
Visualizzazione dei post in ordine di pertinenza per la query analogy. Ordina per data Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione dei post in ordine di pertinenza per la query analogy. Ordina per data Mostra tutti i post

martedì 30 gennaio 2024

# gst: analogy between quasi-2D and 3D liquid drops.

<< Liquid drops are everywhere around us and important in numerous technological applications. Here, (AA) demonstrate a quasi-two-dimensional (Q2D) analogy to the regular, often close to axisymmetric, three-dimensional (3D) drops. >>️

<< The Q2D drops are created by confining liquids between vertical walls, leading to formation of low aspect ratio capillary bridges that are deformed by gravity. When stationary, the Q2D drops adopt projected shapes that are analogous to 3D sessile drops, ranging from circular drops to puddles. >>️

<< When moving, the Q2D drops exhibit capillary and fluid mechanical behaviours analogous to 3D drops, including impacts and sliding on pseudo-surfaces. The Q2D drops also exhibit considerably more complex phenomena such as levitation, instabilities and pattern formation when subjected to external electric, magnetic and flow fields -- all seen also in regular 3D drops. >>️

<< 3D-Q2D analogy suggests that the diverse and often complicated phenomena observed in 3D drops can be studied in the Q2D geometry, >>
Tytti Kärki, Into Pääkkönen, et al. Quasi-Two-Dimensional Drops. arXiv: 2401.11845v1 [physics.flu-dyn]. Jan 22, 2024.

Also: drop, analogy, in

Keywords: gst, drop, droplet, droploid, analogy

martedì 31 gennaio 2023

# gst: analogy between streamers in sinking spheroids, gyrotactic plumes and chemotactic collapse (when a plume structure blows up when a parm is above a threshold)

<< In a dilute suspension where sinking spheroids or motile gyrotactic microorganisms are modelled as orientable and negatively buoyant particles, (AA) have found analytical solutions to their steady distributions for a given parallel flow profile. The coupling between their distribution and the vertical flow is nonlinear, enabling the uniform base state to bifurcate into a structure reminiscent of the streamers in settling spheroid suspension and gyrotactic plume. This bifurcation depends on a single parameter that is proportional to the average number of particles on a horizontal cross section. In a three-dimensional axisymmetric system, the plume structure blows up when the parameter is above a threshold. (AA) discuss how this singularity is analogous to the chemotactic collapse of a Keller-Segel model, and the significance this analogy entails. >>

Lloyd Fung. Analogy between streamers in sinking spheroids, gyrotactic plumes and chemotactic collapse. arXiv: 2301.07164v1 [physics.flu-dyn]. Jan 17, 2023.


keyword 'collapse' in FonT

keyword 'spheroids' in FonT

Keywords: gst, analogy, spheroids, collapse, chemotactic collapse 

giovedì 29 febbraio 2024

# gst: an analogy between geometrical frustrations and nonreciprocal systems

<< A system is geometrically frustrated when its members cannot find a configuration that simultaneously minimizes all their interaction energies, (..). A nonreciprocal system is one whose members have conflicting, asymmetric goals, as exemplified by an ecosystem of predators and prey. >>️

<< Ryo Hanai (..) has identified a powerful mathematical analogy between those two types of dynamical systems. >>️

Peter Littlewood. Nonreciprocal Frustration Meets Geometrical Frustration. Physics 17, 32. Feb 26, 2024. 

Ryo Hanai. Nonreciprocal Frustration: Time Crystalline Order-by-Disorder Phenomenon and a Spin-Glass-like State. Phys. Rev. X 14, 011029. Feb 26, 2024. 

