
Visualizzazione dei post in ordine di data per la query break. Ordina per pertinenza Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione dei post in ordine di data per la query break. Ordina per pertinenza Mostra tutti i post

giovedì 10 ottobre 2024

# gst: apropos of breaking mechanisms, crack of a floating particle raft caused by waves.

<< When particles of a few tens of microns are spread on the surface of water, they aggregate under the action of capillary forces and form a thin floating membrane, a particle raft. >>

<< For a sufficiently strong wave amplitude, the raft breaks up progressively by developing cracks and producing fragments whose sizes decrease on a timescale long compared to the period of the wave. (AA)  characterize the breaking mechanisms.  >>️️

<< The visual appearance of the fragments distributed in size and surrounded by open water bears a notable resemblance to the floes produced by the fracturing of sea ice by waves in the polar oceans. Fragmentation concepts and morphological tools built for sea ice floes can be applied to (AA) macroscopic analog, on which the entire dynamic evolution is accessible. However, the mechanics of the two systems differ, as (AA) particle raft breaks due to the viscous stresses, whereas the sea ice fractures due to its bending by the waves. >>️

Louis Saddier, Ambre Palotai, et al. Breaking of a floating particle raft by water waves. Phys. Rev. Fluids 9, 094302. Sep 27, 2024.

Also: 'crack', 'particle', in 

Also: 'zattera' (quasi-stochastic poetry) in  'randa' (quasi-stochastic poetry) in

Keywords: gst, crack, break, particle, raft, particle raft

lunedì 19 agosto 2024

# gst: apropos of 'normal' (jazzy?) codes, bacteria encode hidden, free-floating genes outside their genome.

AA << show that bacteria break that rule and can create free-floating and ephemeral genes, raising the possibility that similar genes exist outside of our own genome. >>️

<< What this discovery upends is the notion that the chromosome has the complete set of instructions that cells use to produce proteins, (..) We now know that, at least in bacteria, there can be other instructions not preserved in the genome that are nonetheless essential for cell survival. (..) The DNA molecule is a fully functioning, free-floating, transient gene. >> Samuel Sternberg. 

Bacteria Encode Hidden Genes Outside Their Genome—Do We? Columbia University Irving Medical Center. Aug 8, 2024. 

Stephen Tang, Valentin Conte, et al. De novo gene synthesis by an antiviral reverse transcriptase. Science. doi: 10.1126/ science.adq0876. Aug 8, 2024. 


Keywords: gst, codes, dna, rna, crispr, normal, jazz

giovedì 15 febbraio 2024

# gst: droplets scoot like caterpillars.

<< From swells in an ocean to ripples in a puddle, the shearing effect of wind blowing over a liquid is visible at all scales. This shear determines the interactions between Earth’s atmosphere and its surface water and, researchers now explain, the movement of liquid droplets that crawl up and down the window of a moving car in the rain. In a series of experiments, (AA) show that airflow triggers surface waves that cause such droplets to crawl like caterpillars before they break apart. >>️

<< At first, the airflow across the droplet’s surface caused the droplet to extend into an oval shape. The droplet also began to tilt, with the liquid piling up at the droplet’s downwind edge. When the drag force exerted by the airflow overcame the capillary force between the glycerin and the glass, the droplet began to slide and to stretch out even more. Surface waves then developed on the elongated droplet and traveled toward its leading edge. The waves induced a stable caterpillar-like motion, with the droplet stretching and contracting along its length. Eventually, beyond a threshold length that depended on the droplet’s volume, the caterpillar was no longer able to withstand the shearing force and broke into several droplets. >>️

AA << say that the behavior follows the same pattern as that of an elongated droplet sliding along an incline. >>
Rachel Berkowitz. Droplets Scoot Like Caterpillars. Physics 16, s110. Sep 1, 2023.

A. Chahine, J. Sebilleau, R. Mathis, D. Legendre. Caterpillar like motion of droplet in a shear flow. Phys. Rev. Fluids 8, 093601. Sep 1, 2023.

