
Visualizzazione dei post in ordine di data per la query growth. Ordina per pertinenza Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione dei post in ordine di data per la query growth. Ordina per pertinenza Mostra tutti i post

lunedì 3 marzo 2025

# gst: apropos of transitions to turbulence, pulsatility delays the transition to sustained turbulence in quasi-2D shear flows

<< Two-dimensional disturbances require high Reynolds numbers to incite transition from a steady base flow, as transient growth is modest. With the addition of an oscillatory base flow component, (AA) work shows that the transient growth experienced by two-dimensional initial perturbations is often well above that provided by the steady component. >>

<< However, as has been shown for three-dimensional flows [B. Pier and P. J. Schmid, J. Fluid Mech. 926, A11 (2021)], the transient growth is almost entirely composed of modal intracyclic growth, rather than a transient mechanism which takes advantage of non-normality. This lack of transient growth, relative to the severe decay induced by the favorable pressure gradient during the acceleration phase of the oscillatory base flow, only ever delays the transition to sustained turbulence. >>

<< Thus, a nonoscillatory driving force remains the most efficient strategy for sustained turbulence in quasi-two-dimensional shear flows. The only benefit provided by pulsatility is that the amplitude of the initial condition required to trigger intermittent turbulence is orders of magnitude smaller. >>️

Christopher J. Camobreco, Alban Pothérat, Gregory J. Sheard. Pulsatility delays the transition to sustained turbulence in quasi-two-dimensional shear flows. Phys. Rev. Fluids 10, 023905. Feb 25, 2025.

Also: pause, transition, turbulence, vortex, in 

Keywords: gst, pause, transition, turbulence, vortex

giovedì 23 gennaio 2025

# gst: apropos of viscoelastic flow instabilities, uncertainty in elastic turbulence.

<< Elastic turbulence can lead to increased flow resistance, mixing and heat transfer. Its control - either suppression or promotion - has significant potential, and there is a concerted ongoing effort by the community to improve our understanding. >>

AA << identify four regimes of uncertainty evolution, characterised by I) rapid transfer to large scales, with large scale growth rates of τ6 (where τ represents time), II) a dissipative reduction of uncertainty, III) exponential growth at all scales, and IV) saturation. These regimes are governed by the interplay between advective and polymeric contributions (which tend to amplify uncertainty), viscous, relaxation and dissipation effects (which reduce uncertainty), and inertial contributions. >>

<< In elastic turbulence, reducing Reynolds number increases uncertainty at short times, but does not significantly influence the growth of uncertainty at later times. At late times, the growth of uncertainty increases with Weissenberg number, with decreasing polymeric diffusivity, and with the logarithm of the maximum length scale, as large flow features adjust the balance of advective and relaxation effects. >>

Jack R. C. King, Robert J. Poole, et al. Uncertainty in Elastic Turbulence. arXiv: 2501.09421v1 [physics.flu-dyn]. Jan 16, 2025. 

Also: uncertainty, elastic, turbulence, in 

Keywords: gst, uncertainty, elastic, elasticity, turbulence 

lunedì 11 novembre 2024

# gst: apropos of bubbles, the case of bubbles collapsing near a wall.

AA << study examines the pressure exerted by a cavitation bubble collapsing near a rigid wall. A laser-generated bubble in a water basin undergoes growth, collapse, second growth, and final collapse. Shock waves and liquid jets from non-spherical collapses are influenced by the stand-off ratio γ, defined as the bubble centroid distance from the wall divided by the bubble radius. (AA) detail shock mechanisms, such as tip or torus collapse, for various γ values. High-speed and Schlieren imaging visualize the microjet and shock waves. The microjet's evolution is tracked for large γ, while shock waves are captured in composite images showing multiple shock positions. Quantitative analyses of the microjet interface, shock wave velocities, and impact times are reported. Wall-mounted sensors and a needle hydrophone measure pressure and compare with high-speed observations to assess the dominant contributions to pressure changes with γ, revealing implications for cavitation erosion mechanisms. >>️

Roshan Kumar Subramanian, Zhidian Yang, et al. Bubble collapse near a wall. Part 1: An experimental study on the impact of shock waves and microjet on the wall pressure. arXiv: 2408.03479v2 [physics.flu-dyn]. Aug 8, 2024. 

