
Visualizzazione dei post in ordine di data per la query instability. Ordina per pertinenza Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione dei post in ordine di data per la query instability. Ordina per pertinenza Mostra tutti i post

martedì 28 gennaio 2025

# gst: tuning to the edge of instability (in the cochlea)

<< Sound produces surface waves along the cochlea's basilar membrane. To achieve the ear's astonishing frequency resolution and sensitivity to faint sounds, dissipation in the cochlea must be canceled via active processes in hair cells, effectively bringing the cochlea to the edge of instability. But how can the cochlea be globally tuned to the edge of instability with only local feedback? >>

<< Surprisingly, (AA) find the basilar membrane supports two qualitatively distinct sets of modes: a continuum of localized modes and a small number of collective extended modes. Localized modes sharply peak at their resonant position and are largely uncoupled. As a result, they can be amplified almost independently from each other by local hair cells via feedback reminiscent of self-organized criticality. >>

<< However, this amplification can destabilize the collective extended modes; avoiding such instabilities places limits on possible molecular mechanisms for active feedback in hair cells. >>

AA << work illuminates how and under what conditions individual hair cells can collectively create a critical cochlea. >>️

Asheesh S. Momi, Michael C. Abbott, et al. Hair Cells in the Cochlea Must Tune Resonant Modes to the Edge of Instability without Destabilizing Collective Modes. PRX Life 3, 013001. Jan 2, 2025.

Also: sound, music, pause, silence, instability, in 

Keywords: gst, acoustics, bifurcations, sensory processes, sound detection, auditory system, ear, criticality, self-organized criticality, sound, music, pause, silence, instability

sabato 4 gennaio 2025

# gst: floating droplets excited with Faraday waves

<< The Faraday instability has been extensively studied in bounded containers but only recently has research on this phenomenon in flexible domains been conducted. (AA) study floating liquid droplets with Faraday waves excited on their surface, which undergo a slow time evolution toward a stable noncircular shape. (AA) develop a theoretical model for the evolution of the boundary of the droplet, thus allowing to simulate its full transient motion toward steady state. >>

<< By changing the forcing frequency and amplitude of (the) system, (They) observe a variety of stable droplet shapes. (..) Interesting transient behavior such as hysteresis is also discussed, where the final droplet shape depends on its previous shape. Finally, (They) touch upon droplets that do not reach a steady state shape, instead oscillating periodically in time or rotating at a constant angular velocity. >>️

L. Mazereeuw. Theoretical and experimental investigation of the shapes formed by floating droplets excited with Faraday waves. Phys. Rev. Fluids 9, 124404. Dec 19, 2024.

Also: drop, waves, instability, transition, in 

Keywords: drops, droplets, droploids, waves, instability, Faraday instability, transitions   

domenica 8 dicembre 2024

# gst: apropos of puddles, how to design and stabilize a Leidenfrost puddle

<< Leidenfrost puddles exhibit erratic bubble bursts that release vapor trapped beneath the liquid, becoming amorphous and unstable. (AA) report a method to stabilize and design a Leidenfrost puddle. >>

<< When a thin hydrophilic layer with a suitable design is placed over the liquid, the puddle adopts the layer shape due to adhesive forces and becomes stable. (AA) show a variety of puddle designs with the required layer dimensions to avoid vapor accumulation, as well as wetting and buoyancy conditions. >>

<< With the layer, the puddle evaporation rate increases significantly and can be modified by varying the layer dimensions. Finally, an illustrative use of this method in a cooling process is presented. >>️

F. Pacheco-Vázquez, M. Aguilar-González, L. Victoria-García. Designing Leidenfrost Puddles. Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 234001. Dec 4, 2024. 

Also: drop, bubble, instabilitytransition, in 

Keywords: gst, drops, bubbles, instability, transition

venerdì 22 novembre 2024

# gst: protected chaos in a topological lattice.

<< The erratic nature of chaotic behavior is thought to erode the stability of periodic behavior, including topological oscillations. However, (AA) discover that in the presence of chaos, non-trivial topology not only endures but also provides robust protection to chaotic dynamics within a topological lattice hosting non-linear oscillators. >>

<< Despite the difficulty in defining topological invariants in non-linear settings, non-trivial topological robustness still persists in the parametric state of chaotic boundary oscillations. (AA) demonstrate this interplay between chaos and topology by incorporating chaotic Chua's circuits into a topological Su-Schrieffer-Heeger (SSH) circuit. >>

<< By extrapolating from the linear limit to deep into the non-linear regime, (AA) find that distinctive correlations in the bulk and edge scroll dynamics effectively capture the topological origin of the protected chaos. (Their)  findings suggest that topologically protected chaos can be robustly achieved across a broad spectrum of periodically-driven systems, thereby offering new avenues for the design of resilient and adaptable non-linear networks. >>️

Haydar Sahin, Hakan Akgün, et al. Protected chaos in a topological lattice. arXiv: 2411.07522v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall]. Nov 12, 2024.