Also: drop, bubble, transition, in 

Keywords: gst, drop, droplet, droploid, bubble, transition

venerdì 1 dicembre 2023

# life: POTUS race 2024, Native voters could make a difference

<< There are predicted to be at least 5 million Native and Alaska Native-identifying voters in the U.S. in both rural and urban communities, according to the U.S. Census Bureau — although estimates are expected to be an undercount. >>️

<< Native Americans are incredibly influential and have the ability to really swing those elections on the margins, >> Jacqueline De Leon.

<< Hanging in the balance is control of House, Senate and the Oval Office in 2024. In a country in which turnout can make or break campaigns, organizers said courting Native voters can dictate a candidate's success. (..) Organizers argue Native voters are increasingly a coalition to watch, even if parties have not fully recognized them yet. (..) Here are some of the states where Native voters could have a significant impact on 2024 races for Congress, the Senate and for president. >>️️

Ximena Bustillo. Sometimes overlooked by campaigns, Native voters could decide major elections in 2024. NPR. Nov 21, 2023. 

Also: margine, in Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry)

Keywords: potus, potus race, Native, Native voters, life, transition, edge, margin

mercoledì 10 maggio 2023

# gst: to find a separation between plunging and spilling wave breakers

<< While understanding breaking waves is crucial for the development of parametrizations used in ocean wave modeling for both deep and shallow water, the complete process of wave breaking is not well understood. Here (AA) present direct numerical simulations of two-dimensional solitary waves that shoal and break on a uniform beach in shallow water, with the presence of storm surge represented by an inshore region. >>️

They << classify wave breaker types and find a separation between plunging and spilling breakers when scaled by breaking amplitude and depth. (AA) compare energy dissipation during the breaking process with results from the literature without storm surge.  >>️

They << conclude that a previously developed shallow-water inertial dissipation model for wave breaking on a uniform slope can be extended to this storm surge environment with good data collapse, and further discuss possibilities for a general parametrization of wave breaking valid across different depth regimes. >>️

Hunter Boswell, Guirong Yan, Wouter Mostert. Characterizing energy dissipation of shallow-water wave breaking in a storm surge. Phys. Rev. Fluids 8, 054801. May 5, 2023. 

Also: waves, soliton, drop, in

Keywords: gst, waves, soliton, drop 

venerdì 13 maggio 2022

# evol: spontaneous, immediate asymmetry, the chiral twist

<< When holding a right hand in front of a mirror, one can see a reflected image of a left hand and vice versa. In 1848, Louis Pasteur discovered that organic molecules are much like our hands: they come in mirror-image pairs of left- and right-handed variants. Nowadays, we know that this handedness or chirality (from the Greek word for "hand") is a hallmark of organic molecules. >>

<< Organic molecules are rich in carbon atoms, which form bonds to create either a right or a left "nano-hand." Yet, puzzlingly, life almost always selects to exclusively use one of the two mirror-image twins—a phenomenon called homochirality. For example, terrestrial life is based on left-handed amino acids and right-handed sugars. >>️️

<< A model now proposes a novel explanation for the emergence of homochirality in life—a longstanding puzzle about the origin of life on Earth. >>️

<< Homochirality emerges spontaneously in prebiotic chemical networks that adapt to optimize energy harvesting from the environment. Previously, it was believed that chiral symmetry breaking requires multiple loops of auto-catalysis, which increasingly produces one enantiomer of a molecule while inhibiting the formation of the other. However, the IBS team's results showed that the underlying mechanism of symmetry breaking is very general, as it can occur in large reaction systems with many random molecules and does not require sophisticated network architectures. It was found that this sharp transition to homochirality stems from the self-configuration of the reaction network in order to achieve more efficient harvesting of energy from the environment. >>️

Learning chemical networks give life a chiral twist. Institute for Basic Science. Apr 26, 2022. 

William D. Pineros, Tsvi Tlusty. Spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking in a random driven chemical system. Nat Commun 13, 2244. doi: 10.1038/ s41467-022-29952-8. Apr 26, 2022.


