venerdì 31 gennaio 2025
# gst: multiple Pareto-optimal solutions of the dissipation-adaptation trade-off
martedì 31 dicembre 2024
# gst: stochastic adaptation, stochastic resonance.
venerdì 4 novembre 2022
# gst: apropos of transitions, disordered systems mimic genetic evolution.
sabato 4 giugno 2022
# pnei: brain motor and fear circuits regulate leukocytes during acute stress
mercoledì 29 dicembre 2021
# game: in a iterated prisoner's dilemma scenario forgiveness turns out to be an adaptation
mercoledì 1 luglio 2020
# life: apropos of transitional blennies
mercoledì 3 giugno 2020
# behav: persistent neuronal firing during flight in flies, like a pulsating gambler who has to decide quickly
giovedì 23 gennaio 2020
# gst: self‐assembly of porous, chiral nano-patterns from simple building blocks.
mercoledì 11 settembre 2019
# gst: apropos to try numerically to discover states with desired response properties in chaotic (i.e. normal - ab.normal) systems, by Hridesh, Deng, Jean-Jacques, Jeremy.
Systems with many stable configurations abound in nature, both in living and inanimate matter. Their inherent nonlinearity and sensitivity to small perturbations make them challenging to study, particularly in the presence of external driving, which can alter the relative stability of different attractors. Under such circumstances, one may ask whether any clear relationship holds between the specific pattern of external driving and the particular attractor states selected by a driven multistable system. To gain insight into this question, (AA) numerically study driven disordered mechanical networks of bistable springs which possess a vast number of stable configurations arising from the two stable rest lengths of each spring, thereby capturing the essential physical properties of a broad class of multistable systems. (AA) find that the attractor states of driven disordered multistable mechanical networks are fine-tuned with respect to the pattern of external forcing to have low work absorption from it. Furthermore, (AA) find that these drive-specific attractor states are even more stable than expected for a given level of work absorption. (AA) results suggest that the driven exploration of the vast configuration space of these systems is biased towards states with exceptional relationship to the driving environment, and could therefore be used to 'discover' states with desired response properties in systems with a vast landscape of diverse configurations.
Hridesh Kedia, Deng Pan, et al. Drive-specific adaptation in disordered mechanical networks of bistable springs. arXiv:1908.09332v1 [nlin.AO] Aug 25, 2019.
keyword "three" in: FonT
keyword "three" in: Notes
lunedì 3 settembre 2018
# gst: a chaos-inducing approach against superbugs evolution
<< The CHAOS [Controlled Hindrance of Adaptation of OrganismS] method takes advantage of this effect, pulling multiple genetic levers in order to build up stress on the bacterial cell and eventually trigger a cascading failure, leaving the bug more vulnerable to current treatments. The technique does not alter the bug's DNA itself, only the expression of individual genes, similar to the way a coded message is rendered useless without the proper decryption. >>
<< We now have a way to cut off the evolutionary pathways of some of the nastiest bugs and potentially prevent future bugs from emerging at all, >> Peter Otoupal
Chaos-inducing genetic approach stymies antibiotic-resistant superbugs. University of Colorado at Boulder. Sept 3, 2018.
<< While individual perturbations improved fitness during antibiotic exposure, multiplexed perturbations caused large fitness loss in a significant epistatic fashion. >>
Peter B. Otoupal, William T. Cordell, et al. Multiplexed deactivated CRISPR-Cas9 gene expression perturbations deter bacterial adaptation by inducing negative epistasis. Comm Biol 1 (129) Sept 3, 2018
giovedì 19 luglio 2018
# behav: social isolation vs. evolutionary dynamics
<< For some animals—such as beetles, ants, toads, and primates—short-term social isolation can be just as vital as social interaction to development and long-term evolution. In a review published July 17 in the journal Trends in Ecology & Evolution, two evolutionary biologists describe approaches for testing how an animal's isolation might impact natural selection and evolution. >>
Social isolation: Animals that break away from the pack can influence evolution. Cell Press. Jul 17, 2018.
