
Visualizzazione dei post in ordine di pertinenza per la query fuzzy. Ordina per data Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione dei post in ordine di pertinenza per la query fuzzy. Ordina per data Mostra tutti i post

martedì 8 ottobre 2019

# gst: a cylindrical solitonlike that collapses into a spherical shape, and, along the filaments, central cores of matter exhibit fuzzies

In AA simulation, << the dark matter filaments show coherent interference patterns on the boson de Broglie scale and develop cylindrical solitonlike cores, which are unstable under gravity and collapse into kiloparsec-scale spherical solitons. Features of the dark matter distribution are largely unaffected by the baryonic feedback. On the contrary, the distributions of gas and stars, which do form along the entire filament, exhibit central cores imprinted by dark matter-a smoking gun signature of FDM ("fuzzy" dark matter). >>

Philip Mocz, Anastasia Fialkov, et al. First Star-Forming Structures in Fuzzy Cosmic Filaments. Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 141301. Oct 2, 2019.  

Jennifer Chu. This is how a 'fuzzy' universe may have looked. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Oct 3, 2019   


intrigante qui come una simulazione di evoluzione cosmologica - filamenti strutturati a cilindro mutanti (collassanti) in strutture sferoidali (ma non a generica fluttuante frittella) formanti, nei filamenti di gas,  serie (sciami?) di kernel a dinamiche fuzzy - possa far immaginare generici contesti altri ...

mercoledì 3 maggio 2017

# s-phys: a fuzzy matter: dancing with fuzzy multistate haloes, a hypothesis.

<< the fuzzy dark matter model may be a viable alternative to cold dark matter >>

Is dark matter 'fuzzy'? April 28, 2017.

<< One alternative to the cold dark matter (CDM) paradigm is the scalar field dark matter (SFDM) model >>

<< If the dark matter is indeed an ultra-light boson, our results imply that the DM [dark matter] haloes of galaxies and galaxy clusters may not be fully BEC [Bose-Einstein condensates ] systems. In contrast, agreement with observations at different mass scales is achievable for multistate SFDM configurations >>

Tula Bernal, Victor H. Robles and Tonatiuh Matos. Scalar field dark matter in clusters of galaxies. arXiv:1609.08644v3  [astro-ph.CO]  30 Apr 2017. Preprint 2nd May 2017.

venerdì 6 luglio 2018

# evol: defining 'species', a 'fuzzy art' in a fuzzy world ...

<< there are "n+1 definitions of 'species' in a room of n biologists." >> John S. Wilkins.

Susan Milius. Defining 'species' is a fuzzy art. A schoolroom word. A vital concept. A beast to define. Science News. 192 (8): 22. Nov 1, 2017.


"n+1" or, maybe,  "n+m" ...

giovedì 30 agosto 2018

# evol-ethno: the fuzzy dispersal and interaction dynamics of ancient (early) nomads (2)

AA << present the genome of 'Denisova 11', a bone fragment from Denisova Cave (Russia)3 and show that it comes from an individual who had a Neanderthal mother and a Denisovan father. >>

<< The finding of a first-generation Neanderthal–Denisovan offspring among the small number of archaic specimens sequenced to date suggests that mixing between Late Pleistocene hominin groups was common when they met. >>

Viviane Slon, Fabrizio Mafessoni, et al. The genome of the offspring of a Neanderthal mother and a Denisovan father. Nature. Aug 22, 2018. doi: 10.1038/s41586-018-0455-x

Marlowe Hood. Neandertal mother, Denisovan father-Newly-sequenced genome sheds light on interactions between ancient hominins. Aug 22, 2018.


the fuzzy dispersal and interaction dynamics of ancient (early) nomads. Dec 11, 2017.

giovedì 29 luglio 2021

# life: apropos of fuzzy cooperation, Ralph fuzzy mixture vs. world fuzzy dance ...

<< In 2013, the American virologist Ralph Baric approached Zhengli Shi at a meeting. Baric was a top expert in coronaviruses, with hundreds of papers to his credit, and Shi, along with her team at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, had been discovering them by the fistful in bat caves. In one sample of bat guano, Shi had detected the genome of a new virus, called SHC014, that was one of the two closest relatives to the original SARS virus, but her team had not been able to culture it in the lab. >>️

