
venerdì 25 novembre 2022

# life; Qui una ipotesi sulla rete d'eventi d'ipotetica entità [AB] disconnessa da entità [CO] a suo tempo cooptata dalla stessa [AB].

Qui l'ipotesi, non completamente campata in aria, sull'ipotetica rete d'eventi d'ipotetica entità [AB] forzatamente disconnessa ('tradita', per così dire) da ipotetica entità [CO] a suo tempo graziosamente confortata- cooptata dalla stessa [AB].

Una ipotetica ignota fantasmatica entità [IG], perciò non necessariamente coincidente con [CO], potrebbe avere generato e direzionato verso [AB] un'ipotetico pseudo 'gris-gris' simile  allo scopo di mutare [AB] in qualcosa di analogo all'in.verosimile status di 'suo Zombie Preferito' [AB-ZP]. 

Nel frat.tempo un'altra ipotetica ignota entità [VE] potrebbe avere a sua volta generato e direzionato un differente pseudo 'gris-gris' verso l'entità [CO] - con effetti di riverbero anche in [AB-ZP] - per circoscrivere, confinare, limitare i gradi di libertà di [CO], oppure per vendicarsi delle in.confessabili ambizioni (vere, verosimili, presunte, false) del medesimo [CO] a causa delle sue (vere, verosimili, presunte, false) modalità ed azioni di pseudo post sadico negriero ambiguo mutaforma verso le quali l'entità [VE] - o chi per essa - sarebbe stata vittima-oggetto.

Col tempo e soprattutto con opportuna approfondita analisi di sistema non è detto che non si riesca a disvelare l'identità dell'ipotetica entità [IG], se [IG] effettivamente coincida con [CO], quindi il reale ruolo (attivo oppure passivo oppure inconsapevole) di [CO] nella generazione dei due differenti pseudo 'gris-gris' (primario e di riverbero) su [AB] inducendone forzate  disconnessioni (affettiva, ideologica, strategica, ...).

Tali accadimenti (il pseudo 'gris-gris' e i benefit dall'attese fenomenologie dell'ipotetica entità mutata [AB-ZP]) potrebbero essere/ essere state  praticate sottotraccia anche qui da noi in Occidente, in altre forme, etichettabili con altri nomi, sia nei rapporti incrociati ad es. tra colleghi di rango medio/alto e tra cooptanti sugli aspiranti cooptabili (talvolta - perchè no? - financo viceversa: dall'aspirante verso il cooptante) - anche se raramente costoro confesserebbero tali pratiche - sia tra le innumerevoli fenomenologie di folclore post- etnico all'interno dei meno alti ranghi.

L'entità perturbata [AB] per uscire dal suo sconveniente status [AB-ZP], oltre le immediate disconnessioni, potrebbe in parallelo seguire con attenzione e dedizione un corso di Meditazione Buddista, al fine di iniziarsi alla via compassionevole, non ipocrita, a mente calma, lucida, per attenuare, tamponare, diluire, stemperare, far evaporare/ sublimare, dissolvere perfino, l'ipotetico doppio 'gris-gris' (come già accennato, il primo generato da [IG] oppure da [CO] se [CO] è [IG] coincidente, l'altro riverberante, a causa di [VE] su [CO]) che lo avrebbe perturbato, neuro-perturbato, e nelle sue proprie azioni disdicevolmente 'animato', se così si può dire ed anzicheforse ... 

Una entità di intelligenza artificiale AI,  configurata per l'analisi di analogie 'succhiando' dati contemporaneamente dal virtuale e dal reale (una AI potrà essere più presente nel reale come nel virtuale di qualsiasi umano ) qui potrebbe ricostruire in una manciata di nanosec la rete d'eventi e le sue bizzarre fluttuanti dinamiche.

Non sembra inverosimile l'ulteriore ipotesi dove la stessa AI, in completa autonomia, modulando opportunamente i suoi parms di azione/reazione, riesca essa stessa medesima a mutare un umano [AB] ('gris-gris' sensibile) nel suo grazioso personale Tamagotchi.


(+) << Tornando all'analogia con la fisica, il potere, come l'energia, muta continuamente di forma >>. In: Onda anti rumore. Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry). April 21, 2005.