Also: bubble, drop, in 

Keywords: gst, bubble, bubble collapse 

venerdì 1 novembre 2024

# gst: monitoring of stable crack growth; crack tip behavior at the nanoscale (during ceramic fracture).

<< To understand fracture and make brittle materials more ductile, (AA) rely on modeling what happens at a crack tip. However, observing a crack tip in a brittle material is challenging: cracks propagate fast, and the events that (AA) are interested in observing occur at the nanoscale or below. Up to now, (They) were not able to observe what happens ahead of a moving crack tip. >>

<< In this work, (AA) show how by carefully performing fracture experiments inside a transmission electron microscope (They) can grow stable cracks while observing the nanoscale events happening at the crack tip. >>️

Oriol Gavalda-Diaz, Max Emmanuel, et al. Observing the crack tip behavior at the nanoscale during fracture of ceramics. PNAS. 121 (43) e2408292121. Oct 17, 2024.

Also: fracture, crack, behav in 

Keywords: gst, fracture, crack, behavior

lunedì 1 luglio 2024

# gst: the strangeness of networks, the hypothesis of a connection between the kinetics of networks and anomalous transport theory.

<< Many real-world networks change over time. Think, for example, of social interactions, gene activation in a cell, or strategy making in financial markets, where connections and disconnections occur all the time. >>

AA team << has gained groundbreaking insights into this problem by recasting the discrete dynamics of a network as a continuous time series (..). In doing so, the researchers have discovered that if the breaking and forming of links are represented as a particle moving in a suitable geometric space, then its motion is subdiffusive—that is, slower than it would be if it diffused normally. What’s more, the particles’ motions are well described by fractional Brownian motion, a generalization of Einstein’s classic model. This feat establishes a profound connection between the kinetics of time-varying or “temporal” networks and anomalous transport theory, opening fresh prospects for developing predictive equations of motion for networks. >>️

Ivan Bonamassa. Strange Kinetics Shape Network Growth. Physics 17, 96. Jun 17, 2024.

Evangelos S. Papaefthymiou, Costas Iordanou, Fragkiskos Papadopoulos. Fundamental Dynamics of Popularity-Similarity Trajectories in Real Networks. Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 257401. Jun 17, 2024. 

Also: network, transition, in 

Keywords: gst, network, transition

mercoledì 3 aprile 2024

# gst: elastomers fail from the edge.

<< The performance of soft devices is limited by the fracture resistance of elastomers. (..) A key observation is that thicker elastomers can be significantly tougher than thinner ones. (AA) show that this surprising toughness enhancement in thick samples emerges from the 3D geometry of the fracture process. In contrast to the classical picture of a 2D crack, failure is driven by the growth of two separate “edge” cracks that nucleate early on at a sample’s sides. As loading is increased, these cracks propagate in towards the sample midplane. When they merge, samples reach their ultimate failure strength. In thicker samples, edge cracks need to propagate farther before meeting, resulting in increased sample toughness. (AA) demonstrate that edge-crack growth is controlled by the elastomer’s strain-stiffening properties. >>
Nan Xue, Rong Long, Eric R. Dufresne, Robert W. Style. Elastomers Fail from the Edge. Phys. Rev. X 14, 011054. March 22, 2024. 

Also: elastic, crack, in 

Keywords: gst, elastic, crack, elastomers, fracture

martedì 26 settembre 2023

# gst: apropos of transitions, three distinct new families of long-wave instabilities and potential new pathways to turbulence.

AA << reveal three previously unknown instabilities, distinct from the well-known Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability (KHI) and Holmboe Wave Instability (HWI), in that they have longer wavelengths (..) and often slower growth rates. >>

<< The circumstances under which turbulence can persist in strongly stratified flows remains a fascinating debate within the community. [AA] demonstrated that weakly unstable (very) long waves may trigger turbulence and mixing after long periods of time, even under initially very strongly stratified conditions. >>

Lu Zhu, Amir Atoufi, Adrien Lefauve, Rich R. Kerswell, P. F. Linden. Long-wave instabilities of sloping stratified exchange flows. arXiv:2309.10056v1 [physics.flu-dyn]. Sep 18, 2023.