<< Baric had developed a way around that problem—a technique for “reverse genetics” in coronaviruses. Not only did it allow him to bring an actual virus to life from its genetic code, but he could mix and match parts of multiple viruses. He wanted to take the “spike” gene from SHC014 and move it into a genetic copy of the SARS virus he already had in his lab. The spike molecule is what lets a coronavirus open a cell and get inside it. The resulting chimera would demonstrate whether the spike of SHC014 would attach to human cells. >>️

<< Just as when you trade in part of a poker hand for fresh cards, there was no way of knowing whether the final chimeras would be stronger or weaker. >>

<< If you study a hundred different bat viruses, your luck may run out. >> Ralph Baric. 

<< In 2014, the NIH awarded a five-year, $3.75 million grant to EcoHealth Alliance to study the risk that more bat-borne coronaviruses would emerge in China, using the same kind of techniques Baric had pioneered. Some of that work was to be subcontracted to the Wuhan Institute of Virology. >>

<< Consider this hypothetical scenario, (..) An important gain-of-function experiment involving a virus with serious pandemic potential is performed in a well-regulated, world-class laboratory by experienced investigators, but the information from the experiment is then used by another scientist who does not have the same training and facilities and is not subject to the same regulations. In an unlikely but conceivable turn of events, what if that scientist becomes infected with the virus, which leads to an outbreak and ultimately triggers a pandemic >>  Anthony Fauci (director of the NIH’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases) (2012).
<< Paul’s grilling of Fauci brought new scrutiny to the relationship between Ralph Baric’s lab at UNC and Zhengli Shi’s at WIV, with some narratives painting Baric as the Sith master of SARS and Shi as his ascendant apprentice. They did share resources—for example, Baric sent the transgenic mice with human lung receptors to Wuhan.  >>
<< During a hearing on May 11, 2021, Senator Rand Paul confronted Anthony Fauci over funding of bat-virus research by the National Institutes of Health. >>️

<< The NIH has still not fully explained its decision-making and did not reply to questions. Citing a pending investigation, it has declined to release copies of the grant that sent the Wuhan institute about $600,000 between 2014 and 2019. It has also revealed little about its new system for assessing gain-of-function risks, which is carried out by an anonymous review panel whose deliberations are not made public. >>️
Rowan Jacobsen. Inside the risky bat-virus engineering that links America to Wuhan. China emulated US techniques to construct novel coronaviruses in unsafe conditions. MIT TechRev. Jun 29, 2021. 


<< " ... e Da-Li' si sparse pell' aere un fantasmatico ente supersintetico supercompresso ... >> in: ️2153 - cracker tendenziali (around a matter-sucking maelstrom). Notes. Apr 4, 2008. (quasi-stochastic poetry)

<< in attesa del beffardo tsunami. >> in: 1619 - onda di carambola. Notes. Nov 29, 2004. (quasi-stochastic poetry).

keyword 'virus' in Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry)

keyword 'virus' in FonT 

keyword 'caos' | 'caotico' in Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry)


no surprise, no amazement here, I know chickens behaviors. 

<< Ricordo che quando si era ragazzi, negli anni sessanta, ... >> in: 2157 - il pino di takata matsubara. Apr 1, 2011. Notes. 

giovedì 2 settembre 2021

# gst: when randomly-timed external impulses can synchronize

<< Random perturbations applied in tandem to an ensemble of objects can synchronize their motion. (AA) study multiple copies of an object in periodic motion such as a firing neuron, each with an arbitrary phase. Randomly-timed external impulses can synchronize these phases. For impulses slightly too strong to synchronize, (they) find remarkable erratic synchronization, with stochastic fluctuations from near-perfect to more random synchronization. The sampled entropies of these phase distributions themselves form a steady-state ensemble. A stochastic dynamics model for the entropy's evolution accounts for the observed exponential distribution of entropies and the stochastic synchronization. >>