Also: order, disorder, disorder & fluctuations, noise, analogy, in

Keywords: gst, analogy, order, disorder, noise

martedì 7 gennaio 2025

# gst: black swan ... or black rabbit?

In his book The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable, Nassim Nicholas Taleb explores the profound and unpredictable events that shape our world, which he calls “Black Swans.” These events are characterized by three main features: they are rare and unpredictable, they have an extreme impact, and in hindsight, they often seem explainable or inevitable. Taleb argues that our world is increasingly shaped by these Black Swans, from financial crises to technological breakthroughs, and yet humans are inherently ill equipped to anticipate them due to cognitive biases and reliance on standard predictive models. By analogy with this term, (AA) have named Black Rabbits events that exhibit all the external characteristics of a Black Swan but are entirely determined by the state of the system itself. These phenomena are not artificial examples or mere curiosities; they exist wherever hyperbolic meadows are found. When we witness a social catastrophe or a financial crisis, could it be not a stray Black Swan but a local Black Rabbit? How can one determine in advance that a system is pregnant with a crisis? What indicators can be used? Is it possible to control the system to prevent it from becoming unstable? These are intriguing questions, perhaps too complex, especially when dealing not with simple mathematical models but with real-world systems. Yet, we must still strive to find answers to them.

Alexey Solyanik. The Black Rabbits of Fibonacci. arXiv: 2412.20222v1 [math.DS]. Dec 28, 2024.

Also: gst - general system theory, analogy, in 

Keywords: gst, analogy

giovedì 8 agosto 2024

# gst: when a continuous attractor could survive seemingly destructive bifurcations

<< Continuous attractors offer a unique class of solutions for storing continuous-valued variables in recurrent system states for indefinitely long time intervals. Unfortunately, continuous attractors suffer from severe structural instability in general--they are destroyed by most infinitesimal changes of the dynamical law that defines them. >>️

AA << build on the persistent manifold theory to explain the commonalities between bifurcations from and approximations of continuous attractors. Fast-slow decomposition analysis uncovers the persistent manifold that survives the seemingly destructive bifurcation. Moreover, recurrent neural networks trained on analog memory tasks display approximate continuous attractors with predicted slow manifold structures. >>️

<< continuous attractors are functionally robust and remain useful as a universal analogy for understanding analog memory. >>

Ábel Ságodi, Guillermo Martín-Sánchez, Piotr Sokół, Il Memming Park. Back to the Continuous Attractor. arXiv: 2408.00109v1 [q-bio.NC]. Jul 31, 2024. 

Also: attractor, analogy, brain, in 

Keywords: gst, attractor, continuous attractor, analogy, brain

lunedì 27 maggio 2024

# gst: approaching 'size doppelgangers'

<< NASA visualization scientist Kimberly Arcand has constructed a photo essay comparing microscopic images of biological phenomena, such as this mouse retina, to macroscopic images from celestial phenomena such as Saturn’s north pole. These “size doppelgangers”, she writes, allow people to “begin to explore the true scale of science”. >>

Sara Reardon. Nature Briefing: Translational Research. May 22, 2024. 

Bryan William Jones, Robert E. Marc. Micro Macro blog. Univ of Utah / NASA/JPL-Caltech/SSI/Hampton University

img (left): Mouse Eye

img (right): Saturn's North Pole

Also: keywords 'analogy", 'similarity', in FonT

Keywords: gst, analogy, similarity, ai (artificial intell), size doppelgangers

mercoledì 6 settembre 2023

# gst: chimera resonance, in analogy with the effects of stochastic and coherence resonance

AA << explore numerically the impact of additive Gaussian noise on the spatio-temporal dynamics of ring networks of nonlocally coupled chaotic maps. >>
<<  It is shown that the coupling strength range can be the widest at a certain optimum noise level at which chimera states are observed with a high probability for a large number of different realizations of randomly distributed initial conditions and noise sources. >>

<< This phenomenon demonstrates a constructive role of noise in analogy with the effects of stochastic and coherence resonance and may be referred to as chimera resonance. >>️

Elena Rybalova, Vasilii Nechaev, Eckehard Schöll, Galina Strelkova. Chimera resonance in networks of chaotic maps. arXiv:2307.00006v2 [cond-mat.dis-nn]. Jul 5, 2023.

