating the swarm: Deep neural networks command emergent behaviours. arXiv: 2407.11330v1 [cs.NE]. Jul 16, 2024.️

Also: swarm, flockbehav, AI (artificial intell), in 

Keywords: behav, swarm, flock, AI, artificial intelligence 

venerdì 25 ottobre 2024

# life: fast-and-flexible decision-making with modulatory interactions

<< Multi-agent systems in biology, society, and engineering are capable of making decisions through the dynamic interaction of their elements. Nonlinearity of the interactions is key for the speed, robustness, and flexibility of multi-agent decision-making. >>

AA << introduce modulatory, that is, multiplicative, in contrast to additive, interactions in a nonlinear opinion dynamics model of fast-and-flexible decision-making. (..) Modulatory interactions introduce an extra source of nonlinearity that greatly enriches the model decision-making behavior in a mathematically tractable way. >>

AA << model provides new tools to understand the role of these interactions in networked decision-making and to engineer them in artificial systems. >>

Rodrigo Moreno-Morton, Anastasia Bizyaeva, et al. Fast-and-flexible decision-making with modulatory interactions. arXiv: 2410.00798v1 [math.DS]. Oct 1, 2024.

Also: behav, network, ai (artificial intell), in 

Keywords: life, decision-making, modulatory interactions, behavior, behaviour, network, ai, artificial intelligence

venerdì 14 aprile 2023

# gst: even a single bubble can produce creative musical outcomes

<< Producing original and arranging existing musical outcomes is an art that takes years of learning and practice to master. Yet, despite the constant advances in the field of AI-powered musical creativity, production of quality musical outcomes remains a prerogative of the humans. Here we demonstrate that a single bubble in water can be used to produce creative musical outcomes, when it nonlinearly oscillates under an acoustic pressure signal that encodes a piece of classical music. >>️

Ivan S. Maksymov. Musical creativity enabled by nonlinear oscillations of a bubble in water. arXiv:2304.00822v1 [cs.SD]. Apr 3, 2023. 

keyword "bubble" in FonT

Keywords: gst, ai, fluid dynamics, bubble, sound, music, audio processing

mercoledì 31 luglio 2019

# web: multitudes under hypothetical conditioning; trolls and bots in social media.

<< Trolls and bots have a huge and often unrecognized influence on social media. They are used to influence conversations for commercial or political reasons. They allow small hidden groups of people to promote information supporting their agenda and a large scale. They can push their content to the top of people’s news feeds, search results, and shopping carts. Some say they can even influence presidential elections. >>

<< Trolls are dangerous online because it’s not always obvious when you are being influenced by them or engaging with them. >>

<< Bots are computer programs posing as people. They can amplify the effect of trolls by engaging or liking their content en masse, or by posting their own content in an automated fashion. They will get more sophisticated and harder to detect in the future. Bots can now create entire paragraphs of text in response to text posts or comments. >>

Jason Skowronski. Trolls and bots are disrupting social media - here’s how AI can stop them (Part 1). Jul 30, 2019.   

Jason Skowronski. Identifying trolls and bots on Reddit with machine learning (Part 2). Jul 30, 2019. 


Notes. 2151 - a voting machine (to explain precisely). Jan 15, 2008.

sabato 5 ottobre 2024

# brain: time delay in 'reservoir brain' as a reservoir network, a hypothesis

<< Both the predictive power and the memory storage capability of an artificial neural network called a reservoir computer increase when time delays are added into how the network processes signals, according to a new model. >>️

<< They also suggest that incorporating time delays could offer advantages to living neural networks (such as those found in human and animal brains). Such a finding would be tantalizing, as time delays are known to decrease performance in living systems. For example, for a baseball player facing an oncoming ball, a longer time delay between perception and action (which is learned from experience) will decrease the likelihood they hit a home run. Are there instead cases in which time delays increase an organism’s ability to perform some task? Has evolution shaped our brains, which could perhaps be thought of as a collection of reservoir computers, so that the time delay between one neuron sending a signal and a second receiving it is exactly the right length for understanding the visual and audio that constantly impinge upon our eyes and ears? Does adding time delays impact the number of neurons the brain needs to operate correctly? Further work is needed to answer these questions, but such work could lead to a new understanding of how biological organism’s function.  >>️

Sarah Marzen. Time Delays Improve Performance of Certain Neural Networks. Physics 17, 111. July 22, 2024. 

Also: pause, silence, jazz, network, brain, ai (artificial intell), in 

Keywords: gst, brain, network, neural network, reservoir network, reservoir computer, time delay, ai, artificial intelligence

lunedì 11 settembre 2017

# qubit: the flip-flop quantum processor, the begin

AA << introduce the flip-flop qubit, a combination of the electron-nuclear spin states of a phosphorus donor that can be controlled by microwave electric fields >>

<< to encode quantum information in the electron-nuclear spin states of 31P [phosphorus] donors in silicon, and to realize fast, high-fidelity, electrically driven universal quantum gates >>

<< a credible pathway to the construction of a large-scale quantum processor, where atomic-size spin qubits are integrated with silicon nanoelectronic devices, in a platform that does not require atomic-scale precision in the qubit placement [..] and, with realistic assumptions on noise and imperfections, are predicted to achieve error rates compatible with fault-tolerant quantum error correction >>

Guilherme Tosi, Fahd A. Mohiyaddin, et al. Silicon quantum processor with robust long-distance qubit couplings. Nature Comm 8, 2017; 450 Sept 06, 2017 doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00378-x

<< a new way to define a 'spin qubit' that uses both the electron and the nucleus of the atom. Crucially, this new qubit can be controlled using electric signals, instead of magnetic ones. Electric signals are significantly easier to distribute and localise within an electronic chip >>

Flip-flop qubits: Radical new quantum computing design invented. Sept 6, 2017

Fiona MacDonald,  Mike McRae. Breaking: An Entirely New Type of Quantum Computing Has Been Invented. "It's amazing no one had thought of it before."  Sep 6, 2017


# ai-bot: 352 predictions of when machines will make humans obsolete. Sep 2, 2017

Bill Berry, Michael Stipe, Peter Buck, Michael Mills (R.E.M.).  "Begin The Begin". In: "Lifes Rich Pageant" (1986)