<< One general virtue of noise-induced synchronization is that one may use it to induce synchronization without
specific knowledge about the limit cycle being synchronized, such as the phase map function or the cycle time.(..) As noted in the Introduction, synchronization of a remote oscillator enables transmission of information.
Stochastic synchronization appears to have comparable ability, potentially useable by technology or biology. >>️

<< The stochastic synchronization phenomenon explored above seems to be a distinctive mode of organization. It can be produced via broad classes of driving, and creates striking fluctuations of randomness. This model may aid understanding of other puzzling systems showing erratic fluctuations, such as strong turbulence. >>️
Yunxiang Song, Thomas A. Witten. Stochastic synchronization induced by noise. arXiv:2108.13172v1 [cond-mat.stat-mech]. Aug 16, 2021.


<< stabilizzare il volo del fascio di aquiloni  >> in: ️2149 - onda di predazione (to knock seals off the ice).  Notes. Dec 17, 2007. (quasi-stochastic poetry)

keyword 'noise' | 'fuzzy' in FonT

lunedì 28 giugno 2021

# gst: synchronous dynamics by uncorrelated noise

<< Synchronization is a widespread phenomenon observed in physical, biological, and social networks, which persists even under the influence of strong noise. Previous research on oscillators subject to common noise has shown that noise can actually facilitate synchronization, as correlations in the dynamics can be inherited from the noise itself. However, in many spatially distributed networks, such as the mammalian circadian system, the noise that different oscillators experience can be effectively uncorrelated. >>️

<< Here, (AA) show that uncorrelated noise can in fact enhance synchronization when the oscillators are coupled. Strikingly, (their) analysis also shows that uncorrelated noise can be more effective than common noise in enhancing synchronization. >>️

Zachary G. Nicolaou, Michael Sebek, et al. Coherent Dynamics Enhanced by Uncorrelated Noise. Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 094101. Aug 24, 2020  


keyword 'error' | 'fuzzy' | 'noise'  in FonT 

keywords 'errore' | 'errori' in Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry)

keywords 'jelly roll' in Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry)

mercoledì 18 maggio 2022

# brain: jazzy perceptions inside, there’s more to all the noise; even in the dark, neurons of the visual cortex chat

<< Scientists are now rethinking how they study and conceive of perception. >>

<< At every moment, neurons whisper, shout, sputter and sing, filling the brain with a dizzying cacophony of voices. Yet many of those voices don’t seem to be saying anything meaningful at all. They register as habitual echoes of noise, not signal; as static, not discourse. >>️

<< But over the past decade, that view has changed. (..) There’s more to all the noise, scientists realized, than they had assumed. >>️

<< Now, by analyzing both the neural activity and the behavior of mice in unprecedented detail, researchers have revealed a surprising explanation for much of that variability: Throughout the brain, even in low-level sensory areas like the visual cortex, neurons encode information about far more than their immediately relevant task. They also babble about whatever other behaviors the animal happens to be engaging in, even trivial ones — the twitch of a whisker, the flick of a hind leg. Those simple gestures aren’t just present in the neural activity. They dominate it. >>️

<< Our brains aren’t just thinking in our heads. Our brains are interacting with our bodies and the way that we move through the world. >> Cris Niell. 

<< Wait — maybe the brain isn’t noisy. Maybe it’s actually much more precise than we thought, >> David McCormick️.️

Jordana Cepelewicz. ‘Noise’ in the Brain Encodes Surprisingly Important Signals. Quantamag. Nov 7, 2019. 