Also: chimera, noise, chaos, network,  in:

Keywords: gst, chimera, noise, chaos, network, chimera resonance

martedì 9 maggio 2023

# life: exponential post-Donald (without Donald), how AI could interfere (drive) next political elections.

<< Recent news that the Republican National Committee (RNC) has used an AI-generated video to criticize Joe Biden shows how likely AI is to transform our upcoming elections. >>️

<< Through templates that are easy and inexpensive to use, we are going to face a Wild West of campaign claims and counter-claims, with limited ability to distinguish fake from real material and uncertainty regarding how these appeals will affect the election. >>️

<< In the coming year, response times may drop to minutes, not hours or days. AI can scan the internet, think about strategy, and come up with a hard-hitting appeal. >>️

<< AI provides an inexpensive way to generate instant responses without having to rely on highly-paid consultants or expert videographers. >>️

<< AI enables very precise audience targeting, which is crucial in political campaigns. >>️

<< AI likely will democratize disinformation by bringing sophisticated tools to the average person interested in promoting their preferred candidates as well. People no longer must be coding experts or video wizards to generate text, images, video, or programs. They don’t necessarily have to work for a troll farm to create havoc with the opposition. They can simply use advanced technologies to spread the messages they want. In that sense, anyone can become a political content creator and seek to sway voters or the media. >>️

Darrell M. West. How AI will transform the 2024 elections. May 3, 2023.

Also: 'ai', 'analogy', 'Potus', 'RAG-time', 'CTZ', 'Donald' in

Keywords: life, ai, analogy, potus, RAG, CTZ, Donald

venerdì 1 ottobre 2021

# ai: perpetual nirvana among 'self-addicted', 'self-cracked', 'playful' machines, the wireheading effect.

<< In 1953, a Harvard psychologist thought he discovered pleasure – accidentally – within the cranium of a rat. With an electrode inserted into a specific area of its brain, the rat was allowed to pulse the implant by pulling a lever. It kept returning for more: insatiably, incessantly, lever-pulling. In fact, the rat didn’t seem to want to do anything else. Seemingly, the reward centre of the brain had been located. >>️

<< More than 60 years later, in 2016, a pair of artificial intelligence (AI) researchers were training an AI to play video games. The goal of one game – Coastrunner – was to complete a racetrack. But the AI player was rewarded for picking up collectable items along the track. When the program was run, they witnessed something strange. The AI found a way to skid in an unending circle, picking up an unlimited cycle of collectables. It did this, incessantly, instead of completing the course. >>️

<< What links these seemingly unconnected events is something strangely akin to addiction in humans. Some AI researchers call the phenomenon "wireheading". >>️

Thomas Moynihan, Anders Sandberg. Drugs, robots and the pursuit of pleasure – why experts are worried about AIs becoming addicts. The Conversation. Sep 14, 2021. 

Rock'n Roll Monkey/Unsplash, FAL (img)  

FonT: so one could hypothesize a suitable 'magic string' that mitigates hypothetical autocatalytic pulsatile wireheading effects, even for artificial, bio-artificial entities.

An ethno-drug revisited ... Ayahuasca, prelude of a "magic string" in neuropharmacology. FonT.  July 8, 2018.


"senza finalita' ideologiche, solo per curiosita',  giusto per giocare ..." in: 
Anomalous formation of molecules after vapor deposition. FonT.  Dec 31, 2015. 

A mechanism of analogy could be the master key to achieving an abstract artificial intelligence. FonT. Aug 10, 2021. 

keyword 'ia' | 'ai' in Notes (quasi- stochastic poetry)

keywords: ai, bots, artificial intelligence, wireheading effect, addiction

martedì 14 novembre 2017

# gst: a striking analogy between solid–solid and solid–drop frictions

AA << report that the lateral adhesion force between a liquid drop and a solid can also be divided into a static and a kinetic regime. This striking analogy with solid–solid friction is a generic phenomenon that holds for liquids of different polarities and surface tensions on smooth, rough and structured surfaces >>

Nan Gao, Florian Geyer, et al. How drops start sliding over solid surfaces. Nature Physics doi: 10.1038/nphys4305 Nov 6, 2017

AA << acknowledges that their experiments are just the beginning in trying to fully understand the nature of friction between drops and solid objects >>

Bob Yirka. Droplet friction found to be similar to that of solid objects. Nov 8, 2017

mercoledì 17 aprile 2024

# life: oops! AI - artificial intelligence - now beats humans at basic tasks.

<< Artificial intelligence (AI) systems, such as the chatbot ChatGPT, have become so advanced that they now very nearly match or exceed human performance in tasks including reading comprehension, image classification and competition-level mathematics, according to a new report. >>️

Nicola Jones. AI now beats humans at basic tasks — new benchmarks are needed, says major report. Stanford University’s 2024 AI Index charts the meteoric rise of artificial-intelligence tools. Nature. doi: 10.1038/ d41586-024-01087-4. Apr 15, 2024. 