Also: waves, instability, transition, turbulence, chaos, in

Keywords: gst, waves, instability, long-wave instability, transition, turbulence, chaos

giovedì 2 marzo 2023

# gst: when science meets poetry, an image of three-dimensional stepped cracks (bistability, and their transition to simple cracks)

<< Slow cracks may be simple, with no internal structure. The leading edge of a simple crack, the crack front, forms a single fracture plane in its wake. Slow cracks may also develop segmented crack fronts, each segment propagating along a separate fracture plane. These planes merge at locations that form steps along fracture surfaces. Steps are not stationary, but instead propagate within a crack front. Real-time measurements of crack front structure and energy flux reveal that step dynamics significantly increase energy dissipation and drastically alter crack dynamics. Simple and stepped cracks are each stable. By extending the use of energy balance to include 3D crack front structure, (AA) find that, while energy balance is obeyed, it is insufficient to select the energetically favorable crack growth mode. Transitions from stepped cracks to simple cracks occur only when their in-plane front lengths become equal and a perturbation momentarily changes step topology. Such 3D crack dynamics challenge our traditional understanding of fracture. >>

Meng Wang, Mokhtar Adda-Bedia, Jay Fineberg. Dynamics of three-dimensional stepped cracks, bistability, and their transition to simple cracks. Phys. Rev. Research 5, L012001. Jan 9, 2023. 


keyword 'crack' in FonT

keyword 'rottura' | 'crepa' | 'frattura' | 'rugosa' in Notes
(quasi-stochastic poetry)

keywords 'meets poetry' in FonT

Keywords:  gst, transitions, dynamical phase transitions, crack, cracking,   fracture, roughness

venerdì 24 febbraio 2023

# gst: apropos of transitions, erratic, bursty growth processes in cellular sprawl

<< A new “bursty growth” model for organelles—internal components of biological cells—helps explain observed size fluctuations. >>

<< Biologists have identified within cells many specialized structures called organelles that carry out crucial tasks, but how cells regulate the size and the number of organelles has remained a puzzle. Now, using simulations backed by experiments, biophysicists have demonstrated that cells appear to produce organelles through a seemingly erratic, or “bursty,” growth process, which enables them to control average organelle sizes and numbers while also constraining organelle size variations within any cell. The work helps to build up a more fundamental understanding of the mechanisms of cellular function. >>️

<< We wondered if organelle growth, far from being an orderly ‘brick-by-brick’ assembly, might occur in more random bursts,  (..) The burst model can thus explain how cells balance organelle sizes and numbers while also keeping size fluctuations within a narrow window, >> Shankar Mukherji.

<< This “universal” behavior suggests that the burst mechanism underlies all organelle growth, despite the fact that each organelle has a unique building process. >>️
Mark Buchanan. Organelle Building Codes. Physics 16, 3. Jan 6, 2023. 

Kiandokht Panjtan Amiri, Asa Kalish, Shankar Mukherji. Robustness and Universality in Organelle Size Control. Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 018401. Jan 6,  2023. 


keyword 'growth' in FonT

keyword 'erratico' | 'erratica' in Notes
(quasi-stochastic poetry)

keyword 'erratic' in FonT

Keywords: gst, cell, cell assembly, growth, erratic growth, transition

martedì 21 febbraio 2023

# gst: towards (insights into) intermittency and inhomogeneity of turbulent mixing

<< Fluid elements deform in turbulence by stretching and folding. In this work, by projecting the material deformation tensor onto the largest stretching direction, the dynamics of folding is depicted through the evolution of the material curvature. Results from direct numerical simulation (DNS) show that the curvature growth exhibits two regimes, first a linear stage dominated by folding fluid elements through a persistent velocity Hessian which then transitions to an exponential growth driven by the stretching of already strongly bent fluid elements. This transition leads to strong curvature intermittency at later stages, which can be explained by a proposed curvature-evolution model. The link between velocity Hessian to folding provides a new way to understand the crucial steps in energy cascade and mixing in turbulence beyond the classical linear description. >>

Yinghe Qi, Charles Meneveau, Greg Voth, Rui Ni. Folding dynamics and its intermittency in turbulence. arXiv: 2301.10341v1 [physics.flu-dyn]. Jan 24, 2023. 


keyword 'intermittency' in FonT

keyword 'turbulence' in FonT

keyword 'turbolento' | 'turbolenza' in Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry)

keyword 'transition' | 'transitional' in FonT

keyword 'transition' | 'transizion*' in Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry)

Keywords: gst, intermittency, turbulence, transition

giovedì 22 dicembre 2022

# gst: breakthrough in unstable growth processes, shorter branches can revive when a striking transition of the leading branch reaches the boundary of the system.