Also: chaos, random, instability, transition, network, ai (artificial intell), in 

Keywords: gst, chaos, random,  instability, transition, network, AI, Artificial Intelligence

lunedì 18 novembre 2024

# gst: pulse-to-crack transition, unsteady slip pulses under spatially-varying prestress scenarios.

AA << study the effects of a spatially-varying prestress τb(x) on 2D slip pulses, initially generated under a uniform τb along a rate-and-state friction fault. (They) consider periodic and constant-gradient prestress τb(x) around the reference uniform τb. For a periodic τb(x), pulses either sustain and form quasi-limit cycles in the L−c plane or decay predominantly monotonically along the L(c) line, depending on the instability index of the initial pulse and the properties of the periodic τb(x).  >>️

<< For a constant-gradient τb(x), expanding/decaying pulses closely follow the L(c) line, with systematic shifts determined by the sign and magnitude of the gradient. (They) also find that a spatially-varying τb(x) can revert the expanding/decaying nature of the initial reference pulse.  >>

<< Finally, (AA) show that a constant-gradient τb(x), of sufficient magnitude and specific sign, can lead to the nucleation of a back-propagating rupture at the healing tail of the initial pulse, generating a bilateral crack-like rupture. This pulse-to-crack transition, along with the above-described effects, demonstrate that rich rupture dynamics merge from a simple, nonuniform prestress. >>️️

Anna Pomyalov, Eran Bouchbinder. Unsteady slip pulses under spatially-varying prestress. arXiv: 2407.21539v1 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci]. Jul 31, 2024.

Also: transition, instability, crack, in 

Keywords: gst, transition, instability, crack 

sabato 16 novembre 2024

# gst: apropos of transverse instabilities, from chimeras to extensive chaos

<< Populations of coupled oscillators can exhibit a wide range of complex dynamical behavior, from complete synchronization to chimera and chaotic states. We can thus expect complex dynamics to arise in networks of such populations. >>️

Here AA << analyze the dynamics of networks of populations of heterogeneous mean-field coupled Kuramoto-Sakaguchi oscillators, and show that the instability that leads to chimera states in a simple two-population model also leads to extensive chaos in large networks of coupled populations. >>️

Pol Floriach, Jordi Garcia-Ojalvo, Pau Clusella. From chimeras to extensive chaos in networks of heterogeneous Kuramoto oscillator populations. arXiv: 2407.20408v2 [nlin.CD]. Oct 11, 2024.

Also: chimera, instability, chaos, network, in 

Keywords: gst, chimera, instability, chaos, network

sabato 2 novembre 2024

# gst: apropos of noise-assisted phenomena, self-organized transport in noisy dynamic networks.

AA << present a numerical study of multicommodity transport in a noisy, nonlinear network. The nonlinearity determines the dynamics of the edge capacities, which can be amplified or suppressed depending on the local current flowing across an edge. (AA) consider network self-organization for three different nonlinear functions: For all three (They) identify parameter regimes where noise leads to self-organization into more robust topologies, that are not found by the sole noiseless dynamics. Moreover, the interplay between noise and specific functional behavior of the nonlinearity gives rise to different features, such as (i) continuous or discontinuous responses to the demand strength and (ii) either single or multistable solutions. (AA) study shows the crucial role of the activation function on noise-assisted phenomena. >>️

Frederic Folz, Kurt Mehlhorn, Giovanna Morigi. Self-organized transport in noisy dynamic networks. Phys. Rev. E 110, 044310. Oct 21, 2024. 