Salkoff DB, Zagha E, McCarthy E, McCormick DA. Movement and Performance Explain Widespread Cortical Activity in a Visual Detection Task. Cereb Cortex. 2020 Jan 10;30(1):421-437. doi: 10.1093/ cercor/bhz206. 


keyword 'perception' in FonT

keyword 'percezione' | 'percezioni' in Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry)

keyword 'error' | 'fuzzy' | 'noise'  in FonT 

keywords 'errore' | 'errori' in Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry)

keyword 'jazz' in FonT

keyword 'jazz' in Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry):

Keywords: brain, perception, visual cortex, noise

lunedì 22 marzo 2021

# gst: weird nature: the generation of complex (frilly, flexible, and functional) wrinkling patterns by 'defects'

<< A ubiquitous motif in nature is the self-similar hierarchical buckling of a thin lamina near its margins. This is seen in leaves, flowers, fungi, corals and marine invertebrates. We investigate this morphology from the perspective of non-Euclidean plate theory. We identify a novel type of defect, a branch-point of the normal map, that allows for the generation of such complex wrinkling patterns in thin elastic hyperbolic surfaces, even in the absence of stretching. We argue that branch points are the natural defects in hyperbolic sheets, they carry a topological charge which gives them a degree of robustness, and they can influence the overall morphology of a hyperbolic surface without concentrating elastic energy. >>️

Kenneth K. Yamamoto, Toby L. Shearman, et al. Nature's forms are frilly, flexible, and functional. arXiv: 2103.10509v1. Mar 18, 2021.


keyword 'error' | 'fuzzy' | 'noise'  in FonT 

keywords 'errore' | 'errori' in Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry)

martedì 21 gennaio 2025

# life: dear Mr. Donald, fuzzy evidence should be sharper, sooner or later, by Nature

       Nature | 637 | 16 Jan 2025 | 517

<< Mr President-elect, science is a self-correcting process in which bad actors and wrong ideas sooner or later get rooted out and fuzzy evidence becomes sharper. That is the joy and the beauty of the method that has made the modern world what it is. >>️

Editorial. Dear Donald Trump: A letter from Nature on how to make science thrive. Nature 637, 517. Jan 15, 2025.

Also: Mr. Donald, forms of power, virus, sars* covid* (aka 1or2achoos), dance, are you ready for all this, in 

Also: A new exception within the FDA Cures Act Informed Consent, the intriguing concept of 'Minimal Risk Clinical Investigations'. FonT. Feb 1, 2024. 

Also: 'acad' in FonT    in Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry) 

Keywords: life, Mr. Donald, forms of power, virus, sars, covid, 1or2achoos, acad, dance, are you ready

venerdì 12 agosto 2022

# gst: like steering a marble through a tilting labyrinth, randomness seems to quickly deliver specific outcomes.

<< According to the infinite monkey theorem, a monkey randomly hitting the keys of a typewriter will eventually write something worth reading—but it might take a few trillion years of trying. For those lacking the patience to wait, (AA)  now show that randomness can deliver specific outcomes much more quickly.  Simulating a 2D nanocluster of a dozen particles, (they) determine the temperature at which thermal fluctuations can most quickly rearrange those particles into a predetermined shape. They find that this time can be dramatically cut by applying an appropriate macroscopic force to the particles. >>

<< The duo also simulated nanoclusters that were subject to a macroscopic force field, for example, metallic nanoparticles in an electric field. Like steering a marble through a tilting labyrinth, they found the optimal global force to apply at each iteration such that the nanocluster navigated the space of possible configurations several orders of magnitude more quickly. >>️️

Marric Stephens. Rearranging Nanoclusters Using Randomness. Physics 15, s83. Jun 22, 2022. 

Francesco Boccardo, Olivier Pierre-Louis. Controlling the Shape of Small Clusters with and without Macroscopic Fields. Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 256102. Jun 22, 2022.  


keyword 'random' in FonT:

keyword 'error' | 'fuzzy' | 'noise'  in FonT 

keywords 'errore' | 'errori' in Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry)

keywords 'jelly roll' in FonT

Keywords: gst, nano, nanocluster, fluctuations, randomness, noise

mercoledì 6 ottobre 2021

# gst: apropos of disorder & fluctuations

a 'synthetic disorder & fluctuations' from these two blogs ... 