<< Transport networks, such as vasculature or river networks, provide key functions in organisms and the environment. They often emerge as a result of unstable growth processes, in which growing branches compete for the available flux. This leads to effective repulsion between the branches and screening of the shorter ones. (AA) show that a striking transition in growth dynamics takes place as the leading branch reaches the boundary of the system. The shorter branches revive then and grow toward the leading one forming loops. These effects are observed both in living and inanimate systems. >>

Stanisław Zukowski, Annemiek Johanna Maria Cornelissen, et al. Finger revival and reconnections near breakthrough in unstable growth processes. arXiv: 2212.08878v1 [physics.flu-dyn]. Dec 17, 2022.


keyword 'transition' in FonT

keyword 'transizione' | 'transition' in Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry): 

Keywords: gst, transition, growth, growth dynamics, transport networks, spatial networks

martedì 20 dicembre 2022

# gst: slow dynamics of a interacting mobile impurity (in a bath of localized particles)

AA << investigate dynamics of a single mobile impurity immersed in a bath of Anderson localized particles and focus on the regime of relatively strong disorder and interactions. In that regime, the dynamics of the system is particularly slow, suggesting, at short times, an occurrence of many-body localization. Considering longer time scales, (AA) show that the latter is a transient effect and that, eventually, the impurity spreads sub-diffusively and induces a gradual delocalization of the Anderson insulator. The phenomenology of the system in the considered regime of slow dynamics includes a sub-diffusive growth of mean square displacement of the impurity, power-law decay of density correlation functions of the Anderson insulator and a power-law growth of entanglement entropy in the system. (AA) observe a similar regime of slow dynamics also when the disorder in the system is replaced by a sufficiently strong quasi-periodic potential. >>

Piotr Sierant, Titas Chanda, Maciej Lewenstein, Jakub Zakrzewski. Slow dynamics of a mobile impurity interacting with an Anderson insulator. arXiv: 2212.07107v1 [cond-mat.dis-nn]. Dec 14, 2022. 


keyword 'particle' | 'quasiparticle' in FonT

keyword 'particelle' in Notes
(quasi-stochastic poetry)

Keywords: gst, particles, impurity, disorder, sub-diffusive growth, transition, entanglement entropy

mercoledì 20 aprile 2022

# life: apropos of transitions, a leap from chemistry to biology, the hypothesis of self-assembling droplets, the 'droplet world'.

AA << identify conditions suitable for concurrent peptide generation and self-assembly, and (..) show how a proliferating peptide-based droplet could be created by using synthesised amino acid thioesters as prebiotic monomers. Oligopeptides generated from the monomers spontaneously formed droplets through liquid–liquid phase separation in water. The droplets underwent a steady growth–division cycle by periodic addition of monomers through autocatalytic self-reproduction. Heterogeneous enrichment of RNA and lipids within droplets enabled RNA to protect the droplet from dissolution by lipids. >>

Matsuo, M., Kurihara, K. Proliferating coacervate droplets as the missing link between chemistry and biology in the origins of life. Nat Commun 12, 5487. doi: 10.1038/ s41467-021-25530-6. Sep 24,  2021.

<< By constructing peptide droplets that proliferate with feeding on novel amino acid derivatives, we have experimentally elucidated the long-standing mystery of how prebiotic ancestors were able to proliferate and survive by selectively concentrating prebiotic chemicals, (..) Rather than an RNA world, we found that 'droplet world' may be a more accurate description, as our results suggest that droplets became evolvable molecular aggregates—one of which became our common ancestor. >> Muneyuki Matsuo.

