martedì 21 gennaio 2025
# life: dear Mr. Donald, fuzzy evidence should be sharper, sooner or later, by Nature
lunedì 14 ottobre 2024
# gst: apropos of fluctuations, an unconventional approach to (fuzzy) morphogenesis
venerdì 12 agosto 2022
# gst: like steering a marble through a tilting labyrinth, randomness seems to quickly deliver specific outcomes.
mercoledì 18 maggio 2022
# brain: jazzy perceptions inside, there’s more to all the noise; even in the dark, neurons of the visual cortex chat
mercoledì 6 ottobre 2021
# gst: apropos of disorder & fluctuations
giovedì 2 settembre 2021
# gst: when randomly-timed external impulses can synchronize
martedì 10 agosto 2021
# a mechanism of analogy could be the master key to achieving an abstract artificial intelligence
giovedì 29 luglio 2021
# life: apropos of fuzzy cooperation, Ralph fuzzy mixture vs. world fuzzy dance ...
lunedì 28 giugno 2021
# gst: synchronous dynamics by uncorrelated noise
lunedì 22 marzo 2021
# gst: weird nature: the generation of complex (frilly, flexible, and functional) wrinkling patterns by 'defects'
venerdì 4 settembre 2020
# gst: the generation of 'fuzzy' signals for fine skeletal muscle control
venerdì 12 giugno 2020
# astro: oops? apropos of rapid expansion of trajectories, the nomadic escape propensity of Titan.
sabato 11 aprile 2020
# gst: ab.normal (fuzzy, bizarre) Nature; apparently, ancient bacterial parasites could have used CRISPR to self-defense and 'interference' for Ma ...
venerdì 31 gennaio 2020
# life: a normal (fuzzy, bizarre) Nature jumping, the little carrier snake that can bite a world ...
martedì 8 ottobre 2019
# gst: a cylindrical solitonlike that collapses into a spherical shape, and, along the filaments, central cores of matter exhibit fuzzies
In AA simulation, << the dark matter filaments show coherent interference patterns on the boson de Broglie scale and develop cylindrical solitonlike cores, which are unstable under gravity and collapse into kiloparsec-scale spherical solitons. Features of the dark matter distribution are largely unaffected by the baryonic feedback. On the contrary, the distributions of gas and stars, which do form along the entire filament, exhibit central cores imprinted by dark matter-a smoking gun signature of FDM ("fuzzy" dark matter). >>
Philip Mocz, Anastasia Fialkov, et al. First Star-Forming Structures in Fuzzy Cosmic Filaments. Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 141301. Oct 2, 2019.
Jennifer Chu. This is how a 'fuzzy' universe may have looked. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Oct 3, 2019
intrigante qui come una simulazione di evoluzione cosmologica - filamenti strutturati a cilindro mutanti (collassanti) in strutture sferoidali (ma non a generica fluttuante frittella) formanti, nei filamenti di gas, serie (sciami?) di kernel a dinamiche fuzzy - possa far immaginare generici contesti altri ...
giovedì 3 gennaio 2019
# phys: the strange world of quantum mechanics
<< In the normal world, an object such as a baseball can only be in one place at one time. But in the quantum world, a particle such as an electron can occupy an infinite number of places at the same time, existing in what physicists call a superposition of multiple states. >>
<< in the quantum world, two individual particles, such as photons can be entangled, such that the mere act of sensing one photon with a detector instantaneously forces the other photon, no matter how far away, to assume a particular state. >>
<< evidence is mounting from the world of plant physiology that some biological processes that rely on quantum superposition occur at normal temperatures, raising the possibility that unimaginably strange world of quantum mechanics may indeed intrude into the every day workings of other biological systems, such as our nervous systems. >>
<< Evolution, in its relentless quest to engineer the most energy-efficient life forms, appears to have ignored physicists’ belief that useful quantum effects can’t happen in the warm, wet environments of biology. >>
Eric Haseltine. Why You Should Care About Quantum Neuroscience.
Hints of an incredibly exciting future. Dec 31, 2018
davanti a una immagine di "enzima allosterico" qualsiasi bravo scientist sa immediatamente con cosa avra' a che fare: avra' a che fare con il caos, vale a dire con oggetti che possono generare dinamiche senz'altro confinate purtuttavia bizzarre, jazz, funky, fuzzy; invece davanti a concetti quali i due citati sopra (superposition, entanglement), e gli ipotetici effetti immaginabili all'interno di strutture biologiche, neurobiologiche, informatiche, ho idea che chiunque potrebbe sentirsi vagamente disorientato (qui si sottolinea "vagamente") ...
giovedì 20 dicembre 2018
# gst: Life as a fuzzy experiment; the approach of quantum biology
<< Quantum biology is usually considered to be a new discipline, (..) However, although the most significant findings have emerged in the past two decades, the roots of quantum biology go much deeper-to the quantum pioneers of the early twentieth century. >>
Johnjoe McFadden, Jim Al-Khalili.
The origins of quantum biology. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. Dec 12, 2018 doi: 10.1098/rspa.2018.0674
The real history of quantum biology.
University of Surrey. Dec 12, 2018 ,
giovedì 30 agosto 2018
# evol-ethno: the fuzzy dispersal and interaction dynamics of ancient (early) nomads (2)
AA << present the genome of 'Denisova 11', a bone fragment from Denisova Cave (Russia)3 and show that it comes from an individual who had a Neanderthal mother and a Denisovan father. >>
<< The finding of a first-generation Neanderthal–Denisovan offspring among the small number of archaic specimens sequenced to date suggests that mixing between Late Pleistocene hominin groups was common when they met. >>
Viviane Slon, Fabrizio Mafessoni, et al. The genome of the offspring of a Neanderthal mother and a Denisovan father. Nature. Aug 22, 2018. doi: 10.1038/s41586-018-0455-x
Marlowe Hood. Neandertal mother, Denisovan father-Newly-sequenced genome sheds light on interactions between ancient hominins. Aug 22, 2018.
the fuzzy dispersal and interaction dynamics of ancient (early) nomads. Dec 11, 2017.
mercoledì 22 agosto 2018
# a pulsatile semantic approach to assist in the drafting of sci/tech reports
<< At IBM Research AI, [AA] built an AI-based solution to assist analysts in preparing reports. >>
<< An AI-assisted solution can help analysts to prepare complete reports and also avoid bias based on past experience. >>
Oktie Hassanzadeh. Semantic concept discovery over event databases. IBM. July 17, 2018.
Oktie Hassanzadeh, Shari Trewin, Alfio Massimiliano Gliozzo. Semantic Concept Discovery Over Event Databases. ESWC. Feb 14, 2018.
sarebbe davvero singolare, sorprendente, se, dopo l'analisi dei dati, una AI "decidesse" di scrivere il report finale in forma poetica, magari con un approccio quasistocastico, fuzzy, per la stesura del testo ...
venerdì 6 luglio 2018
# evol: defining 'species', a 'fuzzy art' in a fuzzy world ...
<< there are "n+1 definitions of 'species' in a room of n biologists." >> John S. Wilkins.
Susan Milius. Defining 'species' is a fuzzy art. A schoolroom word. A vital concept. A beast to define. Science News. 192 (8): 22. Nov 1, 2017.
"n+1" or, maybe, "n+m" ...