keyword 'disorder' in FonT 

keyword 'disordine' in Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry) 

keyword 'error' | 'fuzzy' | 'noise'  in FonT

keywords 'errore' | 'errori' in Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry)

keyword 'caos' | 'caotico' in Notes  (quasi-stochastic poetry) 

keyword 'waves' in FonT 

keyword 'onda' in Notes 
(quasi-stochastic poetry) 

keyword 'gst' (General Sistem Theory) in FonT 

giovedì 3 gennaio 2019

# phys: the strange world of quantum mechanics

<< In the normal world, an object such as a baseball can only be in one place at one time. But in the quantum world, a particle such as an electron can occupy an infinite number of places at the same time, existing in what physicists call a superposition of multiple states. >>

<< in the quantum world, two individual particles, such as photons can be entangled, such that the mere act of sensing one photon with a detector instantaneously forces the other photon, no matter how far away, to assume a particular state. >>

<< evidence is mounting from the world of plant physiology that some biological processes that rely on quantum superposition occur at normal temperatures, raising the possibility that unimaginably strange world of quantum mechanics may indeed intrude into the every day workings of other biological systems, such as our nervous systems. >>

<< Evolution, in its relentless quest to engineer the most energy-efficient life forms, appears to have ignored physicists’ belief that useful quantum effects can’t happen in the warm, wet environments of biology. >>

Eric Haseltine. Why You Should Care About Quantum Neuroscience.
Hints of an incredibly exciting future. Dec 31, 2018


davanti a una immagine di "enzima allosterico" qualsiasi bravo scientist sa immediatamente con cosa avra' a che fare: avra' a che fare con il caos, vale a dire con oggetti che possono generare dinamiche senz'altro confinate purtuttavia bizzarre, jazz, funky, fuzzy; invece davanti a concetti quali i due citati sopra (superposition, entanglement), e gli ipotetici effetti immaginabili all'interno di strutture biologiche, neurobiologiche, informatiche, ho idea che chiunque potrebbe sentirsi vagamente disorientato (qui si sottolinea "vagamente") ...

lunedì 11 dicembre 2017

# evol-ethno: the fuzzy dispersal and interaction dynamics of ancient (early) nomads

AA << evaluate single versus multiple dispersal models and southern versus the northern dispersal routes across the Asian continent. They also review behavioral and environmental variability and how these may have affected modern human dispersals and interactions with indigenous populations >>

Christopher J. Bae, Katerina Douka, Michael D. Petraglia. On the origin of modern humans: Asian perspectives. Science. 2017; 358 (6368): eaai9067
doi: 10.1126/science.aai9067. Dec 8, 2017

<< Homo sapiens reached distant parts of the Asian continent, as well as Near Oceania, much earlier than previously thought. Additionally, evidence that modern humans interbred with other hominins already present in Asia, such as Neanderthals and Denisovans, complicates the evolutionary history of our species >>

Revising the story of the dispersal of modern humans across Eurasia. Technological advances and multidisciplinary research teams are reshaping our understanding of when and how humans left Africa - and who they met along the way. Dec 7, 2017

<< Climate is a key factor determining the types of vegetation that can grow in an ecosystem. By recreating the plant foods and habitat available at a given time, it is possible to learn about changes that occurred during important transitions in the evolution of humans >>

Marie DeNoia Aronsohn. The Way We Were: Climate and Human Evolution. Dec 1, 2017.

mercoledì 22 agosto 2018

# a pulsatile semantic approach to assist in the drafting of sci/tech reports

<< At IBM Research AI, [AA] built an AI-based solution to assist analysts in preparing reports. >>

<< An AI-assisted solution can help analysts to prepare complete reports and also avoid bias based on past experience. >>

Oktie Hassanzadeh. Semantic concept discovery over event databases. IBM. July 17, 2018.   