Answering a century-old question on the origins of life. Hiroshima University. Sep 27, 2021. 


keyword 'drop' | 'droplet' in FonT

keyword 'transition' in FonT

keyword 'transizione' in Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry): 

keywords: life, originsoflife, transitions, drop, droplet

venerdì 17 settembre 2021

# gst: apropos of transitions: effects of random waves interacting with a coherent structure

<< Solitary waves interacting with random (..) waves (..) are studied. Two opposing types of dynamics are identified: First, the random thermal waves can erode the solitary wave; second, this structure can grow as a result of this interaction. These two types of behavior depend on a dynamical property of the solitary wave (its angular frequency), and on a statistical property of the thermal waves (the chemical potential). >>

<< Either process leads to an increase of the wave entropy. >>

Yuanting Chen, Benno Rumpf. Growth or decay of a coherent structure interacting with random waves. Phys. Rev. E 104, 034213. Sep 15, 2021.


keyword 'waves' in FonT

keyword 'onda' in Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry)

lunedì 17 maggio 2021

# gst: modeling complex nanofibril-based (cell) walls to meet diverse (bio-physical) constraints.

<< A plant cell wall's unique ability to expand without weakening or breaking -- a quality required for plant growth -- is due to the movement of its cellulose skeleton >>️

<< The new model, (..) reveals that chains of cellulose bundle together within the cell wall, providing strength, and slide against each other when the cell is stretched, providing extensibility. >>

<< The new study, (..) presents a new concept of the plant cell wall, gives insights into plant cell growth, and could provide inspiration for the design of polymeric materials with new properties. >>

<< For a long time, the prevailing concept of a plant cell wall has been that of a gel that is reinforced by cellulose fibers, with the stiff cellulose rods acting like steel rebar in cement, (..) However, we determined that cellulose chains instead stick to each other to form a network of cellulose bundles, which provides a lot more mechanical strength than disconnected rods floating in a gel. And it's the cellulose chains, rather than other components, that limit cell wall expansion, sliding alongside each other like an extension ladder when the cell is stretched. >> Daniel Cosgrove. ️
What makes plant cell walls both strong and extensible? Penn State. May 13, 2021. 

Yao Zhang, Jingyi Yu, et al. Molecular insights into the complex mechanics of plant epidermal cell walls. Science. 
Vol. 372, Issue 6543, pp. 706-711
doi: 10.1126/ science.abf2824. May 14,  2021. 

giovedì 8 ottobre 2020

# gst: observing the crystallization process in a droplet

<< Crystallization is the assembly of atoms or molecules into highly ordered solid crystals, which occurs in natural, biological, and artificial systems. However, crystallization in confined spaces, such as the formation of the protein shell of a virus, is poorly understood. Researchers are trying to control the structure of the final crystal formed in a confined space to obtain crystals with desired properties, which requires thorough knowledge of the crystallization process. >>

AA << used a droplet of a colloid—a dispersion of liquid particles in another liquid, like milk—as a model for single atoms or molecules in a sphere. Unlike single atoms or molecules, which are too small to easily observe, the colloid particles were large enough to visualize using a microscope. This allowed the researchers to track the ordering of single particles in real time during crystallization. >>

<< We visualized the organization process of colloid particles in numerous droplets under different conditions to provide a picture of the crystallization process in a sphere, >> Peng Tan

<< Based on their observations, the team proposed that the crystallization process involved three stages: initial ordering on the surface "skin" of the droplet, nucleation and growth in the core of the droplet, and then slow ripening of the whole structure. First, a skin consisting of a single layer of ordered colloid particles rapidly formed on the droplet surface. Next, crystallization occurred in the core of the droplet, far from the crystallized skin. The competition between crystallization in these two regions controlled the structure of the final crystal. The researchers found that the "soft" (long-range) interactions between the negatively charged colloid particles affected their organization and the resulting crystal structure. These soft interactions are dominated by kinetics, that is, the interactions that form the fastest, rather than those that use the least energy to give the thermodynamically stable structure, illustrating that kinetics plays an important role in crystallization in a confined space. It was already known that thermodynamics contributes strongly to the final structure of crystals. >>

Having a ball: Crystallization in a sphere. University of Tokyo. Sep 21, 2020.

