
Visualizzazione dei post in ordine di pertinenza per la query funky. Ordina per data Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione dei post in ordine di pertinenza per la query funky. Ordina per data Mostra tutti i post

domenica 19 giugno 2022

# life: sull'esportabile funky

<< E conficca nel perpetuato dall'acre stagnola //

- cauto pei prevedibili ritorni in semicroma - //

l'acustica fluida porfina che percola //

casuali pulsatili a sonda sulle tronche foniche //

d' arso d'achenio // >>

Sull'esportabile funky. Notes. Jan 25, 2006.

"Directions".  Miles Davis. "The Cellar Door Session 1970" CD6. Sony. (2005).


keyword 'funky' in FonT 

keyword 'funky' in Notes 
(quasi-stochastic poetry)

martedì 31 marzo 2020

# life: to save Western lifestyle from a catapulting collapse (caused by one or two Wuhan "achoo") use a techno mask (e.g. "cowboy" or "burqa" techno masks)

<< WHEN YOU LOOK at photos of Americans during the 1918 influenza pandemic, one feature stands out above all else: masks.  (..)  Newspapers published instructions for sewing masks at home. >>

<< After the 1918 pandemic, the prophylactic use of masks among the general public largely fell out of favor in America and much of the West. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has almost never advised healthy people to wear masks in public to prevent influenza or other respiratory diseases. In the past few months, with medical supplies dangerously diminished, the CDC, US surgeon general Jerome Adams, and the World Health Organization have urged people not to buy masks, paradoxically claiming that masks are both essential for the safety of health care workers and incapable of protecting the public from Covid-19. >>

<< Recently, some experts have disputed this contradictory advice. They propose that widespread use of masks is one of the many reasons why China, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan have controlled outbreaks of coronavirus much more effectively than the US and Europe. "Of course masks work," sociologist Zeynep Tufekci wrote in a New York Times editorial. "Their use has always been advised as part of the standard response to being around infected people." Public health expert Shan Soe-Lin and epidemiologist Robert Hecht made a similar argument in the Boston Globe (..) Last week, George Gao, director-general of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, said that America and Europe are making a "big mistake" by not telling the public to wear masks during the ongoing pandemic. >>

<< N95s (N95 mask) are so-named because they filter out 95 percent of particles with a diameter of 0.3 microns, (..) Particles 0.3 microns wide are just the right size to ride a stream of air through a filter’s fibrous maze, but it is still possible to thwart them with enough twists and turns.>>

<< the bacterium that causes anthrax is 0.8 microns wide and 1.4 microns long, whereas influenza viruses and coronaviruses are usually between 0.08 and 0.12 microns. But microbes expelled from someone’s respiratory tract are rarely naked: the droplets they travel in range in size from 0.6 to more than 1,000 microns. >>

<< Although surgical masks are not tightly sealed like N95s, the filters they contain are still a major impediment to microbes. The CDC and other health agencies often say that surgical masks catch only spurts of bodily fluids and very large respiratory droplets, and that they cannot filter tiny infectious particles. But this is simply not true. >>

<< Because so many trials find only a marginal benefit or none at all, some health agencies have decided against recommending masks to the general public. But the inconsistency of randomized trials does not negate the robust physical evidence that masks block respiratory droplets and microbes.  >>

<< "To be honest, it’s common sense," says Tang (virologist Julian Tang). "If you put something in front of your face, it’s going to help more than not." If enough people wear masks at least somewhat correctly at least some of the time, the overall benefits could be dramatic. A 2011 review of high-quality studies found that among all physical interventions used against respiratory viruses-including handwashing, gloves, and social distancing-masks performed best, although a combination of strategies was still optimal. >>

It's Time to Face Facts, America: Masks Work. Official advice has been confusing, but the science isn't hard to grok. Everyone should cover up. Wired. Ideas. March 30, 2020.


a funky, immediate approach of the sneezing from Wuhan (a relative safe barrier - this device is NOT a filter) FonT.  Mar 20, 2020


climate change plus Zika, then a behavioral transition, hat burqa- like everywhere ... FonT.  Mar13, 2016.