Oktie Hassanzadeh, Shari Trewin, Alfio Massimiliano Gliozzo. Semantic Concept Discovery Over Event Databases. ESWC. Feb 14, 2018.


sarebbe davvero singolare, sorprendente, se, dopo l'analisi dei dati, una AI "decidesse" di scrivere il report finale in forma poetica, magari con un approccio quasistocastico, fuzzy, per la stesura del testo ...

venerdì 12 giugno 2020

# astro: oops? apropos of rapid expansion of trajectories, the nomadic escape propensity of Titan.

As a vision of a fuzzy snooker, << decades of measurements and calculations have revealed that Titan's orbit around Saturn is expanding- meaning, the moon is getting farther and farther away from the planet- at a rate about 100 times faster than expected. The research suggests that Titan was born much closer to Saturn and migrated out to its current distance of 1.2 million kilometers (about 746,000 miles) over 4.5 billion years. >>

<< Titan is expected to gravitationally squeeze Saturn with a particular frequency that makes the planet oscillate strongly, similarly to how swinging your legs on a swing with the right timing can drive you higher and higher. This process of tidal forcing is called resonance locking. Fuller (Jim Fuller) proposed that the high amplitude of Saturn's oscillation would dissipate a lot of energy, which in turn would cause Titan to migrate outward away from the planet at a faster rate than previously thought. >>

<< The resonance locking theory can apply to many astrophysical systems. I'm now doing some theoretical work to see if the same physics can happen in binary star systems, or exoplanet systems, >> Jim Fuller.

Lori Dajose. Titan is migrating away from Saturn 100 times faster than previously predicted. Jun 8, 2020.

Valery Lainey, Luis Gomez Casajus, et al. Resonance locking in giant planets indicated by the rapid orbital expansion of Titan. Nat Astron. doi: 10.1038/ s41550-020-1120-5. Jun 8, 2020.

Also (quasi-stochastic poetry)

1648b - tenuta di rigo della sonda. Notes. Jan 15, 2005.

mercoledì 6 gennaio 2016

# rmx-s-gst: inside a chaotic, fuzzy 'active matter' ...

<< From flocking birds to swarming molecules, physicists are seeking to understand 'active matter'and looking for a fundamental theory of the living world >>

<< We're still kind of astonished at what can happen >>

Gabriel Popkin. The physics of life. Nature 529, 16–18 (07 January 2016) doi:10.1038/529016a

giovedì 10 agosto 2017

# s-gst: they take decisions in a way that is not necessarily uniform (jazzy? funky? fuzzy?)

AA << found that fate decision is not a unique programmed event, but the result of a very dynamic process composed of spontaneous fluctuation and selective stabilisation of alternative cellular states >>

<< The whole process is reminiscent of trial-and-error learning in which each cell explores—at its own rhythm and independently of cell division—different molecular possibilities (i.e. different genes turned on or off) before reaching a stable combination of active genes and the corresponding morphology >>

AA << observed that some cells seem to "hesitate" and change morphology many times before reaching a stable state >>

Which type of cell to become: Decision through indecision.
July 27, 2017

<< Individual cells take lineage commitment decisions in a way that is not necessarily uniform >>

AA << identifies a new category of cells with fluctuating phenotypic characteristics, demonstrating the complexity of the fate decision process >>

Alice Moussy, Jérémie Cosette, et al. Integrated time-lapse and single-cell transcription studies highlight the variable and dynamic nature of human hematopoietic cell fate commitment. PLoS Biol 15(7): e2001867 doi: 10.1371/journal.pbio.2001867


in pratica un lancio di dadi, ... quasi.

<< Amico, qualunque  cosa suonerai . . . >>

giovedì 20 dicembre 2018

# gst: Life as a fuzzy experiment; the approach of quantum biology

<< Quantum biology is usually considered to be a new discipline, (..) However, although the most significant findings have emerged in the past two decades, the roots of quantum biology go much deeper-to the quantum pioneers of the early twentieth century. >>

Johnjoe McFadden, Jim Al-Khalili.
The origins of quantum biology. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. Dec 12, 2018 doi: 10.1098/rspa.2018.0674

The real history of quantum biology.
University of Surrey. Dec 12, 2018 ,

sabato 19 dicembre 2015

# rmx: fuzzy forecasts

<< quello che un umano fa a una cavia, oggi, la stessa cosa una macchina potra' fare ad un umano, domani ... e' cosi' che funziona ... >> Anonymous, XX e.V.