Keywords: evolution, gst, randomness, self-assembly, self-configuration, break symmetry, asymmetry, chiral, chirality  

lunedì 19 luglio 2021

# gst: mitigate | eliminate side lobes from superoscillatory waves (to manipulate nanoparticles)

<< A sharp-edged aperture is a promising solution for eliminating side lobes from superoscillatory waves. >>

<< Optical superoscillation refers to a wave packet that can oscillate locally in a frequency exceeding its highest Fourier component. This intriguing phenomenon enables production of extremely localized waves that can break the optical diffraction barrier. >>

<< The trouble is that strong side lobes accompany the main lobes of superoscillatory waves, which limits the field of view and hinders application. >>️

<< A central microdisc with cylindrical diffraction gives rise to a superoscillatory light spot of a size within the optical diffraction limit. A pair of sharp-edged apertures ensures constructive interference with the high-spatial-frequency waves. That interference effectively eliminates side lobes along a symmetric cut that can be adjusted in the transverse plane by rotating the moonlike apertures. >>
<< the cylindrical diffraction of the central microdisc produces superoscillatory waves with Bessel-like forms. These forms enable the delicate structures of the superoscillatory waves propagating in free space to travel much farther than the evanescent light waves. (..) this intriguing propagation effect of superoscillation holds promise for potential application in nanoparticle manipulation, as well as superresolution imaging. >>️
Optical superoscillation without side waves. SPIE-International Society for Optics and Photonics. Jun 24, 2021.

Yanwen Hu, Shiwang Wang, et al. Optical superoscillatory waves without side lobes along a symmetric cut. Advanced Photonics, 3(4), 045002 doi: 10.1117/ 1.AP.3.4.045002. Jun 23, 2021. 

sabato 8 maggio 2021

# gst: apropos of bubbles, the life of a surface bubble.

<< Who has never observed at the surface of a puddle under the rain one bubble that bursts instantly and another one that stays for more than 10 s?  >>️

<< Once a bubble has reached an interface, it adopts a static shape that is governed by the balance between the surface tension and buoyancy effects.  >>

<< To sum-up, (AA) have presented the state of the art concerning the prediction of the lifetime of surface bubbles. In general, the bubble unstability is linked to two facts: (i) the bubble cap is constituted by a thin film, whose thickness decreases along time due to both drainage and evaporation and (ii) this thin film is unstable and eventually bursts. (AA) have shown that the current understanding is that two different behaviors exist depending on whether the film thins until its thickness reaches a few hundreds of nanometers or bursts at higher thicknesses. In the first case, determinist models that describe the thinning of the film down to a rupture thickness of the order of tenth to hundreds of nanometers perform correctely to calculate the bubbles lifetime. In the second case, the presence of a fatal impurity within the film and its propension to break it being a more random process, lifetime distributions are much more spread and only stochastic models may capture the physical mechanism(s) at play. The scenario depends on whether or not surfactants are present to stabilise the thick film. >>

<< In absence of surfactants, the distribution of lifetimes is given by a Weibull distribution. The bursting mechanism available in the literature involves the diffusion of impurities in the film, which cause the film rupture. Film thinning due to evaporation is likely to be rather negligible in such experiments since its impact is small on thick films. >>

<< In presence of surfactants, the film is expected to thin until its thickness reaches a few tens of nanometers. The prediction of the bubble lifetime thus depends on our ability to predict the thinning rate of the film. It is fixed by the evaporation and the drainage. For tiny bubbles, no stable thin film appears and the evaporation is negligible. The lifetime is fixed by the approach velocity of the bubble to the bath. For bigger bubbles, evaporation and drainage must be taken into account. The evaporation is a constant rate, which depends on external conditions such as atmospheric humidity, on the diffusion/convection ratio and on the chemical potential of the solution. It has been shown that an accurate description of the evaporation rates necessitates to take into account the natural convection. >>

<< The drainage mechanism depends on the viscosity of the solution, on the bubble size and on the surfactants used to stabilise the interfaces. (AA) have identified three main mechanisms. For viscous bubbles, the cap is axisymmetric and the thickness decreases continuously from the bottom to the top of the bubble. The drainage is then expected to be exponential with time. In presence of surfactants, a pinch is expected to appear in the vicinity of the meniscus, which slows down the drainage. The destabilization of this pinch may lead to marginal regeneration, that in turn can affect the drainage. >>