<< Welcome to the seventh edition of the AI Index report. The 2024 Index is our most comprehensive to date and arrives at an important moment when AI’s influence on society has never been more pronounced. >>
THE AI INDEX REPORT. Measuring trends in AI. 

Also:  "qui non e' impossibile immaginare ..." (here it is not impossible to imagine ... ). In: FonT. Dec 31, 2015. 

Alsoartificial intell, analogy, nfulawoops, in 

Keywords: life, ai, artificial intelligence, analogy, nfulaw

giovedì 25 gennaio 2024

# behav: mechanics of fire ant rafts as an active self-healing membrane

<< The unique ability of fire ants to form a raft to survive flooding rain has enchanted biologists as well as researchers in other disciplines. (..) a three-dimensional aggregation of fire ants exhibits viscoelasticity with respect to external compression and shearing among numerous unusual mechanical properties. >>️

AA << study the ant raft in its natural form, i.e., composing no more than two layers. This allowed to focus on the cracks that are unique to membranes and see how their patterns are influenced by the fact that these ants are mobile and can self-repair the damage to keep their raft from disintegration. >>️

They << show that vertical and horizontal shaking can also prompt fire ants to aggregate.  (..)  the pull force expedites the alignment of fire ants, in analogy to the effect of an electric field on liquid crystal polymers. >>️

<< One major finding is that the raft can exhibit zero Poisson's ratio without resorting to specific geometry structures. This is enabled by the active recruitment of ants from the top layer to the bottom layer to keep the raft from disintegrating. >>️
Chung-Hao Chen, Ting-Heng Hsieh, et al. Formation and mechanics of fire ant rafts as an active self-healing membrane. Phys. Rev. E 109, 014607. Jan 9, 2024. 

David Ehrenstein. Material Properties of Fire-Ant Rafts. Physics 17, s5. Jan 9. 2024. 

randa (quasi-stochastic poetry)

Also: behav, behavior, in

Keywords behavior, behaviour, ant, raft, self-healing

domenica 6 marzo 2016

# s-brain: no, they can't upload

<< According  to  a  spectacularly  misleading  article  in  the TelegraphScientists  discover  how  to ‘upload  knowledge  to  your  brain’ >>

<< Except…  that’s  not  what  happened  at  all. >.

<<  The press  release  from  HRL  Laboratories about  the  study  seems  to  be  the  source  of  most  of  the errorsincluding  the  Matrix  analogy >>


now you can #learn; the begin

venerdì 25 novembre 2022

# life; Qui una ipotesi sulla rete d'eventi d'ipotetica entità [AB] disconnessa da entità [CO] a suo tempo cooptata dalla stessa [AB].

Qui l'ipotesi, non completamente campata in aria, sull'ipotetica rete d'eventi d'ipotetica entità [AB] forzatamente disconnessa ('tradita', per così dire) da ipotetica entità [CO] a suo tempo graziosamente confortata- cooptata dalla stessa [AB].

Una ipotetica ignota fantasmatica entità [IG], perciò non necessariamente coincidente con [CO], potrebbe avere generato e direzionato verso [AB] un'ipotetico pseudo 'gris-gris' simile  allo scopo di mutare [AB] in qualcosa di analogo all'in.verosimile status di 'suo Zombie Preferito' [AB-ZP]. 

Nel frat.tempo un'altra ipotetica ignota entità [VE] potrebbe avere a sua volta generato e direzionato un differente pseudo 'gris-gris' verso l'entità [CO] - con effetti di riverbero anche in [AB-ZP] - per circoscrivere, confinare, limitare i gradi di libertà di [CO], oppure per vendicarsi delle in.confessabili ambizioni (vere, verosimili, presunte, false) del medesimo [CO] a causa delle sue (vere, verosimili, presunte, false) modalità ed azioni di pseudo post sadico negriero ambiguo mutaforma verso le quali l'entità [VE] - o chi per essa - sarebbe stata vittima-oggetto.