keyword 'virus' in FonT

keyword 'virus' in Notes (quasi- stochastic poetry)

keyword 'snake' in FonT

keyword 'bat' in FonT

venerdì 20 marzo 2020

# life: a funky, immediate approach of the sneezing from Wuhan (a relative safe barrier - this device is NOT a filter)

if (of course, if and only if) the problem is to save Western civilization from autocatalytic noise (and subsequent psychic, behavioral, political, economical, cultural catapulting collapse) caused by 1,2 sneezing of Wuhan, here a funky, immediate approach;

you have to get it: 

(1) thiny film (e.g. one piece of a thin film roll, made by polyethylene, used to wrap food);

(2) pocket cotton handkerchief  (like the ones used by cowboys, like those popping out of the pocket of the jackets that italian Prime Minister wears, perhaps wider);

(3) scotch tape (transparent adhesive tape);

below the assembly (1-3 minutes to compose it, two or 'n' times a day); 

This device is relatively safe even if your interlocutor spits in your mouth (in that  case, to protect the eyes you remember that you also need protective glasses and any earplugs, disposable gloves ...);

you can get more security by spraying - on the outside of the handkerchief - a mixture of alcohol, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and distilled water (the composition indicated by the WHO,  without glycerol);  cfr Guide to Local Production:  WHO-recommended Handrub Formulations  (reagents for formulation 1) Revised April 2010


With this device you can travel around the city, on buses, on trains, ... in relative safety, yours and your neighbors; 

instead of film roll for food you could use a waterproofing spray but the cost is high and the chemical one is probably toxic for human


keyword 'virus' in FonT

keyword 'virus' in Notes (quasi- stochastic poetry)

keyword 'snake' in FonT

keyword 'bat' in FonT

giovedì 14 aprile 2022

# life: a weird revisited from ethnomedicine inside an approach in epidemiology, the 'saliva healers' vs. 'herd immunity'.

<< chiamati 'dottori della saliva' >>
A pain-suppressive effect. Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry). Nov 14, 2006.    

Apropos of "herd immunity" ... FonT. Mar 16, 2020. 

<< During 2020, most schools were never pro-actively closed to hinder virus spreading (with compulsory physical attendance required by law in Sweden and no option for distance or home learning)  >> 

<< Many elderly people were administered morphine instead of oxygen despite available supplies, effectively ending their lives. >>️

<< The Swedish Strategy was also influential abroad, and became an argument in other countries including, among others, the United States (US), United Kingdom (UK) and Australia, to loosen restrictions >>️ 

<< Supporters of the natural herd-immunity strategy promoted a widespread “controlled” spread in society, to obtain herd-immunity without vaccination >>️ 

<< Email conversations and statements from the State Epidemiologist and others show that they at least speculated on the use of children to acquire herd-immunity, while at the same time publicly claiming children played a negligible role in transmission and did not become ill >> 

<< During 2020, however, Sweden had ten times higher COVID-19 death rates compared with neighbouring Norway. >>️️
Nele Brusselaers, David Steadson, et al. Evaluation of science advice during the COVID-19 pandemic in Sweden. Humanit Soc Sci Commun 9, 91. doi: 10.1057/ s41599-022-01097-5. Mar 22, 2022.  


keyword 'saliva' in Notes  (quasi-stochastic poetry)   

keyword 'saliva' in FonT   

keyword 'virus' | 'sars-cov-2' | 'sars' in FonT   

keyword 'virus' in Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry):


(here a homemade mask with a pre  antiviral spray mixture)

A funky, immediate approach of the sneezing from Wuhan (a relative safe barrier - this device is NOT a filter). FonT. Mar 20, 2020. 

keywords: ethnomedicine, saliva, saliva healers, herd immunity, virus, coronavirus, sars, mers, 2019ncov, sarscov2, covid19, 1or2achoos 

giovedì 3 gennaio 2019

# phys: the strange world of quantum mechanics

<< In the normal world, an object such as a baseball can only be in one place at one time. But in the quantum world, a particle such as an electron can occupy an infinite number of places at the same time, existing in what physicists call a superposition of multiple states. >>