<< Several references show that the drainage and evaporation rates are sufficient to predict the average lifetime of the surfaces bubbles in these different cases. >>

<< Many questions remain open and deserve to be addressed in a near future and (AA) try to list some of them below.
The mechanism at the origin of the eventual bursting of the film, whether they are thick (micrometers) or thin (tens of nanometers) is mostly unknown.
The marginal regeneration phenomenon, the dynamics of the pinch, the origin of its destabilisation and its contribution to drainage are under current investigation.
The impact of the chosen surfactants on bubble drainage and evaporation is crucial but remains an open question.
There is still a lack of data concerning the distributions observed. Additionally, there is no theoretical prediction of the distribution in the presence of surfactants stabilising the interface. >>️

Jonas Miguet, Florence Rouyer,  Emmanuelle Rio. The Life of a Surface Bubble. Molecules. 26(5): 1317.
doi: 10.3390/ molecules26051317. Mar 1,  2021. 


keyword "bubble" in FonT

sabato 5 dicembre 2020

# brain: the drug ISRIB reverses age-related cognitive decline within days (in mice) and even enhance cognition in healthy animals

<< Just a few doses of an experimental drug can reverse age-related declines in memory and mental flexibility in mice, (..)  The drug, called ISRIB (ISR InhiBitor), has already been shown in laboratory studies to restore memory function months after traumatic brain injury (TBI), reverse cognitive impairments in Down Syndrome , prevent noise-related hearing loss, fight certain types of prostate cancer , and even enhance cognition in healthy animals. >>

<< In the new study, researchers showed rapid restoration of youthful cognitive abilities in aged mice, accompanied by a rejuvenation of brain and immune cells that could help explain improvements in brain function. >>

<< ISRIB's extremely rapid effects show for the first time that a significant component of age-related cognitive losses may be caused by a kind of reversible physiological "blockage" rather than more permanent degradation, >> Susanna Rosi.

<< The data suggest that the aged brain has not permanently lost essential cognitive capacities, as was commonly assumed, but rather that these cognitive resources are still there but have been somehow blocked, trapped by a vicious cycle of cellular stress, (..)  Our work with ISRIB demonstrates a way to break that cycle and restore cognitive abilities that had become walled off over time. >> Peter Walter.

Drug reverses age-related cognitive decline within days. University of California, San Francisco. Dec 01, 2020.

Karen Krukowski, Amber Nolan, et al. 
Small molecule cognitive enhancer reverses age-related memory decline in mice. eLife. doi: 10.7554/ eLife.62048. Dec 1, 2020.

mercoledì 2 settembre 2020

# gst: apropos of the variety in the ways liquid jets break up

<< When a liquid exits a nozzle and encounters something it cannot immediately mix into—a gas, for example—it forms a cylinder. Quickly, small surface perturbations and various forces cause the liquid tube to break apart into droplets. The entire cylinder either pinches off into droplets one at a time at the tip, takes on a wavy or corkscrew-like structure, or atomizes into a fine spray. >> 

<< Our results show that the gas and liquid flows are equally important in the interface region, an idea neglected by most other studies, (Nathan Speirs).  The irregular shapes of the droplets formed are quite interesting as well, (Kenneth Langley) >> 

<< There's so much variety in the ways liquid jets break up. (Nathan Speirs) >>  

King Abdullah. Slippery superfluids push jets to breaking point. University of Science and Technology. Aug 31, 2020. 