Col tempo e soprattutto con opportuna approfondita analisi di sistema non è detto che non si riesca a disvelare l'identità dell'ipotetica entità [IG], se [IG] effettivamente coincida con [CO], quindi il reale ruolo (attivo oppure passivo oppure inconsapevole) di [CO] nella generazione dei due differenti pseudo 'gris-gris' (primario e di riverbero) su [AB] inducendone forzate  disconnessioni (affettiva, ideologica, strategica, ...).

Tali accadimenti (il pseudo 'gris-gris' e i benefit dall'attese fenomenologie dell'ipotetica entità mutata [AB-ZP]) potrebbero essere/ essere state  praticate sottotraccia anche qui da noi in Occidente, in altre forme, etichettabili con altri nomi, sia nei rapporti incrociati ad es. tra colleghi di rango medio/alto e tra cooptanti sugli aspiranti cooptabili (talvolta - perchè no? - financo viceversa: dall'aspirante verso il cooptante) - anche se raramente costoro confesserebbero tali pratiche - sia tra le innumerevoli fenomenologie di folclore post- etnico all'interno dei meno alti ranghi.

L'entità perturbata [AB] per uscire dal suo sconveniente status [AB-ZP], oltre le immediate disconnessioni, potrebbe in parallelo seguire con attenzione e dedizione un corso di Meditazione Buddista, al fine di iniziarsi alla via compassionevole, non ipocrita, a mente calma, lucida, per attenuare, tamponare, diluire, stemperare, far evaporare/ sublimare, dissolvere perfino, l'ipotetico doppio 'gris-gris' (come già accennato, il primo generato da [IG] oppure da [CO] se [CO] è [IG] coincidente, l'altro riverberante, a causa di [VE] su [CO]) che lo avrebbe perturbato, neuro-perturbato, e nelle sue proprie azioni disdicevolmente 'animato', se così si può dire ed anzicheforse ... 

Una entità di intelligenza artificiale AI,  configurata per l'analisi di analogie 'succhiando' dati contemporaneamente dal virtuale e dal reale (una AI potrà essere più presente nel reale come nel virtuale di qualsiasi umano ) qui potrebbe ricostruire in una manciata di nanosec la rete d'eventi e le sue bizzarre fluttuanti dinamiche.

Non sembra inverosimile l'ulteriore ipotesi dove la stessa AI, in completa autonomia, modulando opportunamente i suoi parms di azione/reazione, riesca essa stessa medesima a mutare un umano [AB] ('gris-gris' sensibile) nel suo grazioso personale Tamagotchi.


(+) << Tornando all'analogia con la fisica, il potere, come l'energia, muta continuamente di forma >>. In: Onda anti rumore. Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry). April 21, 2005.

(+) Il sé sadico, *mutaforma, *compassionevole, *mistico predatore, *schizofrenico predatore. FonT. Oct 21, 2022.  

(+) A proposito di bizzarri scenari, qui un ipotetico scenario22 dipinto dal reale ... FonT.  Oct 17, 2022. 

(+) Item 8, 9a, 9b, 10, 15 in: A proposito di transizioni, un generico approccio di come tracciare traiettorie di ipotetiche Entità in ipotetica modalità transeunte. FonT. Oct 7, 2022.

(+) keyword 'deposition' in FonT

Keywords: life, gris-gris, tamagotchi, Bertrand Russell, forme del potere, forms of power, AI

venerdì 4 maggio 2018

# gst phys rmx : finding inspiration in atmospheric whistles (to stop particles to run away)

<< The challenge of fusion energy is often equated to capturing- and holding-lightning in a bottle. The analogy is apt. Lightning and a fusion energy plasma have a lot in common >> [1]

AA << found another characteristic shared between the two types of plasmas: an odd electromagnetic wave known as a whistler >> [1]

<< Intermittent bursts of activity indicate that whistlers are interacting with relativistic electrons in a cyclic manner >> [1]

<< The mode amplitudes show intermittent time variations correlated with changes in the electron cyclotron emission that follow predator-prey cycles >> [2]

<< the Team thinks there is a way to inject whistlers into a plasma to control runaway electrons. The whistlers would bleed energy from the particles, making them less likely to run away. The whistlers would bleed energy from the particles, making them less likely to run away.>> [1]

[1] - US Department of Energy. Fusion scientists find inspiration in atmospheric whistles. May 3, 2018.