<< in the quantum world, two individual particles, such as photons can be entangled, such that the mere act of sensing one photon with a detector instantaneously forces the other photon, no matter how far away, to assume a particular state. >>

<< evidence is mounting from the world of plant physiology that some biological processes that rely on quantum superposition occur at normal temperatures, raising the possibility that unimaginably strange world of quantum mechanics may indeed intrude into the every day workings of other biological systems, such as our nervous systems. >>

<< Evolution, in its relentless quest to engineer the most energy-efficient life forms, appears to have ignored physicists’ belief that useful quantum effects can’t happen in the warm, wet environments of biology. >>

Eric Haseltine. Why You Should Care About Quantum Neuroscience.
Hints of an incredibly exciting future. Dec 31, 2018


davanti a una immagine di "enzima allosterico" qualsiasi bravo scientist sa immediatamente con cosa avra' a che fare: avra' a che fare con il caos, vale a dire con oggetti che possono generare dinamiche senz'altro confinate purtuttavia bizzarre, jazz, funky, fuzzy; invece davanti a concetti quali i due citati sopra (superposition, entanglement), e gli ipotetici effetti immaginabili all'interno di strutture biologiche, neurobiologiche, informatiche, ho idea che chiunque potrebbe sentirsi vagamente disorientato (qui si sottolinea "vagamente") ...

mercoledì 13 luglio 2022

# life: aproposito di '1or2achoos' (da Wuhan (?)) ...

a proposito di '1or2achoos' (da Wuhan (?)) ... cfr Weekly epidemiological update on COVID-19 - 6 July 2022. Edition 99. Emergency Situational Updates.   img 

Qui l'approccio semplice, diretto, efficace che ho usato per la prevenzione ed eventuale gestione personale dell'entità coronavirus /  SARS-COV-2 (SARS: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome ) 

In data 20 Marzo 2020 ho pubblicato sul mio blog FonT - e, giusto per intendersi, ho contemporaneamente inviato il testo a una mia mail criptata - un approccio nell'ipotesi di disattivare / spegnere il coronavirus (sars-cov-2) che causa covid-19;   

Qui il link   ('you can get more security by spraying...)'

L'approccio pubblicato consisteva nell'uso di una soluzione di alcool (uso alimentare, 96%), perossido di idrogeno (3%) e acqua da nebulizzare con un generico dosatore spray tascabile (usato per nebulizzare profumi); 

La stechiometria di due dei tre componenti (alcool e perossido di idrogeno) era indicata sul sito del WHO (e consigliata per disinfettare superfici);

Qui il link attuale del doc 
12 WHO-recommended handrub formulations (2009) - Formulation I  che a quel tempo era presente, e attualmente assente, sul sito WHO al link 
e scaricabile nella forma di doc.pdf

Modificai la soluzione con la sostituzione di glicerolo con acqua per consentire la nebulizzazione del prodotto; 

Da allora ho sempre usato la miscela spray per disinfettare mani e mascherine di cotone (doppia mascherina, di cotone, riusabile, in posizione esterna e quando disponibile ffp2 in posizione interna); 

Tuttavia ho usato la stessa miscela per trattare i tre 'flu' (ipoteticamente covid-19) che ho contratto nei tre anni 2020, 2021 e 2022.  

In particolare, tutte le volte che ho avuto necessità di soffiare il naso (per secrezione mucosa, causa rinorrea) ho successivamente trattato entrambi naso e gola con la miscela spray; direttamente sulla mucosa orale e indirettamente nella mucosa nasale inspirando la soluzione preventivamente nebulizzata sul dorso della mano;

Nei primi due casi (2020 e 2021) ho spento il 'flu' in mezza giornata (in entrambe le situazioni non ero vaccinato); nel terzo caso ho spento il 'flu' in 2 giorni scarsi di trattamento (ero già stato vaccinato con le 2+1 dosi perchè obbligatorie in Italia specialmente per chi era iscritto all'Ordine dei Biologi e comunque per chi aveva raggiunto l'età di 50+ anni  
( OMS - Piano vaccini anti Covid-19