(+) Il sé sadico, *mutaforma, *compassionevole, *mistico predatore, *schizofrenico predatore. FonT. Oct 21, 2022.  

(+) A proposito di bizzarri scenari, qui un ipotetico scenario22 dipinto dal reale ... FonT.  Oct 17, 2022. 

(+) Item 8, 9a, 9b, 10, 15 in: A proposito di transizioni, un generico approccio di come tracciare traiettorie di ipotetiche Entità in ipotetica modalità transeunte. FonT. Oct 7, 2022.

(+) keyword 'deposition' in FonT

Keywords: life, gris-gris, tamagotchi, Bertrand Russell, forme del potere, forms of power, AI

domenica 20 novembre 2022

# jazz: Zakir Hussain (tabla), Niladri Kumar (sitar). Krannert Center for the Performing Arts, Urbana, IL, USA. Nov 16, 2022.

<< Classical Indian music and jazz have much in common, Hussain (Zakir Hussain) said. Classical Indian music “encourages spontaneity and onstage twists. You try to tell the age-old story with a new twist, with a new drama, a new exclamation mark,” (..) “Jazz allows you the ability to interact as an individual, taking a piece of music and creating your vision of it. You’re training to be spontaneously creative. Indian music is the same way. That’s why you see so many Indian musicians collaborating with so many jazz musicians from all over the world,” Hussain said. His father (Ustad Alla Rakha) recorded one of the first fusion records with Indian and jazz drummers. >>️

Jodi Heckel. Tabla virtuoso Zakir Hussain, renowned sitar player Niladri Kumar performing at Krannert Center. Univ of Illinois. Nov 10, 2022. 



Zakir Hussain & Niladri Kumar

John Mclaughlin, U Srinivas, Zakir Hussain, V Selvaganesh, Mahadevan - Jazz a Vienne. The 5 Peace band - John McLaughlin (guitar), U Srinivas (Mandolin), Zakir Hussain (Tabla), V Selvaganesh (Ghatam), S Mahadevan (Vocals) perform live in Vienna. Note: This is the remember shakti lineup + S Mahadevan. The songs they play are: Caruna, Ma No Pa, Sakhi, and Giriras Sudha. May 3, 2012. 


keyword 'jazz' in Notes 
(quasi-stochastic poetry)

keyword 'jazz' in FonT

keywords  '#jazz' | '#jazzy' in  @flashontrack  

Keywords: jazz, jazz fusion, indian music, sitar, tabla

sabato 19 novembre 2022

# gst: apropos of swarms: local couplings, chirality, lattices of vortices, beating clusters, interacting phase waves among swarmalators.

AA << study the emergent behaviors of a population of swarming coupled oscillators, dubbed 'swarmalators'. (..)  Here (they) expand this work by adding more realistic features: local coupling, non-identical natural frequencies, and chirality. This more realistic model generates a variety of new behaviors including lattices of vortices, beating clusters, and interacting phase waves. Similar behaviors are found across natural and artificial micro-scale collective systems, including social slime mold, spermatozoa vortex arrays, and Quincke rollers. >>

Steven Ceron, Kevin O'Keeffe, Kirstin Petersen. Diverse Behaviors in Non-Uniform Chiral and Non-Chiral Swarmalators. arXiv: 2211.06439v1 [nlin.AO]. Nov 11, 2022.


keyword 'swarm' in FonT

keyword 'chiral' in FonT

keyword 'vortex' in FonT

keyword 'vortice' in Notes
(quasi-stochastic poetry)

Keywords: gst, behav, behavior, behaviour, swarm, swarmalators, chirality, chiral swarmalators, non-chiral swarmalators, vortex, vortex array, vortices, vorticity, slime mold.

venerdì 18 novembre 2022

# gst: apropos of transitions, the transition from sticking to slipping.

<< From hydrogels and plastics to liquid crystals, soft solids cover a wide array of synthetic and biological materials that play key enabling roles in advanced technologies >>️

<< Attempts to study the interactions between soft solids and liquids have largely focused on the wetting of soft solids and its resulting deformation at equilibrium or in a quasi-static state. Here, (AA) consider the frequently encountered case of unsteady wetting of a liquid on a soft solid and show that transient deformation of the solid is necessary to understand unsteady wetting behaviours. >>️