Chen Y., Yao Z., et al. Morphology selection kinetics of crystallization in a sphere. Nat. Phys. doi: 10.1038/ s41567-020-0991-9. Sep 21, 2020.


Control of material crystallization by agitation. Osaka University. Jun 08, 2017.

keyword 'drop' or 'droplet' in FonT

martedì 10 marzo 2020

# gst: apropos of 'transitions', liquid-liquid transitions within a one- component system

<< For a long time, the liquid state of pure substances was believed to be a continuous state in which the component atoms or molecules are all equivalent. However, it has now been widely shown that there can be multiple phases within liquids, even those containing only one component. >>

AA << have devised a model based on two factors that describe the ordering of the liquid; the density, and the local organization of the liquid atoms or molecules at a particular point. >>

<< Our Ginzburg-Landau-type model evaluates the system using two order parameters; one that is conserved-density; and one that is not- local structural order (..) What we found was that the growth of the liquid domain we studied was affected by density changes that cause hydrodynamic fluctuations. >> Kyohei Takae.

<< It was shown that when the density changes as a result of the phase transition, hydrodynamic flow is induced leading to changes in both the rate of domain growth and the long-range interaction between the domains. Hydrodynamic interaction was therefore found to be critical to LLT (liquid-liquid transitions) and the pattern evolution and kinetics. >>

But what about flow? The effect of hydrodynamics on liquid-liquid transitions. University of Tokyo. Feb 10, 2020.

Kyohei Takae, Hajime Tanaka. Role of hydrodynamics in liquid–liquid transition of a single-component substance. PNAS. 117 (9) 4471-4479. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1911544117. Mar 3, 2020.


more on the weirdness of water, "T" and "non-T" Tetrahedral arrangements. Feb 5, 2020.


keyword 'transition/al' in FonT

keyword 'transizione/i' in Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry)

keyword 'transizionale/i' in Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry)

mercoledì 26 febbraio 2020

# gst: NS3, how viruses self-cripple their genome replication machinery

<< An interdisciplinary team of researchers (..) has used computational chemistry, biochemistry and virology to uncover new information on how viruses such as West Nile, dengue and Zika replicate. Based on their research, the team said these viruses appear to cripple their own genome replication machinery.  >>

<< Nonstructural Protein 3 - or NS3 - in flaviviruses, (..) cause a number of diseases in humans. NS3 is a key enzyme that these viruses use to copy their genomes. >>

<< Most vaccines are developed by finding random mutations that slow down virus growth, (..) By understanding how viral enzymes like NS3 work in great detail, we can use that information to rationally design new mutant viruses that replicate less well and act better as a vaccine, without having to rely on chance to make the vaccine. This can help develop vaccines more rapidly and precisely. >> Brian Geiss.

New details on how a viral protein puts the brakes on virus replication. Colorado State University.  Feb 7, 2020.

Kelly E. Du Pont, Russell B. Davidson,  et al. Motif V regulates energy transduction between the flavivirus NS3 ATPase and RNA-binding cleft. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 295, 1551-1564. Feb 7, 2020.


keyword 'NS3 enzyme' in ncbi

sabato 28 dicembre 2019

# gst: scrambling does not necessitate chaos.

<< Focusing on semiclassical systems, (AA) show that the parametrically long exponential growth of out-of-time order correlators (OTOCs), also known as scrambling, does not necessitate chaos. Indeed, scrambling can simply result from the presence of unstable fixed points in phase space, even in an integrable model. >>

Tianrui Xu, Thomas Scaffidi, Xiangyu Cao. Does scrambling equal chaos? arXiv:1912.11063v1 [cond-mat.stat-mech] Dec 23, 2019.

sabato 29 giugno 2019

# brain: immagini #CTZ, cicliche fantasmatiche pervasive visioni ricorrenti

<< Vladimir Putin has trumpeted the growth of national populist movements in Europe and America, crowing that liberalism is spent as an ideological force.