I flu precedenti al 2020 (circa 60 flu nell'arco di 70 anni di età, a ciclicità annuale) mi avevano sempre impegnato in circa tre giorni di pre- crisi, tre giorni di crisi a letto e tre giorni di post- crisi (convalescenza) per un totale di mai meno di quattro-cinque giorni di parziale compromissione dell'autonomia; 

Nelle mie tre individuali esperienze, confrontate con tutte le pregresse, l'immunità sembra essere stata quasi immediata, senza alcuna compromissione dell'autonomia.

Se (beninteso, se e solo se) le future risposte individuali del mio sistema immunitario alle future probabili ondate epidemiche da flu opp sars saranno equivalenti alle tre citate sopra, per quello che mi riguarda questa problematica si è chiusa a far data dal 20 marzo 2020, indipendentemente dalle future disponibilità di vaccini anti-flu anti-sars. 

Qui l'ipotetico meccanismo di azione.

I coronavirus (come i virus flu a causa di orthomyxoviridae) si duplicano nelle mucose orale e nasale; il capside virale ( e.g. Chung-ke Chang et al. Antiviral Res. 2014 Mar. ) in presenza di alcool probabilmente si apre per denaturazione proteica e questo consente a un sistema immunitario fisiologicamente attivo di leggere sia il capside (che dovrebbe comunque conservare la struttura primaria) sia parti della sua metameccanica molecolare interna; 


keyword 'virus' | 'sars-cov-2' | 'sars' in FonT: 

keyword 'virus' in Notes 
(quasi-stochastic poetry):

Keywords: virus, flu, coronavirus,  sarscov2, covid19, 1or2achoos, mask

PS: certo è che i colleghi biomedici (qualunque cosa si intenda per  'colleghi' ), con l'epifanie SARS (Nov 2002, Guangdong, China; MERS,  Nov 2012, Gedda, Saudi Arabia, SARS-COV-2, 2019-2020, Wuhan, China) non sembra abbiano mostrato il consueto brillamento delle proprie loro medesime - senz'alcun dubbio elevatissime - potenzialità.  Per modo di dire ed anzicheforse ... Forse, talvolta, si tende a sottovalutare la lezione del Maestro, indimenticato, indimenticabile Jelly Roll:  "Amico, qualunque cosa suonerai ..."

domenica 4 dicembre 2016

# s-behav: the regular chaotic of wild flamingos (Phoenicopterus roseus) dancers

<< Flamingos are very good dancers. They twist and preen, they scratch their heads, they march in unison. >>

Nicholas Bakalar. Flamingo Mating Rules:  1.  Learn  the  Funky Chicken. Nov. 28,  2016.

Charlotte  Perrot, Arnaud  Bechet, et al. Sexual display complexity  varies non-linearly with age and  predicts breeding  status  in  greater  flamingos.  Nature. Scientific Reports 6 (2016); Article  number:  36242. doi: 10.1038/srep36242

giovedì 10 agosto 2017

# s-gst: they take decisions in a way that is not necessarily uniform (jazzy? funky? fuzzy?)

AA << found that fate decision is not a unique programmed event, but the result of a very dynamic process composed of spontaneous fluctuation and selective stabilisation of alternative cellular states >>

<< The whole process is reminiscent of trial-and-error learning in which each cell explores—at its own rhythm and independently of cell division—different molecular possibilities (i.e. different genes turned on or off) before reaching a stable combination of active genes and the corresponding morphology >>

AA << observed that some cells seem to "hesitate" and change morphology many times before reaching a stable state >>

Which type of cell to become: Decision through indecision.
July 27, 2017

<< Individual cells take lineage commitment decisions in a way that is not necessarily uniform >>

AA << identifies a new category of cells with fluctuating phenotypic characteristics, demonstrating the complexity of the fate decision process >>

Alice Moussy, Jérémie Cosette, et al. Integrated time-lapse and single-cell transcription studies highlight the variable and dynamic nature of human hematopoietic cell fate commitment. PLoS Biol 15(7): e2001867 doi: 10.1371/journal.pbio.2001867


in pratica un lancio di dadi, ... quasi.