Also: network, noise, behavior, self-assembly, instability, in 

Keywords: gst, network, noise, behavior, self-assembly, stability 

martedì 8 ottobre 2024

# gst: apropos of inertial particles, they dispersion in turbulent canopy flows with buoyant and nonbuoyant plumes.

<< In an idealized “wind-driven” model system, (AA) consider the impact of plume buoyancy, plume momentum, and canopy turbulence on the downstream transport of particles in the wake of a canopy, and in particular the mean and standard deviation of the distribution of landing sites. >>

<< In a first set of experiments, particles were released with a fixed starting elevation above the plumes' upper boundaries, such that the particles were not lofted by the plume. In these cases, observations suggest that plumes have a role in extending particles' streamwise transport by delaying their downward transport. The plumes also have a strong role in increasing absolute dispersion of the particles, although less so when dispersion is normalized by distance traveled. While canopy turbulence alone significantly increases particle dispersion, in the presence of the plume its impact is more limited. Canopy turbulence was also found to cause shorter mean landing positions. >>

<< In a second set of experiments, particles were released at the plume source/outlet such that their initial vertical momentum was provided by the plume's momentum and buoyancy. In these cases, the impact of canopy turbulence on particle transport is observed more distinctly. The canopy coherent structures introduce a mechanical instability to the plume, which manifests as vertical oscillatory motions that lead to variability in the particles' initial conditions and, therefore, trajectories. This leads to particles settling at both shorter and longer downstream distances. >>

Hayoon Chung, Laura K. C. Sunberg, et al. Dispersion of inertial particles in turbulent canopy flows with buoyant and nonbuoyant plumes. Phys. Rev. Fluids 9, 093801. Sept 25, 2024.

Also: particle, turbulence, in 

Keywords: gst, particle, turbulence

lunedì 9 settembre 2024

# gst: critical crack length during fracture.

AA << established an inverse correlation between the strength of the material and the cracks which grow inside it—both the maximum crack and the one that sets in instability within the system, defined to be the critical crack. >>

AA << found that the maximum and the critical crack often differ from each other unless the disorder strength is extremely low. A phase diagram on the plane of disorder vs system size demarcates between the regions where the largest crack is the most vulnerable one and where they differ from each other but still show moderate correlation. >>️

Viswakannan R.K., Subhadeep Roy. Critical crack length during fracture. Phys. Rev. E 110, 024134. Aug 26, 2024.

Also: crack, instability, fluctuations, noise, in 

Keywords: gst, crack, instability, fluctuations, noise, criticality

giovedì 8 agosto 2024

# gst: when a continuous attractor could survive seemingly destructive bifurcations

<< Continuous attractors offer a unique class of solutions for storing continuous-valued variables in recurrent system states for indefinitely long time intervals. Unfortunately, continuous attractors suffer from severe structural instability in general--they are destroyed by most infinitesimal changes of the dynamical law that defines them. >>️

AA << build on the persistent manifold theory to explain the commonalities between bifurcations from and approximations of continuous attractors. Fast-slow decomposition analysis uncovers the persistent manifold that survives the seemingly destructive bifurcation. Moreover, recurrent neural networks trained on analog memory tasks display approximate continuous attractors with predicted slow manifold structures. >>️

<< continuous attractors are functionally robust and remain useful as a universal analogy for understanding analog memory. >>

Ábel Ságodi, Guillermo Martín-Sánchez, Piotr Sokół, Il Memming Park. Back to the Continuous Attractor. arXiv: 2408.00109v1 [q-bio.NC]. Jul 31, 2024. 

Also: attractor, analogy, brain, in 

Keywords: gst, attractor, continuous attractor, analogy, brain

lunedì 24 giugno 2024

# gst: buckling instability in a chain of sticky bubbles

<< A slender object undergoing an axial compression will buckle to alleviate the stress. Typically the morphology of the deformed object depends on the bending stiffness for solids, or the viscoelastic properties for liquid threads. >>️

AA << study a chain of uniform sticky air bubbles that rise due to buoyancy through an aqueous bath. A buckling instability of the bubble chain with a characteristic wavelength is observed.  >>️

<< If a chain of bubbles is produced faster than it is able to rise, the dominance of viscous drag over buoyancy results in a compressive stress that is alleviated by buckling the bubble chain. >>️

<< Unlike other systems, in which buckling arises from a cost associ­ated with bending, to our knowledge this is the first study of drag-induced buckling with no intrinsic cost to bending—a buckling instability with a characteristic lengthscale emerges as a result of hydrodynamics. >>
Carmen L. Lee and Kari Dalnoki-Veress. Buckling instability in a chain of sticky bubbles. Phys. Rev. Research 6, L022062. Jun 14, 2024. 