<< Past studies have shown that liquid jet breakup behavior can be classified into five regimes: Rayleigh, first wind, sinuous, second wind, and atomization. By experimentally examining the breakup of superfluid and normal liquid 4^He in an atmosphere of its own vapor, (AA) investigate the evolution of the jet behavior >>

N. B. Speirs, K. R. Langley, et al. Jet breakup in superfluid and normal liquid  4^He. Phys. Rev. Fluids 5, 044001. Apr 2, 2020.

martedì 10 dicembre 2019

# game: apropos of perpetual hack, to bypass 'lizard' brains with a Tit-for-Tat approach

<< In (..) lizard brain, (..) "cheating" was really just "retaliation." >>

<< Where do we go from here?
Is there a way to break this cycle? >>

<<  For no matter how viscerally satisfying and rational it may appear to operate in a never-ending tit-for-tat spiral, in the long run, cooperation pays >>  

Niels Rosenquist.  How Tit-for-Tat Game Theory Hacked Politics. Jun 10, 2019.


a "catapulting" approach to bypass "lizard" brains: 

1668 - ramificata tinnula (di carmina fluitantia). Jun 9, 2005.


keyword "tit-for-tat" in FonT:

keyword "tit-for-tat" in Notes:

lunedì 10 giugno 2019

# hack: oops! breaking the 2048-bit RSA encryption in 8h (back to the "Pizzinu" docs?)

<< A new study shows that quantum technology will catch up with today’s encryption standards much sooner than expected. That should worry anybody who needs to store data securely for 25 years or so. >>

How a quantum computer could break 2048-bit RSA encryption in 8 hours. Emerging Technology from the arXiv May 30, 2019.

<< When factoring 2048 bit RSA integers, our construction's spacetime volume is a hundredfold less than comparable estimates from earlier works. >>

Craig Gidney, Martin Ekera. How to factor 2048 bit RSA integers in 8 hours using 20 million noisy qubits.  arXiv:1905.09749v1 [quant-ph]



Crackin' as a snap. FonT. Dec 6, 2015

martedì 8 gennaio 2019

# acad: oops! Hindu tales break into a scientific Congress

<< G. Nageswara Rao, a vice-chancellor at Andhra University in southern India, used stories from Indian epics Ramayana and Mahabharata as proof the people of ancient India had aircraft, test-tube babies and that stem-cell research "was done in this country thousands of years ago". >>

<< The annual Indian Science Congress, which this year ran over five days at a university in northern Punjab state, ended on Monday. >>

Indian scientists protest congress speakers discrediting works of Newton, Einstein. Mumbai (Reuters). Reporting by Sankalp Phartiyal; Editing by Alison Williams.  Jan 7, 2019.

<< "Hindu Lord Vishnu used guided missiles known as 'Vishnu Chakra' and chased moving targets," added the professor of inorganic chemistry. >>

Indian scientists slam ancient Hindu 'stem cell' claim. Jan 6, 2019.


gli argomenti del prof di chimica inorganica mi hanno fatto venire in mente certe teorie circa gli "Antichi Astronauti"

giovedì 19 luglio 2018

# behav: social isolation vs. evolutionary dynamics

<< For some animals—such as beetles, ants, toads, and primates—short-term social isolation can be just as vital as social interaction to development and long-term evolution. In a review published July 17 in the journal Trends in Ecology & Evolution, two evolutionary biologists describe approaches for testing how an animal's isolation might impact natural selection and evolution. >>

Social isolation: Animals that break away from the pack can influence evolution. Cell Press. Jul 17, 2018.

AA << suggest that the 'index of social isolation', the mismatch between actual and optimal social interaction experienced by individuals within a population, may play a key role in releasing cryptic genetic variation, adaptation rates, diversification patterns, and ecosystem-level processes. Evolutionary dynamics arising from social isolation could have significant impacts in applied settings such as conservation, animal breeding, control of biological invasions, and evolutionary resilience to anthropogenic change. >>

Nathan W. Bailey, Allen J. Moore.  Evolutionary Consequences of Social Isolation. Trends in Ecology & Evolution. doi: 10.1016/j.tree.2018.05.008. Jul 17, 2018.

giovedì 21 giugno 2018

# gst: to model a system that can "collapse without warning"

<< Volcanoes progressively weaken and may collapse without warning through hydrothermal alteration. These dangerous mass wasting processes occur less-frequently than eruptions or lahars but the resultant mass flows can be large in size, posing risk to local residents, and businesses. >>