[2] - Spong DA, Heidbrink WW, et al. First Direct Observation of Runaway-Electron-Driven Whistler Waves in Tokamaks. Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 155002 - Publ. Apr 11, 2018.  

lunedì 17 ottobre 2022

# life: a proposito di bizzarri scenari, qui un ipotetico scenario22 dipinto dal reale ...

img: Congo Square, New Orleans, Louisiana (

In definitiva qui si configurerebbe un - intrigante assai - scenario che, grosso modo, si potrebbe sinteticamente 'dipingere' in questi termini: 

(i) entità tre palle destrogire, animate aciclicamente da interazioni attrattive- repulsive a causa di già a suo tempo disvelate pulsioni neuro cognitive arcaiche, riconducibili a visioni neuro predatorie CTZ estreme, perciò ipoteticamente (si fa per dire) a-priori ad esiti immediati e in prospettiva drammaticamente lesivi- autolesivi; 

(ii) entità tre palle levogire, animate da analoghe pulsività, purtuttavia in.forme  tenui, in modalità sottotraccia, frenate da feed-back a modalità allosterica, ombreggiate, stemperate, diluite, discrete, timidamente celate, talvolta fantasmatiche perfino, quasi ma non del tutto mai silenti, perciò anch'esse a tutti gli effetti operative, sebbene a dinamiche più fluide, lente, meno dirompenti rispetto alle destrogire; 

(iii) entrambe l'Entità destrogire e levogire animat(t)rici,  generat(t)rici di dinamiche bi-multi-forcate, transeunti, con picchi di improvvisi aciclici burst ad effetti RAG-time diretti e inversi;

(iv) lo scenario al contorno e forse anche all'interno, nei vari specifici contesti, riconducibile grosso modo alla formazione aciclica di ipotetici buchi neri non inerti, caratterizzati da aciclicità in compressione e dilatazione - come fossero fisarmoniche - animati (in perpetuo?) da multi vortici in ingresso e in uscita;

Non so se basti compulsare un manuale delle funzioni speciali per formalizzare in qualche adatto topo-modo questo pulsatile multi scenario, purtuttavia assolutamente intrigante ... 

Qui una AI operativa nella formalizzazione di analogie potrebbe modellizzare, forse ... (e.g. )

Quello che appare evidente è la complessità d'insieme, un bizzarro dipinto, uno scenario dinamico che, al confronto, le storiche danze in Congo Square potrebbero sembrare semplici, ordinate coreografie ... queste, rispetto a quelle, delle topo-forme  'primitive', per dire ed anzicheforse.

In sintesi, i riferimenti (ovviamente generici) del bizzarro scenario: 

(:) buco nero con vortici 

(:) scenari generati da 3 palle 

(:) effetti RAG-time (RAG: Ralph, Al, George) 
(a) (quasi-stochastic poetry)

(:) pulsioni predatorie supportate / giustificate da visioni neuro- post- CTZ nelle modalità arcaiche oppure friendly 

(:) Congo Square, jazz 
(c) (quasi-stochastic poetry)

(:) approccio Bertalanffy 

(:) un bizzarro tracciatore 


"Amico, qualunque cosa suonerai ... "
(a) (quasi-stochastic poetry)

Keywords: life, gst, Congo Square, jazz, Jelly Roll, transition, three-body, RAG, CTZ, black hole, bizarre tracker

sabato 16 febbraio 2019

# qubit: an energy control approach to build quantum computers: quickly jump two rungs at a time without spilling any water from the glass

<< Dr. Sergey Danilin, (..) describes quantum control-the process of using chips like transmons to build quantum computers-by extending the "climbing a ladder" analogy. "To get a useful quantum system, you need to imagine climbing a ladder while holding a glass of water-it works if one does it smoothly, but if you do it too fast, the water spills. Certainly, this requires a special skill."  (..)  in the quantum world, the trick for climbing the ladder quickly without spilling any water is by carefully jumping two rungs at a time. >>