Also: bubble, instability, transition, in 

Keywords: gst, bubble, instability, drop, droplet, droploid, transition 

giovedì 13 giugno 2024

# gst: helical instabilities from mixed mode transitions in boundary layers

<< Recent (..) direct numerical simulations (DNS) of adverse- and zero-pressure-gradient boundary layers beneath moderate levels of free stream turbulence (𝑇⁢𝑢≤2%) revealed a mixed mode transition regime, intermediate between orderly and bypass routes. >>️

<< In this regime, the amplitudes of the Klebanoff streaks and instability waves are similar, and both can contribute significantly as these interact. Three-dimensional visualizations of transitional eddies revealed a helical pattern, quite distinct from the sinuous and varicose forms seen in pure bypass transition. This raises the fundamental question of whether the helical pattern could be attributed to a previously unknown instability mode. >>️

In AA work << based on stability analyses, (they) show that it is indeed the case. Two-dimensional stability analyses are performed herein for base flows extracted from DNS flow fields. >>️

Rikhi Bose, Paul A. Durbin. Mixed mode transition in boundary layers: Helical instability. Phys. Rev. Fluids 9, 063905. Jun 12, 2024. 

Also: instability, transition, turbulence, waves, in 

Keywords: gst, instability, transition, turbulence, waves

martedì 23 gennaio 2024

# gst: self-repelling species could self-organize.

<< Catalytically active particles form clusters when they respond not only to their own chemical targets but to those of other catalysts, too. >>️

AA  << show that the phenomenon of self-organization depends strongly on the network topology. >>️

They << modeled a three-species system (..) systems where each species responds chemotactically only to its own substrate cannot self-organize unless one species is self-attracting. >>️

<< Next, they developed a model that allowed species to respond to both their substrates and their products. Pair interactions between different species in this more complex model drove an instability that spread throughout the three-species system, causing the catalysts to clump together. Surprisingly, this self-organization process occurred even among particles that were individually self-repelling. >>️

Rachel Berkowitz. Self-Repelling Species Still Self-Organize. Physics 16, s128. Sept 19, 2023. 

Vincent Ouazan-Reboul, Ramin Golestanian, Jaime Agudo-Canalejo. Network effects lead to self-organization in metabolic cycles of self-repelling catalysts. Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 128301. Sep 19, 2023. 

Also: self-assembly, network, in 

Keywords: gst, self-assembly, network,  topology.

lunedì 22 gennaio 2024

# gst: the hypothesis of a new type of rogue waves.

<< Much attention of researchers has been paid in the recent decades to the study of rogue waves. Various mechanisms of formation of these waves were suggested. The occurrence of rogue waves is most often investigated on the basis of the mechanisms of modulation instability and superposition of waves. In both cases, an evolution of rogue waves takes place against the background of a wave field, which is reflected in the definitions of such waves. In this report, the localized waves developed in the absence of the background wave fields are considered. At the same time, their dynamics corresponds to the dynamics of rogue waves that ”appear from nowhere and disappear without a trace”. >>️

<< The waves of this type are distinguished by the fact that their dynamics occur on the zero background. This implies that rogue waves presented here are formed solely due to the nonlinear focusing. >>️

N.V. Ustinov. New type of rogue waves. arXiv:2310.17254v1 [nlin.SI]. Oct 26, 2023.  
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals V. 179, Feb 2024, 114467.

Keywords: gst, waves, rogue waves 

giovedì 14 dicembre 2023

# gst: pulsating active matter.

<< the mechanical pulsation of locally synchronized particles is a generic route to propagate deformation waves. >>
AA << consider a model of dense repulsive particles whose activity drives periodic change in size of each individual. >>️

They << show that the competition between repulsion and synchronization triggers an instability which promotes a wealth of dynamical patterns, ranging from spiral waves to defect turbulence. >>️

Yiwei Zhang, Etienne Fodor. Pulsating Active Matter. Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 238302. Dec 8, 2023. 

Also: waves, particle, transition, instability, turbulence, in 

Keywords: gst, waves, particle, transition, instability, turbulence

sabato 9 dicembre 2023

# gst: buckling instability of sticky bubbles.

<< A slender object undergoing an axial compression will buckle to alleviate the stress. Typically the morphology of the deformed object depends on the bending stiffness for solids, or the viscoelastic properties for liquid threads. >>️

AA << study a chain of uniform sticky air bubbles in an aqueous bath that rise due to buoyancy. A buckling instability of the bubble chain, with a characteristic wavelength, is observed in the absence of a bending stiffness. If a chain of bubbles is produced faster than it is able to rise, the dominance of viscous drag over buoyancy results in a compressive stress that is alleviated by buckling the bubble chain. >>
Carmen L. Lee, Kari Dalnoki-Veress. Buckling instability in a chain of sticky bubbles. arXiv: 2311.15452v1 [cond-mat.soft]. Nov 26, 2023.