<< Collapses are often multi-hazard events, with even small-scale landslides capable of triggering eruptions or creating break-out lahars. >>

<< These kind of events demonstrated the greater need to understand and assess this process >>

Gabor Kereszturi. Modelling volcanoes that "collapse without warning". Massey University. Jun 21, 2018.

domenica 4 marzo 2018

# qubit: three-qubit operation with the Toffoli gate for scalable semiconductor quantum processors

<< The Toffoli gate is a three-qubit operation that changed the state of a target qubit conditioned on the state of two control qubits. It can be used for universal reversible classical computation, (..) >>

<< As a result, a single-step Toffoli gate can reduce the number of quantum operations dramatically, which can break the limit of coherence time and improve the efficiency of quantum computing >>

University of Science and Technology of China. Experimentally demonstrated a Toffoli gate in a semiconductor three-qubit system. March 1, 2018

Hai-Ou Li, Gang Cao, et al. Controlled Quantum Operations of a Semiconductor Three-Qubit System. Phys. Rev. Applied 2018; 9.024015. doi: 10.1103/ PhysRevApplied.9.024015. Feb 15, 2018.

sabato 17 febbraio 2018

# chem: strange labyrinth structures when a crystal is split in two

<< what happens when the periodic pattern [of a ionic crystal] comes to an abrupt end? >>

<< If one splits a cubic crystal along a certain direction, one can end up with only positive or only negative charges at the surface. Such a situation would be highly unstable >>

<< Strangely though, by raising the temperature of the surface slightly, the islands break apart and the atoms form a labyrinth of jagged lines >>

<< The labyrinth structures are not only beautiful ... >>

Vienna University of Technology. Strange things happen when a crystal is split in two. Feb 2, 2018. 

Martin Setvin, Michele Reticcioli, et al. Polarity compensation mechanisms on the perovskite surface KTaO3(001). Science. 2018; 359 (6375): 572 - 5. doi: 10.1126/science.aar2287. Feb 2, 2018.

martedì 16 gennaio 2018

# acad: new research must be better reported

<< Yet all too often research-led stories start with "researchers have found", with little mention of their names, institution and who funded their work. And the problem is that by reporting new research in this way, it fails to break down the stereotypical image of an ivory tower >>

Andy Tattersall. New research must be better reported, the future of society depends on it. Jan 8, 2018.

venerdì 15 settembre 2017

# websec: post-quantum cryptography, all of today's secrets will be lost (!)

AA << analyze the options available for a post-quantum cryptography future >>

<< The expectation is that quantum computers will be built some time after 2025 >>

<< An attacker can record our secure communications today, and break it with a quantum computer years later. All of today's secrets will be lost >> Tanja Lange

How future quantum computers will threaten today's encrypted data. Sep 14, 2017

Daniel J. Bernstein, Tanja Lange. Post-quantum cryptography.     Nature 2017; 549: 188–194 Sep 14, 2017 doi: 10.1038/nature23461

martedì 4 ottobre 2016

# s-gst: about internal tides

<< In certain parts of the ocean, towering, slow-motion rollercoasters called internal tides trundle along for miles, rising and falling for hundreds of feet in the ocean's interior while making barely a ripple at the surface >>

<< Internal tides are generated in part by differences in water density, and created along continental shelf breaks, where a shallow seafloor suddenly drops off like a cliff, creating a setting where lighter water meets denser seas. In such regions, tides on the surface produce oscillating, vertical currents, which in turn generate waves below the surface, at the interface between warmer, shallow water , and colder, deeper water >>

<< Now for the first time [AA] have accurately simulated the motion of internal tides along a shelf break called the Middle Atlantic Bight ... >>

Jennifer  Chu. Researchers  find  explanation  for  interacting  giant, hidden  ocean  waves. Sept. 28,  2016.

Samuel M. Kelly, Pierre F. J. Lermusiaux. Internal-tide interactions with the Gulf Stream and Middle Atlantic Bight shelfbreak front. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. Volume 121, Issue 8 Aug. 2016 Pages 6271–6294 DOI:10.1002/2016JC011639