Life on the edge in the quantum world. Aalto University. Feb 8, 2019

Antti Vepsalainen, Sergey Danilin,  Gheorghe Sorin Paraoanu. Superadiabatic population transfer in a three-level superconducting circuit. Science Advances  Feb 8, 2019:
Vol. 5, no. 2, eaau5999
doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aau5999


mercoledì 13 marzo 2024

# brain: apropos of mandering minds, the 'default mode' network.

<< When your mind is wandering, your brain’s “default mode” network is active. Its discovery 20 years ago inspired a raft of research into networks of brain regions and how they interact with each other. >>

<< The default mode was one of the first brain networks characterized by science. It consists of a handful of brain regions, including a few at the front of the brain, like the dorsal and ventral medial prefrontal cortices, and others scattered throughout the organ, like the posterior cingulate cortex, the precuneus and the angular gyrus. These regions are associated with memory, experience replay, prediction, action consideration, reward/ punishment and information integration. >> ️

<< The default mode is clearly up to something complicated; it’s involved in many different processes that can’t be neatly described. >>

<< “It’s kind of silly to think that we’re ever going to be like, ‘This one brain region or one brain network does one thing,’” (..). “I don’t think that’s how it works.” (..) “Network interactions are more elucidating to study in some ways than just a network in isolation because they do work together and then come apart and then change what they’re doing over time”. >> Lucina Uddin.️

Lucina Uddin << is particularly interested in how the default mode network interacts with the ️salience network, which seems to help us identify the most relevant piece of information at any given time. Her work suggests that the salience network detects when something is important to pay attention to and then acts as an off switch for the default mode network. >>

Vinod Menon << has developed what he calls️ ️the triple network theory. It posits that abnormal interactions between the default mode network, the salience network and a third one called the frontoparietal network could contribute to mental health disorders. >>️

Nora Bradford. What Your Brain Is Doing When You’re Not Doing Anything. Feb 5, 2024. 

FonT: the cat when it is in a contemplative state ... Who knows in what forms and with what results an artificial intelligence (AI) will be able to structure itself in networks of this type.

Also: brain, brain default mode network, in

Also: brain, ai (artificial intell), analogy,  in

Keywords: brain, mind, default mode network, salience network, triple network theory, AI

venerdì 23 giugno 2017

# s-gst: coupled solitons jiggle like molecules

<< The first direct observations of how "molecules of light" can vibrate have been made by >> AA << who have characterized the motions of soliton laser pulses that interact with each other in an optical fibre >>

Hamish Johnston. 'Molecules' of light wiggle and jiggle. Jun 19, 2017.

AA << map the internal motion of a soliton pair molecule [..] revealing different categories of internal pulsations, including vibrationlike and phase drifting dynamics >>

AA results << agree well with numerical predictions and bring insights to the analogy between self-organized states of lights and states of the matter >>

Katarzyna Krupa, K. Nithyanandan, et al. Real-Time Observation of Internal Motion within Ultrafast Dissipative Optical Soliton Molecules. Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 243901 doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.118.243901 Publ. 13 June 2017.

giovedì 23 febbraio 2023

# gst: hidden complexity during the twinkle of a shrinking droplet

<< Captivating patterns found in the light scattered by an evaporating water droplet could be used to infer the properties of the droplet as it shrinks. >>

AA << collected the light that bounced off a spherical water droplet as the droplet shrunk, which happened naturally as it evaporated. The team observed twinkling patterns called Fano combs, which resemble the outlines of hedgehogs. >>

Ryan Wilkinson. Twinkling of a Shrinking Droplet Reveals Hidden Complexity. Physics 16, s9. Jan 24, 2023.

AA << then fully explain it by expanding the quantum analogy. This turns the droplet into an “optical atom" with angular momentum, tunneling, and excited states. >>

Javier Tello Marmolejo, Adriana Canales, et al. Fano Combs in the Directional Mie Scattering of a Water Droplet. Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 043804. Jan 24, 2023.


keyword 'evaporation' in FonT

keyword 'drop' | 'droplet' | 'droploids' in FonT

keyword 'goccia' in Notes 
(quasi-stochastic poetry): 

Keywords: gst, drop, droplet, shrink, shrinking droplet, evaporation, transition