Also: bubble, instability, in 

Keywords: gst, bubble, instability, buckling instability

martedì 26 settembre 2023

# gst: apropos of transitions, three distinct new families of long-wave instabilities and potential new pathways to turbulence.

AA << reveal three previously unknown instabilities, distinct from the well-known Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability (KHI) and Holmboe Wave Instability (HWI), in that they have longer wavelengths (..) and often slower growth rates. >>

<< The circumstances under which turbulence can persist in strongly stratified flows remains a fascinating debate within the community. [AA] demonstrated that weakly unstable (very) long waves may trigger turbulence and mixing after long periods of time, even under initially very strongly stratified conditions. >>

Lu Zhu, Amir Atoufi, Adrien Lefauve, Rich R. Kerswell, P. F. Linden. Long-wave instabilities of sloping stratified exchange flows. arXiv:2309.10056v1 [physics.flu-dyn]. Sep 18, 2023.

Also: waves, instability, transition, turbulence, chaos, in

Keywords: gst, waves, instability, long-wave instability, transition, turbulence, chaos

mercoledì 20 settembre 2023

# gst: apropos of collisions of a vortex dipoles, vortex unbinding, vortex pinning to the edge, and emission of rarefaction pulses.

<< Vortices and dark solitons are fundamental defects that appear in nonlinear physics at all scales, from nonlinear optics to cosmic fluids. In two or three dimensions, dark solitons are fundamentally connected to highly ordered vortex states through an intrinsic modulation instability in the surrounding matter. >>️

<< Here, [AA] report an experimental realization of ring dark soliton (RDS)  generation in a two-dimensional atomic superfluid trapped in a circular box. By quenching the confining box potential, [they] observe an RDS emitted from the edge and its peculiar signature in the radial motion. As an RDS evolves, [they] observe transverse modulations at discrete azimuthal angles, which clearly result in a patterned formation of a circular vortex dipole array. Through collisions of the vortex dipoles with the box trap, [they] observe vortex unbinding, vortex pinning to the edge, and emission of rarefaction pulses. >>

Hikaru Tamura, Cheng-An Chen, Chen-Lung Hung. Observation of Self-Patterned Defect Formation in Atomic Superfluids–from Ring Dark Solitons to Vortex Dipole Necklaces. Phys. Rev. X 13, 031029. Sep 14, 2023. 

Also: soliton, vortex, turbulence, waves, in:  

Keywords: gst, soliton, dark soliton, vortex, turbulence, waves. 

sabato 5 agosto 2023

# gst: tipping in a low-dimensional model of a (tropical) cyclone.

 <<Tipping is the rapid, and often irreversible, change in the state of a system [Ashwin P. et al (2017)] >> 

AA << present a case study of both rate and noise-induced tipping between the stable states, relating to the destabilization or formation of a tropical cyclone. While the stochastic system exhibits transitions both to and from the non-storm state, noise-induced tipping is more likely to form a storm, whereas rate-induced tipping is more likely to be the way a storm is destabilized, and in fact, rate-induced tipping can never lead to the formation of a storm when acting alone. For rate-induced tipping acting as a destabilizer of the storm, a striking result is that both wind shear and maximal potential velocity have to increase, at a substantial rate, in order to effect tipping away from the active hurricane state. For storm formation through noise-induced tipping, (AA) identify a specific direction along which the non-storm state is most likely to get activated. >> 

Katherine Slyman, John A. Gemmer, et al. Tipping in a Low-Dimensional Model of a Tropical Cyclone. arXiv: 2307.15583v1 [math.DS]. Jul 28, 2023.
Also: vortex, instability, noise, in

Keywords: gst, climate, storm, cyclone, vortex, noise, tipping, noise-induced tipping

mercoledì 26 luglio 2023

# gst: transitions by coupled instabilities

AA << present an experimental study of quasiperiodic transitions between a highly ordered square-lattice pattern and a disordered, defect-riddled state, in a circular Faraday system. (They)  show that the transition is driven initially by a long-wave amplitude modulation instability, which excites the oscillatory transition phase instability, leading to the formation of dislocations in the Faraday lattice. The appearance of dislocations dampens amplitude modulations, which prevents further defects from being created and allows the system to relax back to its ordered state. The process then repeats itself in a quasiperiodic manner. >>

Valeri Frumkin, Shreyas Gokhale. Coupled instabilities drive quasiperiodic order-disorder transitions in Faraday waves. Phys. Rev. E 108, L012601. July 17, 2023. 

Also: parrondo, tit-for-tat, game, transition, chaos, in

Keywords: parrondo, tit-for-tat, game,  transition, chaos