<< Amico, qualunque  cosa suonerai . . . >>

domenica 23 ottobre 2022

# jazz: Eastside Romp. Jeff Parker (gui), Eric Revis (b), Nasheet Waits (d).

<< In May 2016, guitarist Jeff Parker, double bassist Eric Revis, and drummer Nasheet Waits spent a single day recording in a Pasadena studio. The seven tunes they cut appear on Eastside Romp. Mixed in 2018, it sat on a shelf for four more years. (..) No one except the creators know why it took six long years for this relaxed yet canny set to arrive, but its appearance adds immeasurably to the mystique and inventive creativity of these three musicians. >> Thom Jurek (T.J.)

- Drunkard's Lullaby
<< "Drunkard's Lullaby" is a group improvisation, laden with guitar effects, knotty bass vamps, and dialogic conversation between snare, hi-hat, and kick drum. Parker's abstracted soloing is saturated in distortion, and it short-circuits, staggering his already jagged lines, creating a barely restrained sense of power. The rhythm section intersects and interlocks in detailed, propulsive conversation as the guitar travels afield, adding more frenetic yet glitchy notes and layers of feedback. >> (T.J.)

- Wait
<< "Wait," the album's longest cut, was composed by the guitarist. It commences as a dirge led by Revis playing vamped chords. He establishes a circular vamp as Parker points at his changes and Waits dances limpidly on his tom-toms in 4/4. The languid lyric line crisscrosses post-bop, Spanish-tinged modalism, and blues. Parker moves between melody and angular improv as his bandmates respond with empathy, highlighting and expanding the reach of his labyrinthine harmonic lines. As a perfect complement, Waits offers a studio version of his oft-performed nugget "Between Nothingness and Infinity." Paraphrasing the title of 1973's live Mahavishnu Orchestra album Between Nothingness & Eternity, he frames a musical narrative that emerges directly out of Parker's deeply moving ballad-esque playing, adding textural airiness, rhythmic spaciousness, and harmonic depth to its melody. >> (T.J.)

- Similar Limits 
<< Opener "Similar Limits" is the set's only cover. Composed by the late alto saxophonist Marion Brown, it originally appeared on 1967's Porto Novo. The trio keep the iconic, Monk-esque intro after a brief roll from Waits. Parker and Revis play the staggered melodic intro as Waits rolls, fills, and accents all over the kit. As the bassist expands the tune's harmonic reach, Parker explores the underside with great sensitivity and swing. >> (T.J.)️

Jeff Parker, Eric Revis, Nasheet Waits. 
Drunkard's Lullaby, Wait, Similar Limits.
Eastside Romp.  Rogue Art 0113 (2022). 


'jazz' | 'jazzy' | 'funky' |  in FonT (twitter)

'jazz' in Notes 
(quasi-stochastic poetry)

sabato 5 novembre 2022

# jazz: a 'Trombiverse' approach, 'hear Beethoven like you've never heard it before'

<< Trombone Champ is the world's first trombone-based rhythm music game. Unlike most music games, you can freely play any note at any time. You're not just following along with the music, you're actually playing the music! >>️

Holy Wow. Trombone Champ. Sep 15, 2022. 

Christopher Livingston. The world's first trombone rhythm game is instantly a GOTY contender. Sep21, 2022.

cit. @RhiannonJudithW. The Download. MIT. Sep 22, 2022.


a working hypothesis: anyone could summarize, filtering life-data through an artificial intelligence, the salient episodes of one's own existence through an approach of this type ... 


'jazz' in FonT

'jazz' | 'jazzy' | 'funky' |  in FonT (twitter)

'jazz' in Notes 
(quasi-stochastic poetry)

'ai' | 'bot' in FonT

'ia' | 'ai' | 'robota' in Notes 
(quasi-stochastic poetry)

Keywords: jazz, life, music, trombone,  games, ai, artificial intelligence