AA << suggest that the 'index of social isolation', the mismatch between actual and optimal social interaction experienced by individuals within a population, may play a key role in releasing cryptic genetic variation, adaptation rates, diversification patterns, and ecosystem-level processes. Evolutionary dynamics arising from social isolation could have significant impacts in applied settings such as conservation, animal breeding, control of biological invasions, and evolutionary resilience to anthropogenic change. >>
Nathan W. Bailey, Allen J. Moore. Evolutionary Consequences of Social Isolation. Trends in Ecology & Evolution. doi: 10.1016/j.tree.2018.05.008. Jul 17, 2018.
sabato 21 aprile 2018
# life: Sea Nomads freediving skills (they free dive up to 70 meters deep)
<< Understanding the physiology and genetics of human hypoxia tolerance has important medical implications, but this phenomenon has thus far only been investigated in high-altitude human populations. Another system, yet to be explored, is humans who engage in breath-hold diving. The indigenous Bajau people (“Sea Nomads”) of Southeast Asia live a subsistence lifestyle based on breath-hold diving and are renowned for their extraordinary breath-holding abilities >>
<< the Bajau, and possibly other diving populations, provide a new opportunity to study human adaptation to hypoxia tolerance >>
Melissa A. Ilardo, Ida Moltke, et al. Physiological and Genetic Adaptations to Diving in Sea Nomads.
Cell. 2018; 173 (3): 569 - 80.e15. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2018.03.054. Apr 19, 2018.
<< Members of the Bajau can dive up to 70 meters with nothing more than a set of weights and a pair of wooden goggles >>
<< As they never dive competitively it is uncertain exactly how long the Bajau can remain underwater, but one of them told researcher Melissa Ilardo that he had once dived for 13 minutes consecutively >>
University of Cambridge. Genetic adaptations to diving discovered in humans for the first time. Apr 19, 2018.
martedì 17 aprile 2018
# brain: a new learning theory; the role of weak synapses
AA << demonstrate a new type of abundant cooperative nonlinear dynamics where learning is attributed solely to the nodes, instead of the network links which their number is significantly larger >>
<< The network dynamics is now counterintuitively governed by the weak links, which previously were assumed to be insignificant >>
Shira Sardi, Roni Vardi, et al. Adaptive nodes enrich nonlinear cooperative learning beyond traditional adaptation by links. Scientific Reports. 2018; 8 (5100). doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-23471-7. March 23, 2018.
The brain learns completely differently than we’ve assumed, new learning theory says. New post-Hebb brain-learning model may lead to new brain treatments and breakthroughs in faster deep learning. Mar 28, 2018.
martedì 19 dicembre 2017
# behav: Calanoid copepods swim freely and jump in turbulence
AA << provide evidence for an active adaptation that allows these small organisms [Calanoid copepods] to adjust their motility in response to background flow >>
Francois-Gael Michalec, Itzhak Fouxon, et al. Zooplankton can actively adjust their motility to turbulent flow. PNAS. doi:10.1073/pnas.1708888114
<< These jumps enable the plankton to hunt their prey and the males to catch a female >> Markus Holzner.
Plankton swim against the current.
Dec 12, 2017.
lunedì 4 dicembre 2017
# brain: perception of musical rhythms in mammals
AA << confirmed that beat perception, far from being a unique human trait, is likely strongly conserved in mammals >>
Andrew Masterson. Beat perception more primitive than thought. New research shows gerbils react differently to varying musical rhythms. Nov 9, 2017.
Vani G. Rajendran, Nicol S. Harper, et al. Midbrain adaptation may set the stage for the perception of musical beat. Proc. R. Soc. B 2017 284 20171455; DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2017.1455. Nov 8, 2017.
mercoledì 25 ottobre 2017
# behav: make yourself an ethoscope, by Quentin, Luis et al
<< Exploded drawing of an archetypal ethoscope. The machine is composed of ... >>
<< The ethoscope could be customised for a range of different scenarios >>
<< Another possible use of ethoscopes is the adaptation of the platform to detect behavior of other animals >>
Studying insect behavior? Make yourself an ethoscope. Oct 19, 2017.
Quentin Geissmann, Luis Garcia Rodriguez, et al. Ethoscopes: An open platform for high-throughput ethomics. PLOS Biol 15 (10): e2003026. doi: 10.1371/journal.pbio.2003026