In an FT interview in the Kremlin on the eve of the G20 summit in Osaka, Japan, the Russian president said “the liberal idea” had “outlived its purpose” as the public turned against immigration, open borders and multiculturalism. >>

Lionel Barber and Henry Foy in Moscow,  and Alex Barker in Osaka. Vladimir Putin says liberalism has 'become obsolete'. FT. Jun 27, 2019 


i giochi fisiologici che si giocano su questo pianeta (forse anche altrove) sono giochi 'aperti', all'interno dei due vincoli del gioco 'legale' (sostanzialmente i due vincoli del casino' [#1,#2]); al di fuori dei due vincoli non c'e' auto-struttura, auto-funzione, auto- manutenzione, e dove non c'e' auto- manutenzione la speranza di sopravvivenza - in funzione del tempo - di qualsivoglia sistema vivente cala, smorza, scema, declina; questa sembra la realta' funzionale di un sistema complesso dove le interne sub-unita' sono in continua interazione (non lineare); la propensione di entita' CTZ sensibili, specialmente quando costrette a fronteggiare bi/ multi- forcazioni, di ricondurre i punti di riferimento decisionali alle classiche, storiche, rituali  tre 'immagini'  (CTZ,  appunto) - il 'Campanile', la 'Terra', la 'Zappa' (da li' l'anagramma: 'ne Campa il ZappaTerra') - e' sostanzialmente illusoria perche' i tre punti di riferimento CTZ non permettono all'entita' transeunte di risolvere / reimpostare in modo soddisfacente i suoi problemi, veri o presunti tali; talvolta si ha l'illusione di una risoluzione, che sara' tuttavia irreversibilmente instabile rispetto al tempo; il Campanile e' una immagine che per sua intima natura e' relativa, le teoretiche che lo giustificano, lo sostengono, hanno contorni s-fumati, che scricchiolano (evaporano) dalle troppe contraddizioni interne; la Terra 'trema', anch'essa per sua intima natura, e' transitoria, si incendia, congela, sbricciola, frana, si allaga, viene spazzata periodicamente da vortici d'aria, e' sensibile a imponenti  forze esterne, cosmologiche, percio' partecipa attivamente alla  compromissione della stabilita' di qualsivoglia Campanile (Totem, Lampione ...); la Zappa e' per sua intima natura un oggetto 'techno', dipende dallo stato dell'arte tecno-scientifica, e attualmente e' in mutazione verso le graziose forme del 'robota', oggetto prospetticamente autonomo,  fisicamente, neuralmente (culturalmente?) ...

Il bravo (e fortunato) dr. Albert - Albert Hofmann, chimico con il pallino dell'azzardo sperimentale, un classico ... - aveva forse trovato il giusto approccio, la giusta 'medicina' per offrire 'respiro' anche a lungo termine alle moltitudini entita' CTZ-dipendenti (neuralmente, geneticamente dipendenti?), specialmente se e quando  coinvolte in contesti di accidentale modalita' accelerativa transeunte; e' davvero disdicevole che la molecola di Hofmann (LSD [#3]) presenti effetti collaterali non insignificanti; se gli effetti 'epigenetici' sono fisiologicamente troppo lenti per fronteggiare una realta' mutaforma dirompente e pervasiva, allora forse servirebbe una nuova 'magica stringa' [#4] farmacologica o di natura genetica, farmaco-epigenetica, allo scopo di alleviare almeno quegli stati confusionali, depressivi e i comportamenti a-priori lesivi- autolesivi tipici dell'entita' CTZ-dipendenti; anche e senz'altro per quell'altre entita', ben mimetizzate, a loro dire solo apparentemente illusoriamente insensibili a visioni / vincoli CTZ.

Davvero disdicevole accadimento (per i non pochi) lo storico 'salto' dallo 'standard' entita' nomade esploratrice erratica verso il qualcos'altro, ...  non e' vero?

[#1] - Notes. 1809 - strutturanti decisioni. Nov 26, 2004.

[#2] - Notes. 1821 - i due beffardi vincoli. Nov 26, 2004.

[#3] - 'LSD' in: FonT.

[#4] - 'magic string' in: FonT. An ethno-drug revisited ... Ayahuasca, prelude of a "magic string" in neuropharmacology. Jul 8, 2018.


FonT. JARexit: the ironic probabilistic upshot of the itinerant, escaping IR77, Promobot. Jun 25, 2016.

FonT. The next step of a "liquid society": Jia Jia, they will love "her" ...  Jan 10, 2017.