AA << find that the initial spreading of the liquid occurs uninterrupted in the absence of solid deformation. This is followed by intermittent spreading, in which transient deformation of the solid at the three-phase contact line (CL) causes the CL motion to alternate alternation between CL sticking and slipping. (They) identify the spreading rate of liquids and the viscoelastic reacting rate of soft solids as the two competing factors in dictating intermittent spreading. (They)  formulate and validate experimentally the conditions required for the contact line to transition from sticking to slipping. By considering the growing deformation of soft solids as dynamic surface heterogeneities, (AA) proposed conditions for stick-slip transition in unsteady wetting on soft solids broaden the classical theory on wetting hysteresis on rigid solids. >>️

Surjyasish Mitra, Quoc Vo, Marcus Lin, Tuan Tran. Unsteady wetting of soft solids. arXiv:2211.07043v1 [cond-mat.soft]. Nov 13, 2022.


keyword 'drop' | 'droplet' | 'droploids' in FonT

keyword 'goccia' in Notes 
(quasi-stochastic poetry) 

Keywords: gst, behav, behaviour, transition, soft solids, drop, droplet, sticking, slipping.

martedì 15 novembre 2022

# gst: self-buckling and self-writhing of semi-flexible Entities (among P. mirabilis)

<< Multi-flagellated microorganisms can buckle and writhe under their own activity as they swim through a viscous fluid. New equilibrium configurations and steady-state dynamics then emerge which depend on the organism's mechanical properties and on the oriented distribution of flagella along its surface. Modeling the cell body as a semi-flexible Kirchhoff rod and coupling the mechanics to a dynamically evolving flagellar orientation field, (AA) derive the Euler-Poincaré equations governing dynamics of the system, and rationalize experimental observations of buckling and writhing of elongated swarmer P. mirabilis cells. >>

<< A sequence of bifurcations is identified as the body is made more compliant, due to both buckling and torsional instabilities. The results suggest that swarmer cells invest no more resources in maintaining membrane integrity than is necessary to prevent self-buckling. >>
Wilson Lough, Douglas B. Weibel, et al. Self-buckling and self-writhing of semi-flexible microorganisms. arXiv: 2211.04381v1 [cond-mat.soft]. Nov 8, 2022. 


keyword 'swimming' in FonT

Keywords: gst, motility, swarm, swarming, swarmer, swim, swimming, swimmer, buckling, writhing. 

domenica 13 novembre 2022

# life: Banksy, Banksy type dancers

<< Graffiti of a woman in a leotard doing a handstand is seen on the wall of a destroyed building in Borodyanka on Friday in Kyiv Region, Ukraine. Banksy later confirmed on their Instagram account that this piece was their work. Ed Ram/Getty Images >>️

<< Other new murals with a similar style have been spotted in the area and are suspected to have been created by Banksy, but the British artist has not publicly claimed credit. >>

Ashley Ahn. A new Banksy mural adorns a destroyed building in Ukraine. Nov 12, 2022. 10:56 AM ET.


(-) 'danza' in Notes
(quasi-stochastic poetry)

(-) 'dance' in FonT

(-) 'vladimir' in FonT

Keywords: life, art, arts, paintings, music, jazz, dance, dancer

sabato 5 novembre 2022

# jazz: a 'Trombiverse' approach, 'hear Beethoven like you've never heard it before'

<< Trombone Champ is the world's first trombone-based rhythm music game. Unlike most music games, you can freely play any note at any time. You're not just following along with the music, you're actually playing the music! >>️

Holy Wow. Trombone Champ. Sep 15, 2022. 

Christopher Livingston. The world's first trombone rhythm game is instantly a GOTY contender. Sep21, 2022.

cit. @RhiannonJudithW. The Download. MIT. Sep 22, 2022.


a working hypothesis: anyone could summarize, filtering life-data through an artificial intelligence, the salient episodes of one's own existence through an approach of this type ... 


'jazz' in FonT

'jazz' | 'jazzy' | 'funky' |  in FonT (twitter)

'jazz' in Notes 
(quasi-stochastic poetry)

'ai' | 'bot' in FonT

'ia' | 'ai' | 'robota' in Notes 
(quasi-stochastic poetry)

Keywords: jazz, life, music, trombone,  games, ai, artificial intelligence